
Gloria Allred won’t rule out defamation suit:....


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  moonchild63  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

Gloria Allred won’t rule out defamation suit:....
A defamation lawsuit from Allred’s clients could likely have serious implications for Trump’s administration, especially given that he is already facing another legal battle later this month.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

After multiple women came forward accusing Trump of sexual assault and harassment in early October, Trump took to Twitter and referred to the women at multiple rallies as losers. He suggested they were seeking attention and called them liars. He also implied that two of them were  not attractive enough  for his attention.

The Pervert who would be chief, again in 

'HIS OWN' words!

Yet, I'm the 'one' who needs counseling - per some NT's - LOL!

"If she "weren't" my DAUGHTER, I would "Do" her!

Just WHAT does "Do HER" mean!?

" not attractive enough "

another INTERSETING (by Criminal standards of our Rape laws & apparent apathetic culture) own 'words' statement!

This is just ONE of the Many issues surrounding theRUMP (which is a reference to the 'caricature' made of him in "Biker Mice from Mars" cartoon) who since 1980 aught, I have known to be a 

'Con' man of the Highest Order.

His 'Perversion' is not just a minor error in Judgement (that occurred briefly in 2005 with a open mic & conversation either) like the spokeswoman said election night

"He's not that person- anymore" or he 'misspoke' nor just a "distastefulness" to be IGNORED -  either!

"When 'people' tell you who "They" are," you Should (very much so)

LISTEN the first-time & BELIEVE "THEM!"

"Predator's THRIVE in the Shadows" Margaret Cho recently said on Steve Harvey, yet

Survivor's of Sexual Assault & Abuse (be it tenatively or otherwise) will shine a Light on it for all -

including those - who can (simultaneously) Hold their Noses, claiming Patriotism esp. on  

Rape "decriminalization" (or the Identity 'politikin' for that Matter, as one usually has the Other - trailing along - like TOILET PAPER (stuck to ones shoe!)

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

They may as well decriminalize murder, because a lot of these people are going to get murdered, after raping women...


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