A Picture of my Cock, and the Cage I keep it in...
There's no easy way to start this, except that some members have asked me for pictures of my cock, and the cage I keep it in.
Here you go:
And the cage:
These pics were taken yesterday, about a year after construction.
Plans for this Chicken Run, and the Chicken Coop we used can be found here:
Here are some pictures from a year ago as we constructed this Chicken Townhouse:
This is the frame for the floor, using Pressure Treated lumber. The actual floor is plywood, painted with white mildew resistant paint.
Here are the side walls:
Framing done, siding going up. Note the windows, and cutouts for the nesting box:
Roof was leftover tin from a previous project:
The door was constructed using the Cut Out from the siding:
Project Foreman supervises construction of the nesting boxes.
A few coats of paint, and the coop is done.
The run plans call for 4 ft height, but I modified for 6 foot. The run has no floor, so it had to be constructed on level ground. Varmints can dig under, but our 13 dogs keep them away.
A recent photo of the "girls" in their condo. We spread pine shavings on the floor mixed with Diatomaceous earth which keeps the flies at a minimum.
Well, there you have it. Fresh eggs every day.
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I know Perrie wanted to see this. What better way to share than with an article!
Hey Bruce,
First moment today I had to comment on the article. You and the Mrs. did a great job with the coop. The girls look happy and you have a mighty fine cock. He'll keep them laying.
I have to look into the local town rules about keeping chickens. The issue for me is, after they are too old to lay, I will be stuck with chickens. I couldn't eat them for dinner.
Thanks for posting this. It does give me some ideas if I decide to go ahead.
Awesome job. If you want to see a really cute hen house, check out The Hannah Montana Movie. The completed one is near the end of the movie.
Love this article but it was anxiety producing! Growing up, my younger sister had two pet chickens, "Red" and "Henrietta", a Rhode Island Red and another all white something-or-other. They were quite well trained and never left our very large yard. Every time I'd walk about anywhere near them, they would run after me, attacking and biting my ankles, jumping up on me to 'nip' at me with their beaks and overall, made my life miserable.
One day, as I thought they were in their luxurious "condominium" that my father constructed, I went out in shorts to get a tan/sunbathe. These vicious little beasts attacked me and the neighbors said they heard my screams from 3 blocks away. After that, she had to keep them penned. I still bear the scars. I do not love chickens. I eat them.
Are you planning on eating that cock? It would make sense - you know the old expression ...
Saving it for you Hal. I only eat the girls.
But do they want to be eaten?
Where do the girls get to roost?
And lay their eggs?
Last pic. There are two 2x4s in each corner. And below the window you can see the nesting box. One on each side.
Adolescent humor never gives up, eh?
Oh come on... that was cute.
How ironic for me that you happen to be waving photos of your cock around...
I am right now in the process of building a run and coop.
I like your version of the nesting box, I JUST completed the nesting boxes for mine as individual nests in a row 17x17x17 the roost will be next to the coop and I have 5'x8' raised platforms underneath both so getting rid of chicken poop is just a matter of sweeping the straw back and placing new down. The run is 15'x24' with the netting buried 6" and 90" above ground. I'm making a door for humans and debating whether to hang it as a normal door/gate or put a larger door in on rollers like a barn door. I think it would make it easier to haul straw and feed in with the barn style.
At present 4 orphingtons and 2 Amauricana banty's....I'll be adding silkies later especially if I want to breed. Silkies are so broody they will raise ducks and geese, they don't care. Not to mention cool as hell looking and a great personality.
photo courtesy of Huff Post
They are too cute!
Your birds are beautiful. I had plans to get some of the same breed but last year I came down with avian pneumonia which I got from my parakeets. Now I can never own birds due to the possibility of a relapse.
This brings back memories of my youth. We bought Rhode Island Reds as chicks and raised them inside the house until the weather warmed up in spring. The rooster was a big and beautiful bird who would chase me when I went inside the chicken pen. Nice picture of one in Wiki but haven't yet learned how to insert pics in a post.
I do vividly remember how tasty those chickens and eggs were from birds that weren't caged and were able to scratch the ground outside the hen house. And back in that wonderful time I wasn't leery of eating runny eggs and spreading that yellow goodness on home made toasted bread!
I'd post a picture of mine, Bruce, but the guys would get all jealous and the ladies would probably faint!
Uncle Bruce's next project....The ''Cat House''....