Sanctuary Cities and States are Losing Ground
Former President Obama left President Trump many messes. None is so pervasive as the mess involving the sanctuary movement. Over the years many American citizens questioned former President Obama’s immigration policies. Now President Trump and Republicans have taken the national conversation to radical, Democrat-controlled states and cities.
On March 13, 2018, the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Texas SB-4 law requiring local governments to cooperate with federal immigration agents when dealing with illegal aliens, thus nullifying so-called “sanctuary” policies in Texas.
A quick look at America’s sanctuary cities and states shows that they are rotting away under Democratic legislatures, governors, and mayors combined with the Democratic Party’s benign neglect of inner cities through “sanctuary” policies.
Recently declared sanctuary state California is in financial chaos, there is real street crime, and citizens are fleeing daily.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) sued California for its so-called sanctuary policies on March 8, 2018, for enacting three state laws. The first prohibits private California employers from voluntarily cooperating with federal immigration officials. The second prevents state and local law enforcement officials from informing feds when an illegal alien is released from their custody. The third authorizes state officials to inspect federal detention facilities. Trump is doing something.
The United States is a Federal Republic, with a Constitution that sets forth in Article VI, Clause 2, the granting to the federal government supremacy over state and local governments.
A Republic is a sovereign state ruled by representatives of a widely inclusive electorate of legal members of the Republic. A Republic empowers citizens to elect representatives to act for them at the federal level. The federal legislature is divided into two bodies, the Senate, whose members act for the state, and the House of Representatives, whose members act for the citizens of their Congressional District, allegedly.
“Sanctuary” is a myth that leftist Democrats, immigration advocates, and the liberal newsmedia created. There is no Constitutional nor legal basis for “sanctuary” claims by states or cities.
Neither state nor local government laws, nor ordinances, are superior to federal law in any venue. Immigration law is the sole domain of the federal government. Still, Democrats seek to have federal and state judges create new illusory exceptions to the law of federal supremacy by judicial fiat.
Democrats, socialists, and anarchists seeking state and local supremacy desire a destruction of the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution by trying to create “sanctuary” and “civil liberty safe zones” for illegal aliens residing in the United States. If they succeed they will destroy the Republic and create an unstructured land that will sink into oligarchic totalitarianism bought by the likes of George Soros.
Democrat-controlled states and cities have permitted crime, drugs, poverty, and educational destitution to flourish for more than 70 years. Democrats have controlled states like California, New York, and Washington for years. Democrats have controlled cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and San Francisco for years.
Democrat-controlled “sanctuary” states and cities make safe havens for criminals, especially illegal alien gang members. To deny this is to deny the sun rises everyday regardless of whether snow or rain falls.
The National Gang Center (NGC), part of the DOJ, has no hard nor defined numbers about gang activity in 2012 or 2018. But, NGC estimates more than 1 million gang members are in the country, and a majority of the gang members are illegal aliens.
Compare Chicago, a sanctuary city, murder numbers with world war zones. From January 1, 2018, to March 25, 2018, Chicago was a war zone — 92 killings and 397 persons shot and wounded.
Chicago in 2017 reported only 650 homicides and only 3,457 shootings — down from record-setting 2016 reported killings and shootings. Chicago political leaders and police avoid identifying the number of gang-related homicides and shootings, lest it detract from Chicago’s “sanctuary city” brag.
In March 2018, Oakland, California, Mayor Libby Schaaf made national headlines by announcing to illegal aliens that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (ICE) were conducting raids and the illegal aliens should take the necessary steps for their own good. Illegal alien gang-bangers hid out to avoid arrest. Still ICE, in spite of California's new sanctuary law and Mayor Schaaf’s warnings, made 232 illegal immigrant arrests in the Bay Area including 115 aliens with serious felony records.
Meanwhile, Los Alamitos, a small Orange County, California, city, voted to opt out of the state’s chief sanctuary law, which restricts cooperation between local and federal officials. Slowly, many locales realize that sanctuary laws mean sanctuary for criminals, not safety for the residents. California citizens are beginning to realize the “sanctuary” concept is bad.
A 2017 Harvard-Harris poll found 80 percent of Americans oppose sanctuary cities and support President Trump’s view of cutting funding to sanctuary states and cities.
I do think certain things are best left to the states, immigration policy is not one of them. It belongs exclusively to the Federal government. The US was in real danger of losing it's sovereignty, but then, along came Donald Trump!
This just in:
San Diego County Joins Trump Challenge to California 'Sanctuary' Law
SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - San Diego County leaders voted on Tuesday to join the Trump administration's court challenge to a California law limiting cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, amid a conservative backlash to the so-called sanctuary movement.
The Republican-controlled Board of Supervisors voted during a closed-door session to direct the county attorney's office to file a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the administration's lawsuit, board Chair Kristin Gaspar said.
The 3-1 vote, with one of the five supervisors absent, followed an hour-long packed public hearing on the matter.