Tensions escalated after Tillerson called Trump 'moron'
This happened way back in October of 2017:
Washington - Discord between President Donald Trump and his chief diplomat is at an all-time high, spilling into public view in recent days and peaking with a news report Wednesday that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a "moron" in a Pentagon meeting.
Trump was aware before Wednesday's report that Tillerson had referred to him as a "moron" at the Pentagon this summer, but it's unclear whether Trump discussed the remark with Tillerson.
Trump called Tillerson a "moron"
So why didn't Trump decide to fire Tillerson until now? Well, based on Trump's past patterns of behaviour, when he wants to take an action that will create major news headlines-- he waits 'till he can use it to district from some other story that will cast him (Trump) in a bad light.
In this case its obviously that Trump fears a major election defeat in the special election in Pennsylvania:
PITTSBURGH - Votes in Pennsylvania's 18th District will head to the polls on Wednesday in a special election race.
Democrats, looking to take back the majority in Congress next year, are hoping a high-profile win in Pennsylvania's 18th District will give them a boost in the heart of Trump country. Republicans are hoping to avoid an embarrassing defeat in a district that has voted Republican since 2002
Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon Oil, should have never been made Secretary of state in the first place. He was a very controversial appointment that most people bitched about in the first place. I know I did. Did you? Everything I read about him said he still acted like the CEO of Exxon.
Sorry I can't help but get an overwhelming sense of fake outrage over this whole Tillerson thing.
As far as Trump waiting for what he thinks is the most opportune time? Don't they all? BTW it was Tillerson that called Trump a moron and we all know how he likes critisism.
I agree, a very bad choice...I mean, what kind of relevant experience did he have away from the boardroom.
And everything I've read about Trump said he still acts like the CEO of a large Real Estate Company . . .
(Although, perhaps ironically-- Tillerson is much better liked by our allies than Trump is...)
I agree as well-- Trump was indeed a very bad choice. after all, Trump had no political or governmental experience at all!
I guess Rex shouldn't have called the moron a moron. It's not like it needed to be said!