
Arizona mom batted away bee when stroller went into canal; killing 18-month-old twins


Category:  Other

Via:  nona62  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

Arizona mom batted away bee when stroller went into canal; killing 18-month-old twins

Arizona mom batted away bee when stroller went into canal; killing 18-month-old twins

Yuma police say a woman had stopped to bat away a bee while walking along a canal when her jogging stroller rolled into the flowing water, killing her 18-month-old twin boys.

Police said Tuesday that Alexis Keslar immediately entered the canal Friday morning but was unable to rescue the boys due to the water flow and depth of the canal.

The stroller rolled away from her into the canal, with the boys belted in the seat, police said, according to ABC13.com.

She managed to get out of the steep-sloped canal and called for help, but it took authorities several hours to locate and retrieve the boys.

Irrigation officials lowered the canal's water level to help the rescue effort, but Silas and Eli Keslar were pronounced dead at a hospital.

Police previously had reported the deaths but did not immediately disclose details of how the twins ended up in the canal.



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  Nona62    9 years ago

Irrigation officials lowered the canal's water level to help the rescue effort, but Silas and Eli Keslar were pronounced dead at a hospital.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    9 years ago

I cannot fathom the depth of grief and perhaps misdirected responsibility this Mom will carry for the rest of her life. Lives are irreparably changed, some even destroyedin a split-second of time. Hoping she has a support system in place and seeks professional help. The single question, "why?", will echo with no answer to be heard or understood....heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking.


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