
Woman mauled to death by seven 'very short-legged dogs' in attack near Oklahoma home


Category:  Pets & Animals

Via:  arkansashermit-too  •  7 years ago  •  29 comments

Woman mauled to death by seven 'very short-legged dogs' in attack near Oklahoma home


Oklahoma woman killed by small, short dogs near her home

By Kaitlyn Alanis kalanis@wichitaeagle.com

Seven small dogs — all with legs shorter than an adult's hand — mauled an Oklahoma woman to death while she was outside of her home last week.

Tracy Garcia , 52, of Ardmore, was attacked by her neighbor's dogs on Thursday and died from her injuries, KTEN reported .

One of the seven dogs was shot after charging at a deputy who was responding to the attack, KXII reported . The other six dogs were taken to Westwood Veterinary Hospital , where they were euthanized at the owners request.

Shelter co-director Tena Layton told The Daily Ardmoreite that six of the dogs were about one year old, and the seventh one — about three years old — was possibly the pack's mother.

The younger dogs are believed to be a "standard dachshund and terrier mix," the shelter's euthanasia technician Amanda Dinwiddie told KXII, and the older one is possibly a border collie mix.

"A predominant breed in these dogs is definitely standard dachshund," Dinwiddie told the TV station. "They have really noticeable characteristics like their knobby legs, knees, very short legged dogs and their coats."

She said all of the dogs were less than 40 pounds each.

None of the dogs had legs longer than an adult’s hand, The Daily Ardmoreite reported based off of photos kept by the shelter.

It is unclear what led to the attack, The Associated Press reported, and the investigation is ongoing.

The dogs were infested with fleas and ticks, according to media reports. There were no other visible health concerns.

"We were cleaning ticks off ourselves all day," Dinwiddie told KXII. "They are very covered, you can tell they have been living out in the woods."

The dogs were not tested for rabies, and there are no plans to run those tests.

"If there was any possible issue of them biting someone else then it would've been (done)," Dinwiddle told KXII, "but the dogs are deceased as well as the victim so there's just no reason to go spend the thousands and thousands of dollars."

No arrests have been made.

"This is a bad situation, a very unfortunate situation," Bryant told KTEN. "Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the victims. This is just a bad deal all the way around."

KTEN reported that the district attorney's office will review autopsy reports and other relevant information to determine if the dogs' owner will face charges.


jrDiscussion - desc
Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
1  seeder  Old Hermit    7 years ago

How the heck did 7 of these,

The younger dogs are believed to be a "standard dachshund and terrier mix,"


Cause such harm!?

Sophomore Participates
1.1  Skrekk  replied to  Old Hermit @1    7 years ago

"Death by Dachshund".....a truly humiliating way to go.    I'll stand still while you nibble on my ankles.

But if they were mixed with rat terriers that could be a ferocious combination albeit short.    My wolf hybrids were attacked at the dog park by a pack of 6 rat terrier litter mates, despite the fact that each of my dogs was twice the weight of the entire pack combined.

Professor Expert
1.1.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  Skrekk @1.1    7 years ago

Dachshunds don't know they're little dogs.  And if they did know, they wouldn't care.

Sophomore Participates
1.1.2  Skrekk  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.1.1    7 years ago

When I was growing up our neighbors had a dog which could clear or climb their 12' high fence and thus kept wandering around the neighborhood.     It looked exactly like a German Shepard until it stood up and you realized the lower half was all Dachshund.

Professor Expert
1.1.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Skrekk @1.1.2    7 years ago

Boy, I'd like to see a picture of that.

My dog actually looks fairly normal - somewhat longer back and shorter legs than most dogs his size, but not to the degree of a dachshund.  Rottie coloring.  Pretty easygoing dude usually, but when he's in hunting mode, he's fast, stubborn, and vicious.  There used to be moles all over my yard, digging little tunnels in the soil.  Not anymore.

Professor Principal
1.1.4  Kavika   replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.1.3    7 years ago

Doxie are great climbers...Proof positive. 


Professor Expert
1.1.5  sandy-2021492  replied to  sandy-2021492 @1.1.3    7 years ago

Casey on walk.jpg

Professor Guide
2  MrFrost    7 years ago
and the older one is possibly a border collie mix.

So a collie humped a wiener dog? There's an image that will take days to get out of my head.. laughing dude

Professor Expert
2.1  sandy-2021492  replied to  MrFrost @2    7 years ago

My baby is a Dachshund/Rottweiler mix, or so I'm told.  He was a rescue dog.  And I'm told this breeding was planned.

Professor Guide
3  MrFrost    7 years ago

Were all of her injuries from the kneecap down? 

In all seriousness, sad that the lady died... But being mauled by wiener dogs does make me chuckle a little bit. 

RIP Ma'am. 

Professor Quiet
3.1  Freefaller  replied to  MrFrost @3    7 years ago
In all seriousness, sad that the lady died... But being mauled by wiener dogs does make me chuckle a little bit.
RIP ma'am

Yep  that pretty much sums it up for me too

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4  Trout Giggles    7 years ago

I never would have figured Weiner dogs to attack somebody. There had to be more going on with those dogs.

Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
4.1  seeder  Old Hermit  replied to  Trout Giggles @4    7 years ago

Were all of her injuries from the kneecap down? 

In all seriousness, sad that the lady died... But being mauled by wiener dogs does make me chuckle a little bit. 

RIP Ma'am. 

I never would have figured Weiner dogs to attack somebody. There had to be more going on with those dogs.


If there hadn't been a death I'd of been laughing at this story as a scene straight from "The Theater of the Absurd!" .

Don't think I would have been less surprised if she had been overcome by 7 chipmunks.

Crazy ass world and I guess it's true, "No one gets out alive".

Professor Silent
4.2  mocowgirl  replied to  Trout Giggles @4    7 years ago
I never would have figured Weiner dogs to attack somebody. There had to be more going on with those dogs.

I googled for more info.

I found a site that claimed there was some pit bull breeding.  Regardless of breed, people shouldn't allow their dogs to run in packs.  This rarely happens for long in my area because the farmers don't tolerate dogs harassing their cattle and/or running them through fences.

Professor Expert
5  Krishna    7 years ago

Its obvious what the we must do-- we must change our immigration laws to limit entry from countries with many short legged dogs! (They are not sending us their must beloved, affectionate, law abiding pooches-- rather the dogs they are sending are murderers, drug smugglers and rapists! :-(

Freshman Silent
5.1  Fireryone  replied to  Krishna @5    7 years ago


Professor Quiet
5.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Krishna @5    7 years ago

Guess we need to take a closer look at dog control laws and tighter background checks for owners! Also close them pet store loopholes!

Freshman Silent
6  Fireryone    7 years ago

I can't imagine how this happened.  RIP poor lady. 

Professor Principal
8  Kavika     7 years ago

I've had a number of doxies over the years, and currently have a mini doxie. 

I think perhaps ya'll should learn a bit about doxies. The standard doxie will weight between 20 to 32 lbs. The name dachshund means ''badger dog''. They were bred to hunt badger and go into the burrows/dens after a badger. There are few animals that will take on a badger let along in their own den. They are completely fearless and the courage is legendary. They look quite funny but don't let that fool you. They will not back down from any animal. 

The case with this lady is strange to say the least. From what I read they dogs were not taken care of, covered in flea's and ticks which can and do carry disease. That could be the problem. 

There have been stories of the courage of a doxie protecting it's owner. Some have taken on bears to protect their owners and in a case where a bull mastiff attacked a young girl and was dragging her off a doxie attacked the mastiff repeatedly charging and biting the mastiff until the mastiff released the girl and attacked the doxie. The girl's life was saved while the doxie stood it's ground until it was killed by the mastiff. 

As a personal story when my daughter was 6 years old and playing out in the front yard she was attacked by a German Shepard. Our doxie (30 lbs) attacked the Shepard and a bloodly fight ensued. By the time I got there PeeWee was bleeding badly from the stomach and ear yet he kept attacking the Shepard.  The Shepard bit me on my shoulder and while it attacked me PeeWee got a hold of it's front leg and broke it. 

Finally with PeeWee bleeding badly and his intestines hanging out I put him in the car and headed to the vet. The didn't think that he would survive, lost too much blood, but after 200 stitches and wonderful care he pulled through. The Shepard was captured and it didn't have rabies so I was spared that treatment. It was put down. 

So, I have a real soft spot in my heart for doxies, their loyalty and courage. 

There is a good reason that they have very short legs, a broad chest, very strong jaws, just ask any badger. 

Photo of a Doxie/Pit Bull mix...Think you could stand up to him?


Freshman Silent
8.1  Fireryone  replied to  Kavika @8    7 years ago
Think you could stand up to him?

He looks like a sweetie.  :) 

Professor Principal
8.1.1  Kavika   replied to  Fireryone @8.1    7 years ago
He looks like a sweetie.

Until he took your arm off....

Old Hermit
Sophomore Silent
8.2  seeder  Old Hermit  replied to  Kavika @8    7 years ago

The case with this lady is strange to say the least.


I've read nothing to support this yet but I wont be surprised if followups on this story show that the lady died of natural causes and the dogs just chowed down on a covenant meal.

As you noted Kavika, the dogs were showing signs of severe neglect.

Professor Expert
8.3  sandy-2021492  replied to  Kavika @8    7 years ago
They are completely fearless and the courage is legendary. They look quite funny but don't let that fool you. They will not back down from any animal.

Yup.  It takes courage, stupidity, or maybe both, to go into a den and drag out whatever's in there, but that's what doxxies are bred to do.  And they are extremely persistent about it.

Professor Principal
8.3.1  Kavika   replied to  sandy-2021492 @8.3    7 years ago


Professor Expert
8.4  sandy-2021492  replied to  Kavika @8    7 years ago

I'm dog-sitting for a coworker for the weekend.  Puppy is a 6-month-old Australian shepherd probably 3 times the size of my Casey, but he keeps putting her in her place.

Professor Quiet
8.5  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  Kavika @8    7 years ago

I too have had doxies for many years. Here's a story of my own. many years ago when I was in the Navy, I was stationed at the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendelton, CA and I lived in base housing. I had a female mini dachshund. I had no fence in my back yard but the people on either side of me did. My dog was house trained but knew the exact dimensions of that yard and never strayed past it when we would let her out to do her business. One day a young Marine with a doberman on a metal choke collar kept letting his dog do it's business in my yard without cleaning up after it as per base regs. I asked him several times to clean up after his doberman but he kept gaffing me off saying he did not have to and what was I going to do, report him? Now while all this was going on my little Cindy was chomping at the bit to get out the sliding glass door to get at that big doberman. Finally i had enough of that Marine and the next time he came around, I let her out and said "go get him girl"! She took off like a rocket and chased that doberman for two blocks and came back all bloody. Funny part is that none of the blood was hers! That Marine came back and and said "Look what your dog did to mine!" I just said two words. "Report me." and went inside. I knew he would call the Marine base animal control/game wardens on the base. What he did not know is that those guys were all friends and fishing buddies of mine and knew my family and my dog, which was licensed on base and had the proper tags on her collar. By the time he showed up to my house with the Marine and his doberman in tow, my dog was chained inside the confines of my yard. As the Marine tried to tell the game warden what my dog did to his, my dog was calmly sitting quietly watching all this go on. My buddy Rice looked at both dogs back and forth and winked at me and told the young Corporal, "I see two dogs here. One is staked inside the yard with the proper collar and tags. I see yours with only a metal choke collar and no tags! You honestly expect me to believe that little dog did all that?" My buddy then proceeded to whip out his citation book and give that Marine about a half dozen violations of base animal regs. When the dumbfounded young Marine left, my buddy and I just laughed hysterically. It ended with me telling my little dachshund good girl before taking her inside to clean her up. That Marine and his dog forever after avoided my yard by about half a block. I would just stand there and smile at him and reach for my sliding glass door. He would see me and hurry on his way! Life was sweet in those days.

Professor Principal
8.5.1  Kavika   replied to  Ed-NavDoc @8.5    7 years ago

I love it.

Professor Principal
9  Kavika     7 years ago

My doxie, Wiki Warrior Wonder Wiener is quite good at rounding up the cattle on the ranch...


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