Republicans take new steps to keep Trump’s tax returns secret
History mandates presidential candidates release tax returns
At a White House press briefing last week, Press Secretary Sean Spicer briefly flubbed a line before correcting himself. “I think there’s a huge appetite,” he said , “for tax returns, tax reform.”
He meant to say the latter, not the former, but in a way, Spicer accidentally told the truth: the public appetite for Donald Trump’s tax returns is real, and despite the ongoing efforts to keep the materials secret, calls for the president to be transparent, as all of his modern predecessors have been, aren’t going away..
For those keeping score at home, this is the third time Republicans have been forced to vote on the issue, and in each instance, they’ve voted to help shield Trump from scrutiny. That’s not terribly surprising, of course, but some of these GOP lawmakers have told their constituents they actually want Trump to release his returns.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), for example, held a town-hall event in his conservative Florida district, where he publicly encouraged Trump to release his tax returns. Yesterday, however, Gaetz, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, voted with his party to help keep the tax returns under wrap.
Lemmings, the whole bunch of them.