
Sixth-Grader Pens Adorable Apology After 'Deez Nuts' 911 Prank Call


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Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  3 comments

Sixth-Grader Pens Adorable Apology After 'Deez Nuts' 911 Prank Call

Sixth-Grader Pens Adorable Apology After 'Deez Nuts' 911 Prank Call

A sixth-grader in Savannah, Georgia, learned this week that prank calls are not emergencies.

On Tuesday, the boy hand-wrote an apology to emergency officials after he called a 911 dispatcher, said "deez nuts," and hung up, according to a Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police press release . He said his friends dared him to do it.

His parents weren't impressed, police say, and drove the boy to the Savannah 911 Center to read his letter to staff members.

"I know this was stupid but I was not listening to myself but I knew it was wrong, the boy wrote. Please forgive me for what I said. I know there will be consequences for my actions and I will not complaine [sic] about them."

Read the full letter:


The boy's parents have grounded him, which the police said was adequate punishment. Emergency officials turned the incident into a learning experience, and gave the boy and his family a tour of the facility.

This kid is certainly not the only person to take liberties with his calls to emergency dispatchers. Case in point: A man in British Columbia who used the service to complain that his hamster was being aggressive and having babies . And let's not forget the Wisconsin brothers who called 911 looking for Santa (he's in the North Pole, kids).



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

The boy's parents have grounded him, which the police said was adequate punishment. Emergency officials turned the incident into a learning experience, and gave the boy and his family a tour of the facility.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago

I think back t my childhood and muse that if I had done this, I would certainly have been grounded and I certainly would had to apologize, but I fear that I would have spent a lot of time standing as it would have been painful to sit.

Different times

It is good to see the parents proactively parenting and setting such a strong example for the boy

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Yes, times certainly have changed, butI'm glad that he wrote the apology.


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