Category: Entertainment
Halloween (1978)
The Exorcist ( 1973)
It's Alive (1974)
Jaws (1975)
Psycho (1960)
You can play this while you pass out trick or treat candy
I hear some of these and they make me laugh; the Psycho "screech" is still my favorite.
Thank you ''Great Pumpkin'' for the great article.
OK, back in the day, this one used to creep me out to the max... Rosemary's Baby--
Best Halloween costume EVER: Donald Trump dressed up as "The 45th President of the United States" Happy Halloween!
My 6 year old nephew (Nightwing) refused to #TrickOrTreat at houses with Trump signs
How about a true Halloween carol!?
The "Souling Song" or "Soul Cake Song" as interpreted more traditionally by Kristen Lawrence, and less so by Sting...
People rarely pay any attention to the supernatural side of Halloween any more, which is a shame. I enjoyed the Kristen Lawrence video.
Dear Friend Larry Hampton: How about Hector Berloiz's, Symphonie Fantastic?
There is a section of it dealing with Halloween type themes like witches and terror.
43 visitors
You can play this while you pass out trick or treat candy
I hear some of these and they make me laugh; the Psycho "screech" is still my favorite.
Thank you ''Great Pumpkin'' for the great article.
OK, back in the day, this one used to creep me out to the max... Rosemary's Baby--
Best Halloween costume EVER: Donald Trump dressed up as "The 45th President of the United States" Happy Halloween!
My 6 year old nephew (Nightwing) refused to #TrickOrTreat at houses with Trump signs
How about a true Halloween carol!?
The "Souling Song" or "Soul Cake Song" as interpreted more traditionally by Kristen Lawrence, and less so by Sting...
People rarely pay any attention to the supernatural side of Halloween any more, which is a shame. I enjoyed the Kristen Lawrence video.
Dear Friend Larry Hampton: How about Hector Berloiz's, Symphonie Fantastic?
There is a section of it dealing with Halloween type themes like witches and terror.