
From 50 Shades of Grey to politics and Alan Titchmarsh, see what came where in the top 50 most mind-numbing things


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  17 comments

From 50 Shades of Grey to politics and Alan Titchmarsh, see what came where in the top 50 most mind-numbing things

Focus Features / Getty Top Ten Boring things in the UK: 50 Shades Of Grey and Party political broadcasts
Top 50: Party political broadcasts and 50 Shades Of Grey appeared in the list

Alan Titchmarsh, Bargain Hunt and updating your CV have been ranked in the top 50 most mind-numbingly boring things in everyday life.

The study asked 2,000 adults what causes them to switch off and party political broadcasts topped the poll as life's biggest bore.

Ad breaks, queueing in the Post Office, a painfully slow wi-fi connection and delayed trains are also placed highly.

Getty Top Ten Boring things in the UK:
Waiting: Delayed trains were voted number nine

Mark Walters, Managing Director of Interparcel, which carried out the study said: ''It seems we Brits get bored very easily.

"And we all have different boredom triggers - many often find themselves restless and looking for things to do, while others relish their free time.

"It seems our general impatience is a common cause for boredom nationwide and that suggests our free time is very precious.

Getty Top Ten Boring things in the UK: Post Office queues
Queues: Waiting at the Post Office was rated number three

"It's no surprise that most of the top ten were made up of situations where we have to wait around so any areas of life where we can avoid this are embraced."

Sport bore a brunt of the blame, with extended football analysis, Formula 1 races and horse racing on TV all making an appearance.

And snooker, cricket and bowls were added to the many sporting mentions that sent those in the poll snoring.

Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Gordon Brown were all deemed boring by the poll, as well as the current affairs discussion show, Question Time.

Getty Top Ten Boring things in the UK: Party Political Broadcasts
Number one: Party political broadcasts won the top spot

Other TV entries included the daytime classics Bargain Hunt and Loose Women, while Scrapheap Challenge and Gardener's World were also shown to tip Brits into tedium.

TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh came in as the 50th entry, accompanied by the famously boring A-listers of Kanye West , Gwyneth Paltrow and Bono .

The world of work was another source of boredom - 14 per cent claimed to work with someone who bores them to death - while company meetings and Powerpoint presentations made the top fifty.

Focus Features Top Ten Boring things in the UK: 50 Shades Of Grey
Boring: 50 Shades Of Grey was rated number 17

But life outside of work doesn't provide entertainment it seems, as filling in tax-returns, washing the dishes and mindless small talk were also named.

Doctors' waiting rooms, staying in for a delivery and train delays all came within the top ten bores.

Amazingly, over seven in ten adults confessed they lead boring lifestyles, and almost half considered themselves a boring person.

Though almost a third said they're tired of their jobs, 58 per cent said they get bored on their days off.

Getty Top Ten Boring things in the UK: Doctors waiting rooms
Waiting: Sitting in a doctor's waiting room ranked highly on the list at number six

Mark Walters added: "As the research clarified, the majority of us find queuing boring. What seemed liked endless queues in the Post Office was a key trigger in the development of the Interparcel.com business.

"The emergence of the internet and the rapid development of technology mean you no longer have to queue up to send a parcel."


  1. Party Political broadcasts
  2. Being kept on hold
  3. Queuing in the post office
  4. Traffic jams
  5. Shopping channels
  6. Doctor waiting rooms
  7. Slow Wi-Fi
  8. Waiting for a delivery
  9. Train delays
  10. Ad breaks
  11. Football pundits/analysis
  12. The Kardashians
  13. Bowls
  14. Selfies
  15. Horse racing on the TV
  16. Ed Milliband
  17. Fifty Shades of Grey
  18. Darts
  19. Gordon Brown
  20. Men playing Fifa
  21. Diet chat
  22. Formula One
  23. Rice cakes
  24. Filling in tax returns
  25. Cricket
  26. Bargain Hunt
  27. Snooker
  28. Kanye West
  29. David Cameron
  30. Scrapheap Challenge
  31. Football
  32. Other people's family trees
  33. Loose Women
  34. Updating your CV
  35. Top Gear
  36. Shakespeare
  37. Gwyneth Paltrow
  38. PowerPoint presentations
  39. Coldplay
  40. Time team
  41. People telling you about their dreams
  42. The Gadget Show
  43. Bono
  44. Company meetings
  45. Question Time
  46. Buying socks
  47. Washing the dishes
  48. Gardeners World
  49. Small talk
  50. Alan Titchmarsh



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I agree with this list, I find many of these things boring also....

deepwater don
Freshman Silent
link   deepwater don    9 years ago

Good article, Nona. Interesting to say the least. Pretty much agree with all listed as being boring or tiring. I would only add one more, but definitely move it to the top.3 1/2 hr. baseball games, for 23 minutes of actual playing time. Major bore and snore, given the 162 game season. Only guys who actually work less than baseball players are the Housed of Rep. and the Senate.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I didn't even think about buying socks!!!GOOD ONE!!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

I can't add buying socks, since I don't wear them. Commando feet. LOL

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

First off, I'm taking the 5th on any further revelations as to my dress code. A man does have to have some secrets you know. Smile.gif

Hmmmm, replace number 46....Thinking, thinking......Got it. listening to any politician...As the old saying goes, ''politics is the second oldest profession, closely related to the oldest''.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    9 years ago

I see # 32 & # 33 as being closely related . Other people's family trees are often affected by Loose Women .

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Not really Petey, there mostly affected by wandering dick heads.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

I agree with these John....I read the book(s)" 50 Shades of Grey,", but haven't seen the movie. I don't know anyone who has.

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

hmm....I'm sure the books were a LOT better than the movie. That's usually the case

when a movie is made from a book.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    9 years ago


Good article thanks for sharing

There are indeed a lot of things on the list I find very boring.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Yeah, but wandering dickheads didn't make the list, so I guess the loose women find them entertaining to a degree. (at least until the time comes where it effects the family tree)

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

The discussion of "Fifty Shades of Grey" is boring.

The movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" is boring.

Experimenting in "Fifty Shades of Grey" on the other hand.....

(ie. go for it, just don't tell us all about it) Grin.gif

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Grin.gif Grin.gif

Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Thanks for stopping by RIO! I'm glad you enjoyed the article.....


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