
Why is love so hard to find part 2... Now I know!


Category:  Other

Via:  maya-ingalls  •  9 years ago  •  2 comments

Why is love so hard to find part 2...  Now I know!

Well as some of you know, I joined a dating site and was excited about all the jits of young, some young that I like as well ad older, and way older than I like interested in me. well, I pretty much weeded through some of them and came across some I liked after reading their profiles. Some of the people I contacted, texted, and even spoke with over the phone seemed very nice, although they are out of state or the country.

I met a man from the Middle East that is calling me 'his wife' kinda weird, and then a man in the State of Iowa that I have actually met, only to learn he is very sexually active (likes lots of sex), and has some very bad habbits. 1: He doesn't like to shower too often and likes natural body odor. Well for me, there is a difference between body odor and someone really stinking. 2: H likes music,so do I, but he cries a lot when listening to some certain songs. 3: his collections seem to be really important to him, he doesn't like to go out and eat much and drinks coffee that has been in the coffee maker for days. I like fresh coffee. Is that a crime? Then some 23 yo young man, very young from alabam wants to come and be with me, but has made it clear, all he's wanting is, you guessed it, sex, sex, and more sex... UGH!

However, there is a man called Brooklyn Bobby (name is Bobby) and he's from Florida. He knew I was going to go into the hospital for personal reasons and I asked for him not to come here until we talk over the phone and got to know one another. He was very insistent and persistent in wanting to be with me. Claiming "he loved me and only wanted to be with me for life'. RED FLAG! I didn't know him well and asked for him not to come to Iowa. He texted me and said he's on his way already. I asked for him not to come again, and then he began texting me over and over. I told him again via texting not to come but he did. He contacted me from the airport and asked me for my address so he could be with me, and I told him no, and that he shouldn't have come here. It's cold, and i was in the hospital. Then it all happened. His true colors began to shine in not such a good way. He started calling me names, telling me I was a c*** tease, and I texted him back asking for him to leave me alone and to go back to Florida where his divorced wife and kids were. That he should be closer to them and in a warmer state. He then proceeded to go back to Florida. YEAH! Problem solved and gone. He texted me a lot more and then he just stopped. Well, things in my life was going good until last Saturday night around 10 PM. I had just finished up my 1 hour workout at home and had taken a shower and was now in bed watching a dvr episode of "The Middle". Great show by the way.

1st text at 10:03 PM:

"Hey, I wanna F*** you up. I'm back.. watch ur self. Brooklyn bobby."

I replied to him saying that you needed to get some help and we are not meant to be together. I'm sorry, but you are scaring me, so please don't text me and go back to Florida. I also let him know that in my profile, I do not list my real town for safety reasons, and I will not give out my hometown and address to anyone unless we talk and get to know one another well enough. Goodbye Bobby, and I wish you the best in life.

2nd text at10:17 PM:

"I wanna cut your head off.. die u f*** Brooklyn bobby."

I responded to him letting him know that I was leaving and going to San Francisco on Tuesday, and will be there for a few months, and that he would be better off going back to Florida and finding someone that is more compatible with him.

I haven't heard from him, but he closed down his dating profile, and then I get a message from another man telling me that he loves my profile and wants to be with me for life. Where do I live? I want to come and see you and be with you.

Sounds too much like Brooklyn Bobby all over again.

Really, people on dating sites need to be careful, and I am so glad my friend told me not to put the name of my town on the site because there are some really weird people out there. She was right on the money about that.

Hopefully I will never have to come across this man ever, but every day I go out on walks or jogging, I wonder if he's out there watching me, and what's going to happen to me if he ever did approach me. He is once scary man that is 6'4, 230 lbs, and 44 years old. I recently turned 52 on the 14th of April, and am 5'7, 117 lbs with a very small frame and build.

Has anyone ever experienced nuts like this on dating sites? If so, what did you do, and how did you get rid of them?


jrDiscussion - desc
Alyssa Ingalls
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Alyssa Ingalls    9 years ago

Thank you JWC, I don't visit the dating site much any longer now. As you stated, there are just too many creeps out there, and Psycho Brooklyn Bobby is definitely one of them. As for your friend and the slapping, I hope he's found a steady woman to be with and is using protection. Let him know that diseases (STDs) do not discriminate. Also, a brother of mine that was heterosexual and slept around with a lot of women died of AIDs about 17 years ago. He believed it to be a 'gay disease'.

You hagd JWC. Grin.gif

Alyssa Ingalls
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Alyssa Ingalls    9 years ago

Has your friend found a woman to be with and settled down JWC? I hope so, and i hope he's learned his lesson, because some men, though married still wonder about from time to time if you know what I mean.

I hope your friend is doing good.

Take care JWC. I need to hop in the shower and get ready to volunteer at the local pantry today.



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