
Dispute over Russia reflects growing Republican resistance to Trump


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

Dispute over Russia reflects growing Republican resistance to Trump

Republican lawmakers are increasingly at odds with  Donald Trump  across a range of high-profile domestic and national security issues, an early sign that the  GOP -led  Congress  might resist some elements of the president-elect's unorthodox agenda.

Although Trump maintains enthusiastic backing in many corners of the party, key members of the  Senate  and House have been outspoken in challenging his views of Russia and its interference in the U.S. election...



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Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    9 years ago

. . . key members of the  Senate  and House have been outspoken in challenging his views of Russia and its interference in the U.S. election, warning of potential conflicts of interest arising from Trump's far-flung business interests if he does not fully divest from his company, and criticizing the tough approach that he has taken to some companies, including his threat to impose a stiff tariff on firms that move jobs overseas.

There is also friction over Trump's consideration of ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson to be secretary of state - with GOP advisers warning that a growing number of Republican senators may be unwilling to vote to confirm Tillerson because of his ties to Russia.


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    9 years ago

No issue has so clearly divided Trump and top Republicans lawmakers as much as his dismissal of U.S. intelligence agencies that attributed the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and other political targets to Russian operatives. The tensions were exposed over the weekend, as Trump belittled the  CIA  following a Washington Post report that the agency believed that Moscow favored Trump in the election while several Republicans, including Sen.  John McCain  (Ariz.), joined with  Democrats  to call for an investigation into the matter.

"The Russians are not our friends," Senate Majority Leader  Mitch McConnell , R-Ky., told reporters Monday, voicing his support for an inquiry.


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