Iranian reformist diplomat: Iran will reap what it sows
A reformist diplomat and former director of Western Asian affairs in the Iranian Foreign Ministry warned about the consequences of the massacres. (AFP)
A reformist diplomat and former director of Western Asian affairs in the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Mir Mahmoud Mousavi, warned about the consequences of the massacres committed and perpetrated by Iran and its militias in Syria.
A reformist diplomat and former director of Western Asian affairs in the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Mir Mahmoud Mousavi, warned about the consequences of the massacres committed and perpetrated by Iran and its militias in Syria.
Mousavi, who is the former Iranian ambassador to India and Pakistan, said that “the killing of 300 thousand people and the displacement of 12 million others in Syria will only lead to hatred and violence; there will be 10 million Syrian families affected and living amid hatred. This will need two decades to be resolved.”
Actually a lot of Iranians back home have been upset by the troops who died defending Assad in Syria.
I remember when the Shah fell, and the behavior of the Iranian students at my college. It was disgraceful-- and we, as a country, were bending over backwards to help them stay here and finish their education...
I think they WILL reap what they sow, in one way or another-- as we all do...
The genocide in Syria is not only being perpetrated by Assad's Syrian forces and their barrel bombs. In fact, much of the fighting is being down by elite Iranian troops-- and numerous raids by warplanes flown by Trump's friends (the Russians) are massacring innocent civilians in large numbers
I know and it makes me sick...