The Deal on DACA
This week President Trump held an open meeting with members of Congress to begin a possible deal on DACA (President Obama's illegal amnesty, which granted 2 year renewable work permits to certain illegal aliens who arrived before the age of 16). This is the issue which is ranked as issue # 1 for congressional democrats. Those illegals are after all, their true constituency. It would therefore seem to be a very simple deal. The democrats would get amnesty for about 700,000 illegal aliens, (now adults) who were brought here as children and Republicans, (or should I say the President) would get to finally, at long last, end the greatest migration in human history and tighten US border security. For the President that means ending chain migration, ending the diversity lottery for visas and enforcement measures like e-verify and a wall.
Public opinion is in favor of both sides to that deal (Numbers USA Poll) so this should be simple and easy, right?
At the meeting was the first sign that all would not go well became obvious when Senator Dianne Feinstein asked the President “What about a clean DACA bill now, with a commitment that we go into a comprehensive reform procedure? (In other words : give us what we want now and we will discuss what you want later). Kind of a new type diplomacy from the democrats. Her audacity almost paid off as President Trump, not sure about what she meant was all to quick to give her the nod until her statement was clarified by a stunned congressman. Later (yesterday) Senators Dick Durbin and Lindsay Graham presented a proposal that would grant amnesty not only to the DACA group but would also grant it to the much larger group of "Dreamers", offering all a generous pathway to citizenship and in return would end the Diversity Lottery System. Hardly a balanced "deal" to any objective observer.
What should be an easy deal is quickly becoming an insurmountable disagreement. The absolute barrier will be the "WALL". The wall has now taken on symbolic meaning. It was the President's most memorable campaign promise and is anathema to the liberal voting base. Even if we were talking about one inch of wall the democrats would resist and thus may have to once again disappoint one of their most important and overly patronized voting blocks - or as Hillary Clinton once referred to them - "the needy Hispanics".
There is nothing new here. This is old ground. We were here in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan signed the "Immigration Reform and Control Act". It was supposed to be the first and last time we granted amnesty. What has been learned from that?
I would say we learned the following:
1) Amnesty incentivizes more illegal immigration
2) A mnesty creates chain migration (when legalized aliens sponsor their relatives)
3) Si nce 1986 we have had so much more immigration coming over our southern border that the US has been demographically altered and their are political consequences
4) Granting amnesty is easy, while securing our borders is not.
We may have nothing to fear this time. There is a deadline for granting legal amnesty to the DACA people and the President is firm in his convictions: “The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc."
It's all on the democrats now.
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A serious problem for democrats
No one wants to accomplish anything in D.C. these days, besides President Trump, though it would be good if he stopped insulting other countries, though as someone that has traveleld to and lived in other countries, most of those he mentioned are shitholes.
I kind of agree with you, although the countries the President named are failing in various ways - the insulting remarks were quickly portrayed as "racist" by the leftist main stream media. Don Lemon, an actual racist, (the race he hates is the white one!) was quick to pounce on it.
As I understand it, Dick Durbin might be the only one who heard the President use that term. Others never heard it.
Kind of a timely wrench to toss into the deal isn't it?
What ever the left doesn't like has been deemed racist for quite a while now. It's no surprise that they would throw out that card again and again and again and again and again.
The Left has Screamed Racist and Played the Race Card so many times and as a catch all reply for about anything they can think of. Even if it has nothing to do with race. But is their only reply.
Kind of like the Boy that Cried Wolf too many times. (is it pc now days to say boy?)
Have you ever seen a veteran be PC? I haven't and I won't.
Good Point!
What Sen Fienstien proposed sounds a lot like how the Democrats Fucked Over Pres Reagan.
Democrats wanted Amnesty.
Pres Reagan wanted Tighter Boarder and Funding to do so also.
Democrats promised "Grant Amnesty and we will give funding for Boarder Security"
Hmm What Happened to the Funding Pres Reagan wanted?
Sure Hope Pres. Trump doesnt let History Repeat Itself!
It was Raygun's idea to give 5 million illegals amnesty.
No it wasn't - it was Allen Simpson's idea.
The result? The Dems screwed the pooch and didn't follow through on their portion of the program.
Imagine having border security as a negotiable concession?
Did you ever think you would live to see the day when US representatives would not want secure borders?
Makes ya scratch your head............
DACA is an illegal program, dreamed up by Jeh Johnson and approved by Barry. SCOTUS passed it back to the Appellate Court which means that SCOTUS agreed with the Appellate Court in that the EO was unconstitutional/illegal.
I don't care if a person's ILLEGAL ALIEN parents brought them here when they were 2 years old. Their entry into the U.S. was an illegal entry. Now the "kid" is 26 and, NOT ONCE, during those 24 years, did that person make an attempt at legalizing their standing and apply for residency.
How is that the government's fault? Why does the government have to bend over backwards to appease the 700,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN kids who have done nothing to make it right and apply for residency - AS THE LAWS REQUIRE?
I'm sorry - you got busted for breaking the law and you want us to forgive you?????
No it isn't, and no I have no idea what Barry Manilow has to do with any of this.
Don't see the "/S/" thingy, so you must be saying you have no idea who Jeh Johnson and Barry Obama are, right?
Which has many baffled about why it's even being discussed. This SHOULD NOT be continued.
There is a "Fine Line" on that one for a few reasons.
Ok Pres Obama used Executive Order Circumvent Congress and Circumvent existing Laws. Where The Legality of it comes into question.
The Fine Line Part and why it was not tossed by the Courts.........
The Premise of DACA, Dreamers were brought into the U.S. as minors, (a key word Minor) They entered the U.S. not as an action of their own resolve but as an action or another ie the parent/parents. They entered not knowingly breaking a law.
DACA is a Policy, Not Law. Also it is a Temporary Policy. It is a Policy to block ICE etc. from enforcement.
Also there have been Adult Dreamers Deported (very Few). IE Dreamer convicted of Felony etc. Whereas DACA is not a Binding Policy.
Whereas DAPA by Pres Obama was Quickly Tossed.
DACA also gave the Dreamers entitlements.
Here is my thought in part on it all...................
Many of the Dreamers are now Adults, many in their 30s etc. Havent even APPLIED for a Visa to stay. Havent even APPLIED for Citizenship knowing they are illegals. ie here under existing law illegally. Getting Benefits but Snubbing the Laws of the U.S.? Do they feel they are "Above the Law"? Is the the Attitude we want for Citizens, "Im Above the Law"?
That is something we KNEW would happen. From the start we knew that they wouldn't apply for citizenship like they were supposed to. But now that they ARE here illegally, it's time to round them up and get them the hell out. I can't even support working with them to get the process started. Many of them have had too much time to do it on their own. It's not the time to do it when suddenly it inconveniences THEM.
I don't think they feel above the law. I think they feel entitled by something that should have really never been done in the first place. Like you said, DACA is a TEMPORARY policy. It's time limit has expired and so has the illegals chance to apply for citizenship while in the country.
They want the Entitlements without putting forth any effort to get them....................................................
Malaria Trump is a criminal illegal alien invader. Her visa she used in 1995 to gain entry into the USA didn't allow her to work, or make money but she DID work as a model and DID make money. She violated her visa, and judging by the comments here, that makes her a criminal. That being said, I am sure that cons will agree that she needs to be thrown out of the country NOW.
Wow a Birther still exists..............
You can't even spill her name write.
Funny how you think its OK to call the First Lady names but I would bet if someone did the same about M Obama you would scream like a cut puppy........
And who did you say was xenophobic? Based on YOUR comment, I think it's you and not the President.