
Republican Clinton Cash Scandal Collapses Before The Book Is Even Released


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  moonchild63  •  9 years ago  •  4 comments

Republican Clinton Cash Scandal Collapses Before The Book Is Even Released
The scandal that Republicans hoped would take down Hillary Clinton has already sputtered and fizzled as the media has largely debunked the book Clinton Cash as strong on allegations, but weak on facts.

The main allegation is that Hillary Clinton was influenced by donations to The Clinton Foundation to use her position as Sec. of State to block the purchase of uranium mine.

Time magazine noted that the allegation first reported in The New York Times was not supported with evidence, “The suggestion of outside influence over U.S. decisionmaking is based on little evidence — the allegations are presented as questions rather than proof. The deal’s approval was the result of an extensive interagency process that required the assent of at least nine different officials and agencies.”

NBC News backed off of the Clinton Cash story too, “Indeed, upon reflection, that Times article doesn’t hold up that well 24 hours after its publication. But if there’s a legitimate criticism of the Clintons here — especially when it comes to the other articles about the Clinton Foundation and Bill’s speaking fees (here and here) — it’s that they were sloppy, bordering on being greedy.”

ABC News, which received an advance copy of the book, blunted called out the lack of facts, “The book offers no proof that Hillary Clinton took any direct action to benefit the groups and interests that were paying her husband.”

The author of the book, Peter Schweizer, worked as a foreign policy adviser to Sarah Palin. He was a fellow at the Koch-funded Hoover Institute, a former speechwriting consultant for George W. Bush, and he has a history of botched hyper-partisan reporting.

The New York Times and Washington Post latched on to Clinton Cash potentially because they were led to believe that a companion book was coming out about Jeb Bush. However, Schweizer’s publisher said that there is no Jeb Bush book coming out.

When boiled down, the Clinton Cash scandal is nothing more than a series of empty allegations. Clinton Cash is equal to the Benghazi scandal and every other conspiracy based witch hunt that Republicans are engaging in.

The book has not been released yet, but instead of blowing up into a major story that will rock the 2016 election, Clinton Cash is poised to join the dusty pile of failed Clinton conspiracies of years past.

Rand Paul has been talking up Clinton Cash as the game changer that would disqualify Hillary Clinton from office, but what the episode demonstrated is how out of touch with reality Republicans are, and how eager some in the mainstream press are to enable the GOP’s delusions.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

"The book has not been released yet, but instead of blowing up into a major story that will rock the 2016 election, Clinton Cash is poised to join the dusty pile of failed Clinton conspiracies of years past."

Somebody should have informed the Minions because like Not about Bigotry (8 years of "We" obstructed) just "Political/Philosophical" differences, but not as Secret as the meeting in 2009!

Some feign it is Principle of the Hypocrisy that matters like a child dead from a belly wound in an

Open Carry State park because someone Thought he was a Black man with a Gun,

yet they wanna pry my 2nd away via NRA didn't show up then or now!

A🎉🎉Hats for Purity need to find the Jesus they claim!

Debut led as Junk in 2015 & this morning its more Gospel than a Sty in a Eye @ the alter of

Hypocrisy - which is scripture on point & in context!

Make an Eye appointment & keep your girl children away from the Republican Pervert Candidate!

Don't Boo, boo Vote ✌🗽

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    9 years ago

Good find!  Jokes on that author, huh? Still talking about it and the FBI is pressing for further investigation 18 months later.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63  replied to  Sean Treacy   9 years ago

If you liked that you'll Love this

"Donald Trump may prove to be the cataclysmic loser from the exposure of the "Access Hollywood" tape that contained probably the crudest, most offensive language ever heard from a presidential nominee."

Oh, that's Right some prefer debunked fiction to the out of his Own mouth Truth, gives Bushwhacking a Whole perverted new hypocritical meaning!

Run away, yet there is no place to hide & FYI Hitler preferred a suicide pill to owning his Convictionsnot listening tough guy

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

When boiled down, the Clinton Cash scandal is nothing more than a series of empty allegations. Clinton Cash is equal to the Benghazi scandal and every other conspiracy based witch hunt that Republicans are engaging in."


"For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the 'crack' capital of the world."



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But by All means "Proceed (my 'angry') Guvnors', proceed"


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