Top 10 ‘Bucket List’ Destinations for Americans
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: robert-in-ohio • 10 years ago • 15 comments
10. (tie) Greece
10. (tie) Antarctica
9. Tahiti
8. Europe River Cruise
7. Fiji
6. Bora Bora
5. Europe Mediterranean Cruise
4. New Zealand
3. Ireland
2. Italy
And the winner is
1. Australia
Based upon what I've heard over the years, most of these have comes as no surprise...with one exception. I didn't know that Antarctica woud be so popular.
I intend to go one one or more European river cruises some day. Everyone I know whose been on one has said wonderful things about them. (Although they are very expensive).
The only ones on this list I've been to are Greece and Italy-- would very much like to return to both, especially Italy.
Better get my travel on. I can check Ireland and have begun preliminary plans for Australia/New Zealand. According to this list, guess our choices are good so far
Love traveling...just have to reconcile bank account with travel desires!
I knowa number of folks who have gone or are planningto go on trips to Antarctica, but I also was surprised to see it in the top 10 favorite places to go before you kick the bucket.
I have been to all the places in Europe but would love to go back
Thanks for the feedback
Australia and New Zealand - I envy you
Both of those are high on my list as well.
And as a matter of fact, another goal is a bigger bank acct-- haven't been all that successful there as yet! (Although since I switched to a credit card that give frequent flyer miles, I have n't much of anything for any airfare for years...)
Like you, any credit card we use gives ff miles. When one gets in the habit of using credit cards like a checking account, pays the balance off monthly you can really rack up the miles.
Earlier this year we were able to fly first class to/from Hawaii for under $50.00 in airline/TSA fees. Luggage was free and reduced miles since I was able to book months in advance. It can take a lot of time and effort, but creativity (code for cheap) is the name of the travel game.
Yep-- since I switched to ff miles cards I've saved lots. People who've never done this find it hard to believe how little you pay for airfare if you do that.
As you mentioned, if you use any credit card it pays to pay in full in month-- the interest rates on past due amts on them is astronomical! (I put them on auto-pay a while back-- the full amt due is automatically paid each month).
Also, I used to put only large purchases on cards-- I always paid small purchases in cash (for example, I always used to pay the bill at grocery stores in cash). But then I switched --I put everything I can on credit cards. Over time it adds up.
(There was a time when credit cards had a minimum amt you could charge but that's no longer true. Abut 2 weeks ago I purchased a single cup of coffee-- and put it on a card!).
Greece, Australia and Italy are on my list! All of these places look like Paradise!!
I didn't even know that I had a ''bucket list''. I was very fortunate in my business life that I have been to each of the places listed, and lived in a couple of them. The one exception is that ice covered land.
Uluru (Ayers Rock) is stunning. It changes color as the sun moves. When it rains in the outback, (very little) water collect on the top and creates waterfalls pouring over the sides. Beautiful sight.
Werented a sailboat and sailed many of the Greekislands.
Time to get out the photos...LOLOL
One of most favorite places is, Tisa's Barefoot Bar, Aleca Beach, Pago Pago Samoa. Oh the stories I could tell.
SOunds like you have been very fortunate in the traveling department
I am a little jealous
Now that we are retired, we are trying to get to some places that we didn't have time or money for when we were raising the kids and in career mode.
I am confident that you will see all the places you want to see
My youngest son travels extensively for business and accumulate so many miles that he never buys tickets for his vacations and even sends the rest of us on trips time to time on his miles.
It is a good program for the frequent business traveler for sure
RIO, if you haven't been there, I would recommend New Zealand or the South Pacific. Those IMO, should be at the top of the Bucket List.
I am working on my wife - she hates long flights and well New Zealand is quite a hike from NE Ohio if you know what I mean.
We will get there.