These Bizarre Nature Photos Show How Strange Earth Really Is.
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: robert-in-ohio • 10 years ago • 16 commentsThese photos might look like they come from an alien planet, but it turns out our own little Earth is capable of some truly weird stuff. All of these things occur naturally across the globe because of, like, science and stuff. A lot of the reasons why go over my head, but it's all true. It's easy to appreciate the wondrous beauty of Earth without knowing exactly how it happens. Some of these are cringe-worthy, but others make me want to buy a plane ticket. And I am definitely going to pay closer attention to sunsets from now on. Take a look at some of the cool things you didn't realize happen on our home planet.
1. Never-ending Wave: Occurs twice a year in Brazil when the Atlantic ocean meets the mouth of the Amazon River. The resulting waves can travel 500 miles inland before slowing down.
2. Under-water Crop Circles: In Japan, male pufferfish flapping their fins create these alien-esque circles in the sand.
3. Bleeding Glacier: Also known as "Blood Falls" in Antarctica, the outflowing water resembles blood due to iron oxide.
4. Blue Lava: Due to the combustion of sulfuric gases at extremely high temperatures, this volcano in Indonesia produces the blue glowing lava.
5. Calcifying Lake: This creepy lake in Tanzania, Lake Natron, has such high pH levels that it calcifies any animal that goes into the water.
6. Cocooned Trees: During flood season in Pakistan, spiders are forced to flee to the trees where their webs create this effect.
7. Danxia Landforms: Over millions of years, the red sandstone and mineral deposits in certain areas of China have created these rainbow-like landforms.
8. Frost Flowers: In arctic areas, these floral ice formations occur when the temperature between the ocean and the atmosphere differs.
9. Green Flash: This rare occurrence when the conditions are right at the end or beginning of a sunset.
10. Hair Ice: Water escaping plants in freezing weather can have this follicle-effect due to certain bacteria presence.
11. Horsetail Falls: In Yosemite National Park, California, this waterfall looks more like lava with a bright orange glow at certain times of the day in February.
12. Lenticular Clouds: Probably mistaken for UFOs by Fox Mulder, these clouds occur when the moist air overflows a mountain.
13. Living Rocks: Not actually rocks, these sea creatures line the beaches of Chile and are completely immobile.
Some of the strange pictures of happenings and places in nature
A lot of beauty
Wow, RiO, amazing pics! I like #7 the best...beautiful!
Thanks...I did enjoy!
Thanks for the feedback
I liked the Danxia Landforms (#7) as well, but my favorite was the Calcifying Lake (#5)
Glad you liked them
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Wow! I've seen frost flowers before-- Only by picking them up, and not breathing on them, could I see what they were-- they looked almost like a mold or something growing on the plants...
These are great pictures!
Maybe not all that amazing, but the moon has enough light to form a rainbow over Cumberland Falls-- I've never seen this, although I've tried to see it, several occasions.
Glad you liked the pics thanks for the feedback
Your picture is fabulous s well
Thanks for sharing it
WOW!! Who knew??? These are fantastic...Thanks !!
Amazing photos RIO...
More proof that you just can't beat Nature!
Glad you liked them
They are some of the best nature shots that I have ever seen
Nor should we try I would offer
Great photo essay!
Yes, I agree!
A Mac
Appreciate the feedback
Gad you liked the pics