Cuomo rips lawmaker over blaming media for Trump summit fumble

Kellyanne Conway is fond of stating there are so-called, "Alternative facts" out there. Well, people whose occupation is damage control can come in all shapes and sizes. Behold in the video above, Rep. Chris Collins (R New York) maddening attempts to mesmerize and 'go viral' on CNN's Chris Cuomo Primetime.
"The Breakdown "
If it comes down to what is good for Trump and what is good for you, you are going to lose. — Chris Cuomo
This is what occurs when a "Yes man" is sent out to defend the indefensible. As a rule in life: No one should go out to defend the indefensible. Listen to the video.
See and hear a form of truth molded to fit an "itching ear" as it comes out from the mind of a republican Congressman. I call it, "mangled alternative facts."
You will believe Donald Trump is a man kept pure as the driven snow.
EXCEPT, Chris Cuomo is not having any of that kind of business on his show tonight. Watch for yourself. I covet your comments.
CNN is the most prolific fake news source of all.
Even the Food Network has more viewers.
And you wrote that to say what? I have no interest in ratings or viewers. We all know flies and bugs swarm to cow patties dropped in an open field. It just depends on one's taste in buffet, doesn't it?
My focus is on the matter of truth. President Donald Trump was handed a "blow-back" response for damage control use ("BREAK GLASS USE TO EXTINGUISH FIRE!") from the Helinski 2018: Shattered Dreams© debacle. And the lying president who is giving 'men of a certain name' a bad brand could not sufficiently follow a simple instruction, . . . today the world still burns and is reeling.
Conservatives, you should watch and study at the video above carefully. This is what should not happen on social media. Donald Trump is going to claw-back all the gains he delivers to conservatives in one manner or another. Watch this space!
So he didn't say what the left and its media wanted him to say....It's not a big deal and will be forgotten by the midterms.
Hey Greg: How about those translator notes from the private two hour meeting between Trump and Putin? Do you wish to see the notes made public? Are you interested in what our public officials say to a foreign leader in our "voice"?
According to the morning news here, the translators may be subpoenaed for the transcripts of the meeting between the puppet and his puppet master.
Department of OOPS!
And the lying president who is giving 'men of a certain age' a bad brand could not sufficiently follow a simple instruction, . . . today our world still burns and is reeling.
Are these public officials in your scenario communicating with international leaders in our voice?
Now, do me, please.
So list all those fake news story's? We'll wait.
What are the odds that Republican law makers would be screaming at the top of their lungs demanding testimony if there had been a government employee translator in the meeting between Lynch and Bill Clinton? It seems like every time something like this comes up, when it's a Democrat they accept that a private meeting was ill-advised and recuse themselves so there is no semblance of impropriety. But when it's a Republican they circle the wagons and refuse to admit to even the image of possible malfeasance. The double standard of the Republican party and conservatives is almost as monumental as their hypocrisy.
In this case, the meeting does indeed need to be revealed.
Can you answer my question now? TAG!
Are these public officials in your scenario communicating with international leaders in our voice?
I wouldn’t take a free candy bar from a leftist like Cuomo, much less believe anything he says
Well, in that case, if official policy is in play, we need to know what this president has proposed to Russian officials, i.e, what has been said is in our interest to know. I'd suggest we have a, wait for it, . . . senate congressional hearing: ASAP.
(Conservatives would be setting up one already, if President Obama had presumed any such foreign policy stunt. Of course, I'd venture to say it never would have crossed President Obama's mind to act in having a private meeting with a Russian president and providing no meaning record of what is discussed.)
Republicans ought to define "patriotism" with honor and consistency.
Would that be because you think Mr. Cuomo is not a truthful man, or rather you consider the candy would go down with a 'leftist' point of view?
Really Pastor, in your heart Mr. Cuomo is a bad man? Did you listen to the videos above; Are you being fair to this discussion right now?
I'm just glad that our Fuhrer was able to collude with his master in private and that the US has no record of what was said.
Translators aren't stenographers and so it's pretty much a guarantee that the US has no written record of what orders Putin gave his puppet. At best the one US translator in the room will be asked to testify about her recollection of the meeting, but it's pretty much a guarantee that our Fuhrer will invoke executive privilege to block that testimony.
Fixer Upper on HGTV gets more viewers than fox news, so I fail to see your point.
Here's what the Germans think of our Fuhrer:
Here's what real Americans think of petulant toddler:
It's stunning and patently inconsistent. It falls under the category: Do What I Say And Not As I Do.
Texan1211's nonchalance on this concern, clearly demonstrates an unwillingness to hold his standard across the board. Shame.
Independent voters of NT should take stock of this. There is limited fair-play in the republican and conservative response to the Helinski 2018: Shattered Dreams© debacle.
This 2018 November election: Vote Democratic Party if you desire "Checks and Balances" on an administration running amok!
There will be notes and remembrances at that high level of communication and translation skills. Moreover, it is rumored aloud that possibly their Finland host and Russian officials were 'wired' into this dialogue-session. We're have to wait and see just what we can get in our hot little hands! Keep demanding a translator interview!!! Don't Stop! This is a. . .
Defect! Defect! Defect!
Don't ask me. Please produce your evidence of a summit between former President Obama and Iran which any significant portion of it is personal and off the record. Waiting. . . .
I’ve listened to his moronic rants many times. And I mark him as someone who views are less than worthless
Did you listen to the videos above; Are you being fair to this discussion right now?
That is the operative concern for this topic. Because you can not reply informed if you have not bothered to participate. A model of virtue is expected.
i'm quite sure you've had this viewpoint prior to Trump , right ?
And I'll view yours the same.
Please produce your evidence of a summit between former President Obama and Iran which any significant portion of it is personal and off the record. Waiting. . . .
Oh Good! (Biggest smile ever!) I sure hope so. Why should Trump do to this nation what he does to others in his personal life by keeping secrets? That man was on official state business! There should be a FOIA request filed, as appropriate. Defect!
I am not sure why this one was allowed to stand, since it is personal in oh so many ways. But, I accept the moderation. (Smile.)
However, if you were to square off at me about my whereabouts, I would ask you this: Does the United States gallivant the world over trying to insert itself? That is a rhetorical question.
So, if the US has not gotten to one country or another yet, just give it time. Now then, back to the issue.
maybe it has to do with the planet that we all share ? or maybe various relations among countries ?
Does the United States gallivant the world over trying to insert itself?
My whereabouts are none of your business, as your location is none of mine. You could be in Moscow as far as I will be able to verify. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHERE YOU ARE, CITIZEN! The thing is are you speaking truth, and addressing the same to power!
If it comes down to what is good for Trump and what is good for you, you are going to lose. — Chris Cuomo
so you don't care about relations among countries, including economic relations ? very interesting...
Well Texan1211, how about that Rep. Chris Collins' defending the indefensible above. Now that you have 'spun' away from the point of the article: Come back and share with me, us, what true patriotism is all about. Truth Above Lies and Liars.
you stated:
which is exactly why i logically went to:
because (in case you weren't aware) - part of our relations with other countries depends on...... ready ?? ..... what other nations think of us. Get it yet ? ... so it looks like i didn't put any words into your posts - they were already present. I find it very interesting that you chose that tactic to debate
Only if it's Trump. I'd love to see the transcript of the Iran Deal which was done without Congressional approval and in the darkness of secrecy and night. Obama never said anything about it until it was discovered and made public. No outrage there, though.
When talking about "Yes Men", I always remember this one and it went throughout the campaign.
i definitely don't agree with "free rides", same level of scrutiny etc should apply to all in that respect.
we have, for various reasons because we thought it would be beneficial etc... based upon our impression (or thoughts) of that particular country in that aspect , correct ?
keep thinking before you dismiss it .. don't sell yourself short
let me know when i put words in your mouth - so far you are all ramped up to defend yourself and no one attacked you .
by all means, please keep "calling me out" , i find it amusing . I am still looking for what i've been " called out " for... can you help me ?
do you understand that having relations with that country also depends upon what the other thinks of that country, especially in that particular aspect. Explain to everyone why we have had relations with countries we don't like - thanks
psychological projection at one of it's finest ladies and gentlemen. apparently you believe that our impression of other countries has absolutely nothing to do with our relations with them. I hope you have a great day as well
i never stated you were to blame for my own thoughts - maybe you could help everyone out and point out where i suggested otherwise, thanks !
(of course, if i never stated that - then it would have been pointless for you to post that comment, wouldn't it ?)
did you see this ?:
thanks for letting everyone know your comment was pointless - LMFAO and SMMFH !!
I like that. CNN is the only station in quite a few countries that relays information about the USA, so it's understandable people around the world would be mislead about accuracy in media without other opposing view points.
When one person is praised, can't do anything wrong and if he or she did do something wrong, CNN doesn't report it, while the other person can't do anything right and CNN reports everything that person does wrong and always puts a subtle, at the very least, negative aspect in all their the reporting on that person whether what that person did was good or bad, the viewers of news worldwide from one of the biggest news station controls their opinions.
For example, do you remember who was President while all this hacking was going on or who told the FBI to stand down? Not much emphasis on that information. Now if Trump was that person, everyone in the world would know it and it would have been called treasonous and he should be impeached, not to mentions 24/7 reporting on it.
Do you remember who also stopped the investigation of the Pakistani drug cartel that was shut down? Do you even know anything about it? Do you know why it was shut down? How many more drugs came into the USA because of it? Not much emphasis on that, but if Trump had done something like that the whole world would know and would have been bombarded with it for days.
Most people have no idea of who the Awan Brothers are and how they have anything to do with the Democrats and their computers. See if you can find anything about them on CNN.
Has CNN ever reported how the head of Obama's campaign in SC went to Israel to interfere with their election on our dime. Of course they deny any government money was spent in their activities to affect Israel's election.
State Department-Funded Group Bankrolling Anti-Bibi Campaign
OneVoice International aiding anti-Netanyahu V15
A U.S. State Department-funded group is financing an Israeli campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has hired former Obama aides to help with its grassroots organizing efforts.
I'm not even going to debate where the money came from. Let's just say if I already have money in my left pocket, then I don't have to spend the money in my right pocket, I can spend it later because I didn't have to spend it earlier.
How many articles or YouTube videos do you think CNN has reported on concerning the Obama White House illlegally seizing the phone records of over a hundred reporters? What kind of reporting do you think we would have seen if it were Trump instead of Obama who had done that? Very little reporting if any from CNN on it.
You know I could go on and on, talking about the Obama administration hacking Merkle's phone, all the cheating in the DNC during the primary, the weaponizing of the IRS and spying on American citizens. There are dozens more things Trump would have suffered tremendous criticism for days when CNN and other MSM sources spent very little on it.
you might be a bit behind... i'm already there with you, but the fact you keep replying does provide mild amusement and i encourage you to keep going - it's helping to pass the time on a slow work day
i did find this from CNN - even tho it was claimed they never covered anything about it (claimed by dailycaller) - isn't that odd ?:
now i won't state that CNN is perfect - none of the media is perfect and just about all of them have a bias ( one way or the other ), but i do think there are many things exaggerated about the media as well.
Please provide so evidence of your 'complaint' for review. More importantly, what President Trump has done occurred this week, so what is the problem? False equivalency?
Bogus rhetoric.
These free-ride/s from the media were not given, they were compelled through the Media. The paradox being talked about by Chris Cuomo, he being a son of a politician experienced with the trade, is SIMPLY observing that it, the media/papers/reporters had little else it could do, since reporting and coverage are their game,. Thus Hillary Clinton's disproportionate amounts of unpaid air-time coverage in 2014 was a consequence of her delay in deciding to begin her campaign (looking at the time-stamp of the clip). Still, it is a false equivalency, because no one is appearing on camera in support of her to 'stroke' Hillary's delay, as it is. Specious arguments make cheap narratives. I digress.
I will add this to your statement as an enhancement. (Smile.)
Politicians are allowed time and space to decide various features and possible setups for their campaigns. It is a benefit to each candidate when they serendipitously (positive accidental circumstances) are 'awarded' an excess of coverage and reporting—for doing nothing constructive. It is par for the course in politics, and I would think it is similar to 'going viral' on the Internet. The public's interest in the political 'hopefuls' drives the media to talk, show, and report on the possibilities of a campaign. Republicans and conservatives know these tricks of the trade - politics and media are 'sisters' professions. So, this kind of posturing in discussion is 'fake news'!
Donald Trump, even took it one step farther. That man 'milked' the media infrastructure before he announced, during the campaign, and yes, continuously during his two-years in office through his pervasive use of a personal Twitter account.
You are talking about 'abstracts' at this point, sixpick. Former President Obama is not available for comment, questioning, or charging. And, I do not have time or inclination to fight all the past 'battles' - whether real or imagined- which take place in the sphere of Fox News. Granted, there is some true reporting which goes on that network (I look in every so often), but there is also a measurable negative commentary ('bent') you highlighted on CNN (questionable) definitely taking place there too.
Why else does a megalomaniac president like Donald Trump list FOX News as his network of record?
President Trump is the man of the hour. Like it or lump it. Moreover, President Trump is a notorious liar. He begins his day telling lies to the citizens of this country? Why are you okay with this? Disturbing.
I really don’t care what you think of me. Deleted
Jedi mind tricks only work on the weak-minded
I believe you're on to something there TG.
Dear Friend Calbab: Thanks for reminding mew with this clip why I don't pay much attention to "talking heads" shows.
More spin than a summer carnival Tilt-A-Whirl.
Sound bytes do not a rational political discourse make.
Peace and Abundant Blessings (Not to Mention Cotton Candy at Summer Carnivals) To All.
Thank you, brother! You are treasure in every sense of the word to me.
Well said dear Enoch. Well said indeed.
Regarding the news coming from legitimate news media the damn go has one consistent message.
The FOX Network is the most trusted news service of all, just look at it's stellar and growing ratings
No, Fox is just a disreputable cable news network that is actually beat out by CNN, MSNBC and Network News...
That was hilarious!
Perhaps Russia will carve its own Mt Rushmore with Lenin, Stalin, Putin and Trump on it. Mount Shame...
Maybe all those laughable Trumpy Bears will be sent to Russia.
Gotta love this guys thinking.
It is the medias fault because they reported it.