
Women Accusing Trump Won't Be Intimidated After Election, Lawyer Says


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  moonchild63  •  9 years ago  •  1 comments

Women Accusing Trump Won't Be Intimidated After Election, Lawyer Says
It appears enjoyments are a

Double Edged Sword, it would appear!


"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication," the Republican presidential nominee said Saturday afternoon. "The [alleged] events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."


Really, "they ALL" LIED

"California, where the event took place, is a state that requires two-party consent on taping a conversation. But Trump clearly had consented; he was wearing a microphone throughout, and knew cameras were there as he emerged from a bus."

Yet, your Own words Hoist "your" petards!


The minions Needn't Worry though, he is sooo Apparently in loathsome company, but some Voted for him, This& it & whine - no more, but

"Proceed Guvnors" your prestige "family values" are Showing


"For two-and-a-half years Republicans sought to assuage the crime of rape whether it was redefining it to prevent women from abortion services, claiming it is a blessing from a malevolent deity, or legislating medical instrument rape to teach women their place and dissuade them from choosing their own reproductive health. This week another form of rape was exposed and it is little surprise it occurred in Texas where Republicans have made it their business to insert themselves into women’s vaginas against their will and deny them the right to choose when they give birth."

Good, patriotic, "obstruct & One-Term" the Black president on any one drop principle, no need for subterfuge or evasion.

Yep, as my grandson was informed yesterday - 1st graders can sexually assault with the rest!

How does one hold their Nose where sexual assault & an se are concerned!?


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

How does one hold their Nose where sexual assault & abuse are concerned!?

I believe it to be a Legitimate question, but get no answer are not the defenders of patriotic Liberty able to answer me.

As an American citizen who has spent the last eight years listener ng to whine, lie and enduing Obstruction, I ask!

"t"Rump threatens to sue on Defamation, I would guess, you know when you tell a Lie & call it the truth - kinda like (LOL)


that lead to Obstruction, hich leads to Punitive Damages, yet having been sued incessantly - He @ least knows that!

President Obama is again proven the "classy" one under the circumstance - as "t"Rump did presently Admit to his tort malfeasance toward the president, yet Congress is still apparently in a


" Do Nothing for the negro President " sthick & mood!



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