
.........after bullying Trump tried to influence press


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  moonchild63  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

.........after bullying Trump tried to influence press
Trump also expressed petty jealousy at perceived favorable coverage President Barack Obama has received from the media.

One participant reminded the real estate developer and former reality TV star that all presidents and presidential candidates sometimes believe they receive unfair coverage, Trump yelped, “Not Obama!”

Participants said Trump also boasted of his “great” relationship with Obama, whom he now “loves” despite questioning the circumstances of his birth for years.


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Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

In 2010 when Mitch McConnell stood before Americans' & purported to Change Congresses' Job description (esp. after the Republican administration BLEW Up the Economy w/Trickle Down theories)

I thought so much for Doubt! The political/philosophical stance of the Southern Strategies - fools no one, but fool's. His presidency was being impeded on the

'One Drop' rule in our faces & it didn't get better even with the MILLIONS (in hard economy for American people EVERYWHERE) spent to 

"Make 'HIM' a " one-term" president!

Hypocrisy, Patriotism & the REAL identity politicking in that year was being 'BROUGHT' to Us courtesy of the Many Tea party fronts of the Koch Brother's - they promoted via Homemade signs, spit on Congressmen (of color) & claimed angst galore from

Skin, Obama "birthed" illegal/illegitimate to LOL

"No taxation without representation & ABSOLUTELY Refused to talk about Bush, yet Pelosi, Boehner & even (then presidential candidate) John McaCain either through complacency or duplicity/incompetence

" we have No idea, but we will get to bottom - blah....."

Did they, have they!? Waiting for statutes to expire & allowing the While Collar criminals to push legislation over the FDR legislation (they were Afraid of)

The fact that this Sycophant thinks one meeting with the man his words "Defamed" & "Harmed" (reputation, ability to fully do his job etc.) with lie that turned Obstructive are

BESTIESlaughing dude

He might wanna watch that language around the 'gullibles' he promised purity to, getting Obama-care, as well as the rest

& the Over all attempt (he & Republicans) to wipe away the Legacy of the Twice Duly Elected President of Color

The Fourth Estate got what they T served play Reality TV reporters, my advise to them -  NOW is

"Goodie & go do your Da🎉🎉  jobs" for "The People!"


Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Moonchild63    9 years ago

I saw the problem & see it here - autocorrect is 😵 changing my words etc., but @ least it isn't as gibberishy

I bow to you to Buzz under the circumstances, I owe you this!


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