Conservative Magazine : Members of Congress report to us that the president can’t hold a conversation at even a rudimentary level about issues supposedly high on the president’s agenda—tax reform, for instance, and health care.
Members of Congress report to us that the president can’t hold a conversation at even a rudimentary level about issues supposedly high on the president’s agenda—tax reform, for instance, and health care. He lies about matters both large and small and is obsessed with perceived slights in the news media.
"...As president, Donald Trump has not risen to the occasion. There was no pivot to normalcy after his turbulent campaign. No hidden statesman has emerged from inside Trump, and he has not, as he recently suggested he might, become “more presidential” than anyone other than “the late, great Abraham Lincoln.”
So far, the president is the picture of a failed leader. His administration is a disaster.
In just the past two weeks, Trump only reluctantly signed a Russia sanctions bill that passed overwhelmingly in both houses of Congress (98-2 in the Senate, 419-3 in the House). He tweeted a policy reversal on transgender individuals serving in the U.S. military that neither the Joint Chiefs of Staff nor the secretary of defense knew was coming. He allowed his communications director falsely to accuse his chief of staff of committing a felony by supposedly leaking a document that was already officially public—and then, after the fallout consumed his administration, dismissed them both. He repeatedly attacked his attorney general for his necessary decision to recuse himself from the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. He gave a highly inappropriate speech to 40,000 boys participating in the Boy Scouts’ 20th National Jamboree—a speech for which the organization felt compelled to apologize. He followed that up with a speech to law enforcement officials in which he suggested it was okay to rough up accused criminals. Police departments across the country and the acting director of the Drug Enforcement Administration publicly rebuked the president.
These sorts of fiascos and misadventures began the moment this presidency began, with the new president’s bizarre insistence that his inaugural crowds were larger than Barack Obama’s. Despite majorities in both houses of Congress, his policy agenda is at a standstill. Hundreds of high-level positions throughout the administration remain unfilled. Members of Congress report to us that the president can’t hold a conversation at even a rudimentary level about issues supposedly high on the president’s agenda—tax reform, for instance, and health care. He lies about matters both large and small and is obsessed with perceived slights in the news media."
Why is this man still president?
The Constitution?
Surely the media's wall-to-wall coverage of all things Trump has negated the need for that pesky old document. I mean they have THOUSANDS of hours of programming devoted to undermining his presidency.......that's got to count for something /s
Are you proud you support this travesty?
I'm not proud of Trump, haven't been proud of any of my elected representatives in DC for s very long time so that's not a factor for me at all.
But I am proud we have a President, duly elected according to the Constitution, who can't be removed simply by political opposition and the media..........that's not how this works
That's a good question. But here's one that goes before it: How did Trump get elected in the first place, I mean besides the Russian collusion and FAKE NEWS and all the lies and ....?
Okay, maybe we should re-word that to: Why did Republicans support Trump?
This may be part of the answer, going back in history a little over five years ago:
Grover Norquist on the GOP candidates: All we need is someone who can 'handle a pen'
linked article:
David Frum notes that Grover Norquist's CPAC speech was "charmingly blunt." Norquist would be begrudgingly satisfied with Mitt Romney as president; he would also accept a monkey, a plate of lasagna or a potted plant.
So five years later they got what they wanted. Donald Trump!
Why is Trump still president? Because he hasn't been impeached, convicted and removed from office yet.
It's not a quick process, but there are 5 investigations and 2 Grand Juries working on it now. He will not be in office that much longer. Just give it a little more time.
Pé Resists @ 4everNeverTrump 7h 7 hours ago
Hey @ BarackObama : Happy Birthday! And congrats on going 8 years without having to retain a single criminal defense attorney! # ObamaDay
It's been pretty obvious the whole time that trump is a halfwit.
Watch how he talks, half sentences, punctuated erratically and frequently. No details ever.
Trump is a classless childlike authoritarian megalomaniac who should have never been allowed to rise to the position of power over us he now holds. I believe in the long run America will regret ever electing this jackass.
I love how he makes up his own words... Bigly, is an example. It has now become a real word, thanks to usage. I like to make up words, too, as geologists do...
His best yet is: covfefe
Hi Johnrussell. It was suggested that I put a link to this discussion in another discussion stream, but I needed your okay to do that. So, I won't do it unless you tell me it's okay. But, the way it looks, just posting this comment here might put the link to this discussion on the front page. Maybe I won't need to do that link thing at all. BTW, this is a good article. Can't figure out why it's not as active as some others. Good article though!
I have no problem with any of that if no one else does, or the rules dont.
A lot of people don't want to admit Trump doesn't know what in hell he's doing. It's too "political".
Thanx again. Posted the links. Guess we'll see what happens next.
Thanks to you, I found my way here! Thank you!!!