
DeVos Welcomes Men Back to Campus


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  vic-eldred  •  8 years ago  •  3 comments

DeVos Welcomes Men Back to Campus

Good news for college men. You’re welcome again on campus. On Friday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos   ripped up the Obama administration’s one-sided rules   on how colleges and universities handle accusations of sexual assault and misconduct. The rules,   imposed in 2011 , were so stacked against the accused — usually young men — that in dozens of cases , innocent male students were branded as rapists, kicked out of school, and robbed of future job opportunities.

Those with sufficient money and fortitude managed to get their names cleared in real courts of law — where rules of evidence, due process, and reasonable standards of proof apply. Last month a California judge   threw out a rape case against a 20-year-old   University of Southern California student, when video tapes showed sex with a female student was consensual. But he still   faces possible expulsion , because USC’s Obama-era policies tilt the scales against him — despite the vivid evidence on tape of consent. That’s the difference between American justice, where the accused have rights, and Obama’s campus sex courts, where only accusers are believed.

Advocates for the Obama rules defend them as “ survivor centered .” That means they’re biased against the accused, and bias has no place in a court. The Obama rules have been criticized by the   American Bar Association, the American College of Trial Lawyers, and Harvard Law School faculty   — hardly right-wingers.

DeVos promises new rules in the coming months. Vowing no tolerance for sexual assault, she said “ schools must continue to confront those horrific crimes and behaviors head-on .” But, “ the process also must be fair and impartial .”

Fair? Don’t hold your breath. Campuses are so dominated by anti-male ideology that it’s unlikely men there will be given a fair shake under any rules. The parade of lives ruined by campus sex tribunals proves college administrators are eager to deny males the right to have a lawyer, know the charges, gather evidence, cross-examine witnesses, or even be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That’s not going to change overnight.

Instead of improving “campus justice” — an oxymoron — DeVos should require that schools bring in police capable of collecting forensic evidence and dealing with sex charges, and defer to real courts whenever a student is accused of sexual assault or rape. Colleges need to get out of the business of sex trials.

And into the business of opening students’ eyes to the downsides of sexual promiscuity — especially fueled by binge drinking.

Right now, many colleges foster an atmosphere of free-wheeling hedonism. At Harvard, that includes running naked laps around the Yard to bring out students’ “ animalistic roots .” At nearly all colleges, dorms and bathrooms are coed. Schools like   Yale ,   Amherst , and   Princeton   kick it up a notch, offering coed bedrooms.

Colleges are creating conditions that pressure sexually inexperienced students to hook up, often after drinking. That leads to mixed signals, false expectations, and regrets. Casual sex can be emotionally bruising.

No wonder some women who engage in consensual sex claim afterward that they hadn’t agreed. Feminists are actually redefining sex-with-regrets-afterward as rape. That labels the young man as a rapist.

A video for incoming Brown University students teaches that “ consent is knowing that my partner wants me just as much as I want them .” Good luck. Even sexually experienced adults can’t always tell.

Every college requires incoming students to hear lectures on   consent   — ask before kissing, ask before touching, ask again and again. Few warn about the physical dangers and psychological pressures — despite evidence that students who engage in repeated hook-ups suffer.
Colleges are being hypocritical, fostering a sexual hothouse environment — then pinning the blame on young men when things go wrong. DeVos should put an end to college sex courts and require equal treatment for young men and young women.



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Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    8 years ago

The Obama interpretation & use of Title IX was unconstitutional and violated due process rights. That is what happens when university officials are not trusted to do the right thing. We need to have a system that is fair and gets to the truth whenever there is an accusation of rape

Freshman Silent
1.1  Willjay9  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    8 years ago
The Obama interpretation & use of Title IX was unconstitutional and violated due process rights

Wow! Congratulations! I didn't know you got appointed to the SCOTUS!

We need to have a system that is fair and gets to the truth whenever there is an accusation of rape

You really don't know the guidelines that was in place don't you? The only thing it stated was that colleges and universities did their own investigation ON TOP of the criminal investigation that was taking place....so by you making this statement you basically are saying you have no faith in the criminal justice system regarding investigation rap allegations then?

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2  seeder  Vic Eldred    8 years ago

I have complete faith in the criminal justice system, which is where a rape investigation belongs.

Are you going to tell me you know nothing of the kangaroo courts that Universities were conducting under pressure of losing federal funding?

Remember the now infamous letter Obama's education dept sent to these schools?

Willjay ?


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