
How does one hold their Nose where Sexual Assault & Abuse are Concerned!?


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  moonchild63  •  9 years ago  •  0 comments

How does one hold their Nose where Sexual Assault & Abuse are Concerned!?
Well, the people have spoken & some are presently speaking back regarding the so called president elect & those who held secret meetings, yelled "LIAR" @ State of Union, Obstructed on


A/K/A DEFAMATION (which is an Actionable Tort Mr. President, not just something for a defamer - in transition to power - to Skirt on hummph Principle!)


Changed their job description to 'One-Terming" to undermine the people's (@ that time "Mandate") Voice regarding " Hope & "the changes" they voted and Won (twice) for, but to Hear the Revere today

They #Never belly-ached & worked Hard @ reconciliation & bipartisanship in 2008 & 2012, yet LIKE the MESS that Bush made (& left to the left to Clean Upo) & the Actual Two wins of Obama -

They wish to Svengali away & claim

The (their) dirty behaviour, rhetoric & Intent (legal word, like defamation!) CLEAN!

But some want more than they have a Right too or a Right to take!

My grandson came home from school (Elementary, First grader) yesterday & told his Mom

"a little boy came up to me momma & he said, Now that " t"Rump is president, he was gonna make my sister S๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰k his d๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘!"

I "Hope" the Patriotic Proud Parents' eventually Choke on their Bile & that We don't have more of these lil Hitleresk perv's to deal with, yet

Hope (as Many mocked) where some Citizens are concerned with its Clear mandate from bigots, yet Sexual assault

is different then the Politics' of Bigotry - isn't it!?

Watching election night & listening to the Justification re: the sexual allegations toward president elect (as well as His own words regarding women & inappropriately His own daughter)

is Not a pass (for me or any other women!) or just a "little fail!

The Lady said (straight faced) "Oh, that was his " past," he's not like that


WOW, thirsty, desperate/disparate Bigots just

"BAM took it up a notch!"

Yet, not that long ago there was Todd Akin unable to control his agenda of inside Rape (being) redefined - that our Do Nothing (for the "Black")

Congress @ the time - No, you say:


(Some may attempt to deflect on source, yet Subject matter & actual foot prints are not deflected or deflect-Able!)

Know those who would call you Enemy - an so a small

๐Ÿ˜ฒemergency quick education Dangers in America Kit๐Ÿ˜™



& for those who mock, hide behind FBI henchmen & bitter minions, just in case you Need reminding:


& the link above should -

start Nicely! (If you have Not seen " Koch Brother's Exposed," you better while you still can!)

How does one hold their Nose regarding Sexual Assault/Abuse!?

Do not know -

As an Incest Survivor, I do not take Kindly nor suffer such predators Lightly

& neither should any or those claiming "youthful indiscretion (s),"

"all better now!" or that it is about "Sexual gratification"

& not power/control! must mean you haven't every been Assaulted & Victimized in this regard

& good on you!

Bigot speak has gotten a Pass in America since before 1865 & certainly since (even with the Hate clause Exception of the U.S. Constitution)

& those victimized by Rape (& other such actions) know the exceptions for rapist:

they are innocent until someone (including law enforcement) can let um get away with it

& boy did the

Voters for"t"Rump not only Let him get away (thanks for the assist Comey & FBI!), if that lil Child of the Corn minion is any indication

they have also Emboldened a ("alleged" EVEN with His own words) Sexual Predator & those minions!

What works for Some (as Obstructed hope & change denotes) does not work for others - it is Life & a Given,

yet Sexual Assault shouldn't be one that "Works"

from Our White House! save you Bill & Monika unless you wanna talk about Attwater & Reagan, "Just Say No," BS policies etc. Or

The MANY Mess(es) that the Bush(es) made, left & still keep on giving (like Afghanistan, I hear Obama, but KNOW Bush HW. Google - left in Desert for hearts & minds attitude of the Afghan people RME's)

Held your noise indeed, buried Humanity, principles, purported family values/morals, patriotism, democracy & well

Decency goes without Saying - even though It

Shouldn't - braggadocios Patriot's


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