Is homosexuality conclusively and solely biologically predetermined? (ie, are you born gay?)
Not according to the APA and other authoritative figures:
“Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles ; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”
One particular user likes to misquote the last part of the message that states ""most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation"" and declare that it means that there are indeed conclusive findings and that people are conclusively born gay. Be not distracted from such senseless illogic. The truth is still no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors, and no part of that meaning has changed. In fact, they add to it that nurture (environmental factors) may indeed play a significant part in it.
There is a similar statement for 'transgenderism':
There is no single explanation for why some people are transgender. The diversity of transgender expression and experiences argues against any simple or unitary explanation. Many experts believe that biological factors such as genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences, and experiences later in adolescence or adulthood may all contribute to the development of transgender identities.
""A biological imperative does not equal predetermined sexuality and means instead that a variety of factors influences sexual orientation. Research on biological influences on sexual orientation continues.""
Abrams, Michael. 2007. “Born Gay?” Discover28:58–83; Roughgarden, Joan. 2009a. Evolution’s Rainbow:Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People. Berkeley: University of California Press.
“Innate bisexuality (or predisposition to bisexuality) is a term introduced by Sigmund Freud (based on work by his associate Wilhelm Fliess), that expounds all humans are born bisexual but through psychological development (which includes both external and internal factors) most become monosexual while the bisexuality remains in a latent state.
There is no modern scientific consensus as to how biology influences sexual orientation.” (ie, you are not born gay)
Packman, Carl. ""Gore Vidal: 'We are all Bisexual'"". Huffpost Culture. Retrieved 8 February2015; Christopher Carey. ""Trials from Classical Athens"". Retrieved 8 February 2015.
Is the LGBT movement intentionally targeting elementary students for the purpose of culturally teaching and encouraging small children to embrace homosexuality?
""A program called ""No Outsiders,"" backed by the British Department for Education, used King and King as a teaching tool for introducing students to gay issues.""
In 2006 Robb and Robin Wirthlin and David and Tonia Parker filed a federal lawsuit against the school district of Estabrook Elementary School, which their second graders attended in Lexington, Massachusetts. The Wirthlins' son's teacher had read King & King aloud to the class...
If there is no evidence that ""we are born that way"" and there is evidence that we are culturally and environmentally conditioned toward our sexuality, why then is LGBT targeting small children for recruitment into homosexuality? Why are they lying to us about it?
as i've previously discussed with you many times - the only people i see recruiting for anything are the religious who go door to door and try to convince you to attend their favorite house of worship, j
how do you go about "recruiting" someone into homosexuality, j ? is there a ceremony to "convert" them into homosexuality, j ?
Its a difficult question with no clear cut answer, but I imagine it is a combination of biology and environmental factors. I myself am straight, have always been attracted to females for as long as I can remember, and never made any choice in regards to it. I just was. Either way, who cares, a person's sexual orientation in no way affects their ability to be good, productive members of society. I will interfere in their lives and with their rights as much as they interfere with mine (AKA, they don't, at all).
It seems to me the more a person is concerned with homosexuality, the more likely it is that they are homosexual.
I have a different theory.
I believe that some of the worst homophobes are fearful that they are so attractive that they will be raped by a homosexual man and it will be justified in the same way that the heterosexual males, who rape women, claim it was the woman's fault she was raped.
Rape is about power, not sexual orientation.
I don't know about other countries, but the citizens of the United States are about as uneducated about human sexuality as it is possible to be.
that's an interesting theory, mocowgirl, it does make one wonder.
I have seen big, athletic, strictly heterosexual males come unglued when homosexuality is mentioned. Invariably, their comments revolve around performing violence, even murder, to homosexual males.
It is a fear reaction.
When it comes to lesbians, they are most interested in a threesome.
Typical heterosexual male reaction.
It is not the homosexuality that is the issue.
It is an interesting thought...
Actually it is. Here's what several different studies have shown:
I have read that many people are bisexual, but tamp down their desires because it is socially taboo to be sexually attracted to the same sex.
Maybe some day we will be able to allow people to have consensual sex without putting them under a microscope to see if they are "normal" or not.
Lol. Ridiculous and unscientific.
It would be interesting to see similar studies performed today with brain imaging.
Really? How about these:
All of the available peer-reviewed, unbiased science indicates that sexual orientation is inborn. However, there are so many deniers here on Newsvine and elsewhere. I know that you deniers will not believe any of this, because it did not come from YOUR "science book" -- a/k/a the Holy Bible -- or from your op-ed pieces published in biased websites (and certainly NOT based on any scientific research), but for some strange reason, I am compelled to set the record straight (no pun intended).
Royal College of Psychiatrists
American Academy of Pediatrics
In case you STILL don't get the message, you can check out these articles:
Really? then explain why the APA (as you cited) says: "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.” That one statement alone demolishes your entire argument, as it clearly implies sexual orientation is something that we "born that way" (Funny how you neglected to emphasize that part). Well, that and Eginnj's sources and arguments too!
Hello eginnj... How is your day today?
I'm not sure why your reply is addressed to me?
Rice WR, Friberg U, Gavrilets S. Homosexuality as a consequence of epigenetically canalized sexual development. The Quarterly Review of Biology . Published online 11 December 2012.
Bocklandt S, Horvath S, Vilain E, Hamer DH (February 2006). "Extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation in mothers of homosexual men" . Hum. Genet. 118 (6): 691–4.
Camperio-Ciani A, Corna F, Capiluppi C (November 2004). "Evidence for maternally inherited factors favouring male homosexuality and promoting female fecundity" . Proc. Biol. Sci. 271 (1554): 2217–21.
LeVay S (August 1991). "A difference in hypothalamic structure between heterosexual and homosexual men". Science 253 (5023): 1034–7.
Blanchard R, Klassen P (April 1997). "H-Y antigen and homosexuality in men". J. Theor. Biol. 185 (3): 373–8.
McCormick CM, Witelson SF (1991). "A cognitive profile of homosexual men compared to heterosexual men and women". Psychoneuroendocrinology 16 (6): 459–73.
There is also the age-old question: if you believe that homosexuality is a choice, tell us when you chose YOUR sexual orientation. You see, if you didn't choose to be heterosexual, why would you think that homosexuals made a choice? And if you DID choose to be heterosexual, that makes you bisexual.
You who deny the truth might also consider the fact that homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom; it has been documented in at least 1500 animal species (besides humans). Yet bigotry and homophobia are only found in ONE species. I'll let you figure out which one that is, if you can.
Oh, you think facts, studies, research are going to get through to the neanderthal? Good luck.
Science suggests not "born gay." It's there well before birth.
Logic also suggests sexual orientation is not a choice. If someone thinks one can choose to be gay then I challenge them to do so. Just be gay for 10 minutes and then go back to being heterosexual. Come back here and explain how that feat was accomplished.
Nobody will accept this challenge. Why?
I mentally went through all of the lesbians that I know and can't imagine having sexual contact with any of them.
I mentally went through a list of men that I know are gay and I can imagine having sexual contact with them.
Does that count?
It certainly counts as an engaged, thoughtful reply but it of course is the opposite of taking the challenge.
I have been told that I don't take direction well. It just goes to prove I was given proper feedback in the past. LOL!