First Golfer: Donald Trump's relationship with golf has never been more complicated
There's a fun article on , on the border between sports and politics.
Trump was first off the tee at Aberdeen in 2012,
but the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency has foiled his bid to open a second course there.
Playing golf with the 45th President of the United States offers a revealing character study of him. Donald Trump's private clubs are where he feels most comfortable, and holding court with members and guests and employees is an important part of the ritual—in the pro shop, at the driving range and especially on the 1st tee, where Trump traditionally announces the teams for a friendly wager and will typically take the best player available for his partner. Some earnest person in the group will typically keep score, though the terms of the match are usually unstated and Trump's interest in the ebb and flow of the match is modest at best. Yet he somehow knows when his putt is meaningful, and he attempts those putts with a certain amount of fanfare.
Apparently, he can actually play pretty decently... when not cheating...