Prophethood: Walt Disney and the Divine Mouse theory. (Striking down an idol 2)
Subtitled the Divine Mouse thought experiment: "Hijacking" the good name of Mickey Mouse for my own nefarious purposes. If they can "hijack" a religion? I can personally hijack a mouse.
The primary philosophical challenge of thought experiments is simple: How can we learn about reality (if we can at all), just by thinking? More precisely, are there thought experiments that enable us to acquire new knowledge about the intended realm of investigation without new empirical data?
Dedicated to Ibn Kammuna, in memory of his" flying man" thought experiment. Because I'm taking a really big fucking leap here.
He came up with his own version of the famous “flying man” thought experiment.
Storytelling is often seen as simply a human invented concoction, fantasy, a figment of the imagination. Yet it has been used as an effective terminological device to transmit information or knowledge across generations and has regularly been a vital component to every society that ever existed as a way of searching for, and sharing a claimed truth. Walt attempted to install far more meaning to his mouse than meets the eye.
Michael Real has written that “ Disney’s work typifies twentieth-century America’s self-image. and worldview much as Dante’s work typified Medieval Catholicism.” However, it is represented in a “utopian, idealized form.” What kind of ideals? In the 1970s, Real administered a questionnaire to two hundred people who had spent considerable time at Disneyland in California, and when he asked what virtues were especially approved by Disney presentations, the following words were listed by multiple respondents: “ kindness, honesty, truth, happiness, smile, friendliness, innocence, sweetness, generosity, sharing, creativity, thriftiness, money, industriousness, obedience, and cleanliness.”
Popular culture commentator Russel Nye, in his observations on Mickey Mouse cartoons and comic strips, has raised some related themes:
Mickey’s is a child’s world, safe (though occasionally scary), nonviolent, non-ideological, where all the stories have happy endings. Characterization is strong and simple....No Disney strip ever gave a child bad dreams or an adult anything to ponder. Mickey’s whole existence is predicated on love and security for all.... The roots of Mickey’s appeal lie in his continual reassurance that all’s right with the world, that the meek will inherit, the innocent triumph. The mouse, the symbol of all that is weak, always wins in the end .18 “Disney entertainment provides a utopian vision for which people yearn
Prophethood here, in this thought experiment, is used as rhetorical device to put forth a cynical proposition of doubt in the minds of the readers. Serious doubt as to the validity of some claims of the Nabawiyyah (Mohammad), those claimed as chosen to bring a direct message to mankind from the unseen world.
I will assume the role of the Nabi,(prophet) and claim I have received a message from the Divine lord of the universe. Mickey Mouse. I have picked Mickey because he is a widely known and beloved figure. Who does not love the mouse? There are further reasons as I will now detail. The non-believer in secular society, more often than not, calls religious beliefs fairy tails, nonsense, foolish ideas from a time that has passed. I, as a pagan, have no problem with that. Your belief does not affect me, so I just don't care.
But I will explore the concept of fairy tales and nonsensical beliefs more deeply than most have in this article. Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character, or modern-day fairy tale if you will. A talking mouse who established a worldwide empire. The empire of the Mouse is called Disneyworld, Or Disneyland. They nearly span the globe. I wish to hijack this system of commerce temporarily to try to make a point.
Quran al-Imran 3:67
Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.
"Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian" but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.
Please compare and contrast these two statements.
Walt was neither a cartoonist or an artist. Walt was the first prophet of Mickey, (he believed not in cartoon Mice but in) the divine Mouse of Revelation .
The idea on the surface is not as ridiculous as you may think.
The human animal is proved to be susceptible to delusions, both large and small. Beliefs do not have to make any sense at all. Look at Scientology and thetans. ' Operating Thetan ' Personally when my thetans act up, I give them a shot of Jack Daniels single barrel , thetans can't handle their liquor for shit, and it knocks them out for weeks. Something to do with diss-embodied spirts. and 100 proof spirits not mixing well in the human body (LOL)
But, if I were to have a claimed revelation from a god,(a Nabawiyyah) and it was revealed to me that Mickey Mouse was the god of the universe and I was its prophet. So I (as a Nabi ) said " Walt was neither a cartoonist or an artist. Walt was the first prophet of Mickey, the divine Mouse of Revelation ."
Could I then claim that Walt Disney was the first disciple of the Mouse? and I am only continuing Walt's good works.
Would you see a need to ask me questions? What connects my divine mouse theory to Mr. Disney?
Is there any proof connecting my divine mouse theory to Walt?
Why would anyone in their right mind, believe me, someone who had never met Walt, once ever?
I lived during Walt's lifetime, however. I have visited his parks and watched his cartoons all my life.
2,500 years (give or take) separated Mohammad and Abraham. What gives Mohammad the insight to know that Abraham worshiped allah, as he claimed?
There is as much evidence to support Mohammad's claim, as there is my claim about Walt. NONE what so ever. They are both equally absurd. Yet one is unquestionably supported by secular society, and the other immediately recognized as what it is. Just f---ing absurd nonsense, at its very first reading. These two delusions, in my way of thinking, are perfectly equivalent.
Weak minded individuals exist, so do idiots, morons, and social outcasts. The perfect targets for indoctrination into pseudo-religious beliefs. The laws of probability greatly suggest all three types of individuals could be found in the workforce of Disney inc. A human with a patient, persuasive personality and no morals at all could possibly cause much-unneeded grief and consternation with a semi-plausible divine mouse theory. Using the moral guiding principles of Mickey Mouse.
As a prophet, I would point out the way of Mickey in the park and contrast it with the misery outside the walls of Mickey's world. My community of belief's message is universal. It is worth dying for as well. if we can achieve utopia everywhere as we have done here in Walt's world. (if something is worth dying for) It is worth killing for as well. Manipulation of the human psyche has been perfected many, many millennia ago
“kindness, honesty, truth, happiness, smile, friendliness, innocence, sweetness, generosity, sharing, creativity, thriftiness, money, industriousness, obedience, and cleanliness.”
How about my new disciples start killing those who don't believe my divine mouse claims. Are you ok with that? are you against happiness, generosity, and truth ...................if you are against these things, YOU JUST MIGHT BE A NAZI!!!!!!!
God told me ( indirect revelation) that it is true... so, kill the unbelievers!!!
Public answers to critics of the new religion. The divinity of the "MOUSE" hark the herald angels sing his praise.
Your non-belief is really unfair. you are oppressing me!!!
What about my religious freedom to believe my nonsense! I have rights, don't I? OPPRESSOR!!
I think you may be mouseophobic, that's what I think.
Did you know the mouse is both black and white as well? making this a racial thing, do you hate race-mixing!!!!
My nonsense is harmless, it's largely sativia driven
This nonsense, however, is murderous and has been for more than 1400 years. What starts small can grow, if not vigorously and logically contested.
From page 33 of the book "Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad" by Ali Dashti
Nevertheless Islam did not prosper at Mecca. After thirteen years of the Prophet Mohammad's preaching, and after the revelation of the wonderful Meccan suras, so little success was achieved that the number of the converts in the town is generally reckoned at no more than one hundred.
Let’s examine Bin Laden’s letter to the American people, and some of the claims found within. This is what the thought experiment is driving at. This claim, and why it should be questioned.
(ii) It brings us both laughter and tears to see that you have not yet tired of repeating your fabricated lies that the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, as it was promised to them in the Torah. Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism. This is one of the most fallacious, widely-circulated fabrications in history. The people of Palestine are pure Arabs and original Semites. It is the Muslims who are the inheritors of Moses (peace be upon him)
Moses or Musa in the Quran is the most mentioned prophet in the Quran, He is said to have been a Muslim.
and the inheritors of the real Torah that has not been changed.
Proof of this claim is nonexistent, there is a better chance of finding a unicorn in your backyard, raiding your vegetable patch tomorrow morning, than producing evidence of that.
Muslims believe in all of the Prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus
Mohammad said so, so it must be true. Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were all Muslims. And Mickey is the divine mouse of the universe, in just the same way.
and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. If the followers of Moses have been promised a right to Palestine in the Torah, then the Muslims are the most worthy nation of this.
When the Muslims conquered Palestine and drove out the Romans, Palestine and Jerusalem returned to Islaam, the religion of all the Prophets peace be upon them. Therefore, the call to a historical right to Palestine cannot be raised against the Islamic Ummah that believes in all the Prophets of Allah (peace and blessings be upon them) - and we make no distinction between them.
Arabic nabawiyyah . Calling by God to communicate a divinely given message to humankind and to the unseen world of spirits. A nabi is the recipient of divine revelation in the form of general moral teaching , exemplified in the prophet's own life
kpr37 with a pagan's perspective.
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Subtitled the Divine Mouse thought experiment: "Hijacking" the good name of Mickey Mouse for my own nefarious purposes. If they can "hijack" a religion? I can personally hijack a mouse.
Dedicated to Ibn Kammuna, in memory of his" flying man" thought experiment. Because I'm taking a really big fucking leap here.
Dear Friend KPR37: Interesting premise.
I also want to read the responses to this.
Peace and Abundant Blessings.
I also want to read the responses to this.
I have provided a clue, to one source that may lead to some contentions, that legitimately may question my conclusions. I don't expect it to be used, however. I could not get through the study of three faith myself, so I doubt anyone will, just to respond to me here. (LOL)
But I did provide the opinion if they choose to. That is why I picked Ibn Kammuna, over Avicenna (Ibn Sina) who came up the flying man thought experiment in the first place.
Personally, I believed Ibn Kammuna, remained Jewish until the day he died. Because he did not believe or thought, that it was the G*d. Some of his quotes would provoke a lively discussion, however.
Ibn Kammuna was certainly born into a Jewish family. Though his writings as a rule do not betray his Judaism—if anything, they read like the work of a devout, if philosophically inclined, Muslim—his two forays into comparative religion exhibit a clear bias in favor of rabbinic Judaism.
The study of the three faiths