
ALS Patient Confronts Jeff Flake on A Plane


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  larry-hampton  •  8 years ago  •  9 comments

ALS Patient Confronts Jeff Flake on A Plane

"What should I tell my son or what should you tell my son if you pass this bill?"

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) boarded a plane leaving Washington, D.C. on Thursday, less than a week after voting for a tax bill that could result in   devastating cuts to disability programs .

Ady Barkan, a 33-year-old father living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), boarded the same flight after spending several days protesting the very legislation Flake helped ram through the Senate.

Barkan, who could be one of the   millions of Americans severely harmed   by the bill, wanted an explanation.

Approaching Flake on the Thursday night flight to Arizona, Barkan demanded to know how the senator who in October condemned President Donald Trump for his " flagrant disregard of truth and decency " could proceed, just weeks later, to vote for a bill that may   trigger life-threatening cuts   to programs that children, the elderly, and the disabled depend upon for survival.

"Mick Mulvaney of the Office of Management and Budget is individually responsible for choosing and implementing those cuts," Barkan told Flake. " He thinks people on disability are just slackers, so what happens? What should I tell my son or what should you tell my son if you pass this bill and he cuts funding for disability and I can't get a ventilator?"

ALS, Barkan explained to Flake, "has a life expectancy of three to four years, no treatment, no cure." As the condition progresses, Barkan's  medical bills will soar , and he will continue to need additional assistance to stay alive. The GOP tax plan could deprive him of these necessities.

After Flake commended him for being "very up on everything," Barkan responded: "My life depends on it. For the rest of your life, you will be proud if you vote this bill down. You will be proud on your deathbed, I promise you."

"You can save my life. Please," Barkan concluded. "Please remember this conversation."



jrDiscussion - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Larry Hampton    8 years ago

The promise:

Deficit neutral

No Americans will see a Tax increase

Medicare will not be cut

...all lies and Bullshit.

,,,but, corporations will see a permanent tax cut.

Wake the fuck up America. We are being screwed and not even being bought dinner or lubed first.

Freshman Silent
3  Willjay9    8 years ago

It's funny how the Republicans sole strategy is to get the American people to trust them. They want us to trust that they wont be getting rid of social safety net once they realize that these tax cuts wont be getting paid for, they want us to trust them that the economy will somehow increase so much that these cuts will pay for themselves even though most economist say that's a delusional fever dream, they want us to trust them when they claim corporations will start creating jobs due to tax cuts, even though there is absolutely no guarantee of that happening, and some CEOs of companies have confirmed that its not going to happen, but what is seems like what we can trust is that their pockets will be lined with the thank you gifts these corporations and rich people will giving.


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