Did you even bother to watch the video of the question being asked? As the reporter SHOUTS her question, without being acknowledged, Trump is already saying something else. What you get is the end of what he is saying as being No, just as she finishes the question. So, frankly, I think it is a cheap shot by the media who jumped on his last word and did not go back to see what exactly he was saying. By the way, I saw the video on Inside Edition, which is not a Conservative show.
Did you even bother to watch the video of the question being asked?
I've seen it several times and it's obvious he was answering her question. He was not "mid-sentence" as you claim, he was directly replying to her question.
He said "thank you" several times as she is yelling her question, then as she ends her question he says "No." I give him the benefit of the doubt and he meant to say "No more questions." and ended up unconsciously stopping after he said "No."
One today to clarify yesterday's comments then another one tomorrow to clarify today's comments and then Sarah Sanders will make one late Friday afternoon to make sure that y'all understand what trump meant
Lookee here. Once and for all, Trump is not the problem. Those that voted for him and those in the government that enable him are the problem.
Russia is making its move under the guidance of The Putin Regime. Russia's plundered treasury is being used to seek out and fund Quislings in The Western Democracies. If this action is not rooted out, destroyed...…..Putin will be successful. It is time to make a choice.
One example: Rohrabacher must be audited, investigated. And there are others. Even the NRA may be complicit. These 'things' must be exposed for what they are.
Will not disagree with that. Had Hitler been assassinated or revealed to be a 'puffy grabber' in 1930 the movement would not have stopped. The Versailles Treaty was the planted seed---and it sprouted.
Had Hitler been assassinated or revealed to be a 'puffy grabber' in 1930 the movement would not have stopped
That is like saying that if your aunt had been born with balls she would have been your uncle. In any case Germany in the 20's and 30's was in such a shape that there would just have been another that would have taken his place. In many ways we were lucky that Hitler was in charge. His actions especially as the war got longer were only assisting the allies in his defeat.
So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki. Putin and I discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. We got along well which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come!
So many people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki
To further clarify, Trump states that he miss-spoke 2 letters. What he meant to say (which should have been obvious) is:
So many people at the unhigher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in Helsinki, and maybe other unhigher intelligence people liked it too. There are a lot of unhigher intelligence people out there, I'm just saying.
Yep... Translation: "If you didn't like me meeting with pootin, you're a big dum dum head!!!". Trump must have chronic neck pain from bending over to suck his own 3 inch dick all the time.
What the media and the Democrats aren’t really telling you about election meddling (except on rare occasions like this NY Times article quickly ignored and forgotten). And this is why informed citizens agree with President Trump that our Intelligence agencies and past Administrations are dishonest about this subject
“If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all,” said Steven L. Hall, who retired in 2015 after 30 years at the C.I.A., where he was the chief of Russian operations. The United States “absolutely” has carried out such election influence operations historically, he said, “and I hope we keep doing it.”
Loch K. Johnson, the dean of American intelligence scholars, who began his career in the 1970s investigating the C.I.A. as a staff member of the Senate’s Church Committee, says Russia’s 2016 operation was simply the cyber-age version of standard United States practice for decades, whenever American officials were worried about a foreign vote.
“We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947,” said Mr. Johnson, now at the University of Georgia. “We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.”
A Carnegie Mellon scholar, Dov H. Levin, has scoured the historical record for both overt and covert election influence operations. He found 81 by the United States and 36 by the Soviet Union or Russia between 1946 and 2000, though the Russian count is undoubtedly incomplete.
“I’m not in any way justifying what the Russians did in 2016,” Mr. Levin said. “It was completely wrong of Vladimir Putin to intervene in this way. That said, the methods they used in this election were the digital version of methods used both by the United States and Russia for decades: breaking into party headquarters, recruiting secretaries, placing informants in a party, giving information or disinformation to newspapers.”
His findings underscore how routine election meddling by the United States — sometimes covert and sometimes quite open — has been.”
Ok righties, I guess we have to accept that you will only nominate moronic assholes for president, but can you at least try to give us a moronic asshole who is not a total pussy to boot?
Orange conman traitor in chief is "considering" this.....dance puppet, dance.
The firestorm over President Donald Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin has broadened to include the revelation that Trump is open to allowing Russian investigators to grill American citizens, including former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul.
On the flip side it's very interesting that Trump didn't ask Putin to extradite the Russians who have been charged by Trump's DoJ with rigging the 2016 election to help Trump.
Since Putin claims that the "Russian state" wasn't involved, then surely he'll be just as interested as Trump in seeing justice done........
Bloomberg is now reporting that part of their private meeting involves Putin & Trump conspiring on how to hand over eastern Ukraine to Russia (ie in addition to Crimea).
Tacit approval, then look the other way, go all out pushing Russian's agenda and propaganda like he does today, only more. I'm sure there are other ways as well. Are you perplexed at why people are upset that Trump is on Putin's Russia page and not the US? Why don't you have a problem with that?
anti-American stance so many have in regards to our President.
NOBODY has an anti-American stance as yuuuuggggeee as Trump himself. The asshole dissed the entire country in Helsinki when he let Putin run the show and criticized the USA as he refused to criticize Putin personally, the guy who ordered this breach of our security. Don't try to ignore the traitor in the room while you try to project his anti-American words and deeds to liberals. Trump is the most anti-American president in our history, he is taking orders from and supporting Putin and Russia over the USA. Just stop. I contend Trump and most of the GOP have taken Russia's POV and side here, it is the rest of us who are the patriots trying to advocate for the USA instead of being a pussy and letting Putin lead the world. He's got Trump by his tiny balls.
He can't admit it because Trump is up to his eyeballs in it. He is conspiring with the enemy, period. The treasonous piece of shit even wants to hand over the ambassador to Putin! Un-fucking-believable.
If Trump thinks there were massive protests before, he hasn't seen anything yet when Putin comes to the WH this fall. Now that Trump has acknowledged that Putin did indeed meddle, imo that makes him an enemy of the people and for Putin to step foot in the WH is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Trump's credibility hits a new low (if that's even possible....???)
Did you even bother to watch the video of the question being asked? As the reporter SHOUTS her question, without being acknowledged, Trump is already saying something else. What you get is the end of what he is saying as being No, just as she finishes the question. So, frankly, I think it is a cheap shot by the media who jumped on his last word and did not go back to see what exactly he was saying. By the way, I saw the video on Inside Edition, which is not a Conservative show.
I've seen it several times and it's obvious he was answering her question. He was not "mid-sentence" as you claim, he was directly replying to her question.
He said "thank you" several times as she is yelling her question, then as she ends her question he says "No." I give him the benefit of the doubt and he meant to say "No more questions." and ended up unconsciously stopping after he said "No."
Trump just :clarified" his previous "clarification".
How many more "clarifications" is our "Surrender Monkey in Chief" going to make....???
One today to clarify yesterday's comments then another one tomorrow to clarify today's comments and then Sarah Sanders will make one late Friday afternoon to make sure that y'all understand what trump meant
Lookee here. Once and for all, Trump is not the problem. Those that voted for him and those in the government that enable him are the problem.
Russia is making its move under the guidance of The Putin Regime. Russia's plundered treasury is being used to seek out and fund Quislings in The Western Democracies. If this action is not rooted out, destroyed...…..Putin will be successful. It is time to make a choice.
One example: Rohrabacher must be audited, investigated. And there are others. Even the NRA may be complicit. These 'things' must be exposed for what they are.
And neither was Hitler.....
Will not disagree with that. Had Hitler been assassinated or revealed to be a 'puffy grabber' in 1930 the movement would not have stopped. The Versailles Treaty was the planted seed---and it sprouted.
That is like saying that if your aunt had been born with balls she would have been your uncle. In any case Germany in the 20's and 30's was in such a shape that there would just have been another that would have taken his place. In many ways we were lucky that Hitler was in charge. His actions especially as the war got longer were only assisting the allies in his defeat.
Our Fuhrer tweeted this today:
Sure...they aren't. They've probably already rigged it in the GOPs favor.
Its all around you all you need to do is research.
It is easy for me to provide links. I want to see if you can do your own research, or do you need me to hold your hand?
You admit you won't go look for yourself. I suspected there was a lack of intellectual curiosity.
Good day.
LOL, you've been asking for days. Dude prove it wrong or stop talking to me.
That is one of the few true things Trump admitted. He just forgot to say Russian intelligence.
To further clarify, Trump states that he miss-spoke 2 letters. What he meant to say (which should have been obvious) is:
very clever, Sir
Yep... Translation: "If you didn't like me meeting with pootin, you're a big dum dum head!!!". Trump must have chronic neck pain from bending over to suck his own 3 inch dick all the time.
What the media and the Democrats aren’t really telling you about election meddling (except on rare occasions like this NY Times article quickly ignored and forgotten). And this is why informed citizens agree with President Trump that our Intelligence agencies and past Administrations are dishonest about this subject
“If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all,” said Steven L. Hall, who retired in 2015 after 30 years at the C.I.A., where he was the chief of Russian operations. The United States “absolutely” has carried out such election influence operations historically, he said, “and I hope we keep doing it.”
Loch K. Johnson, the dean of American intelligence scholars, who began his career in the 1970s investigating the C.I.A. as a staff member of the Senate’s Church Committee, says Russia’s 2016 operation was simply the cyber-age version of standard United States practice for decades, whenever American officials were worried about a foreign vote.
“We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947,” said Mr. Johnson, now at the University of Georgia. “We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.”
A Carnegie Mellon scholar, Dov H. Levin, has scoured the historical record for both overt and covert election influence operations. He found 81 by the United States and 36 by the Soviet Union or Russia between 1946 and 2000, though the Russian count is undoubtedly incomplete.
“I’m not in any way justifying what the Russians did in 2016,” Mr. Levin said. “It was completely wrong of Vladimir Putin to intervene in this way. That said, the methods they used in this election were the digital version of methods used both by the United States and Russia for decades: breaking into party headquarters, recruiting secretaries, placing informants in a party, giving information or disinformation to newspapers.”
His findings underscore how routine election meddling by the United States — sometimes covert and sometimes quite open — has been.”
I think it's great that you carry water for Putin. Keep it up Larry!
Are you sure it's just water? I thought he was cleaning Trump's toilet.
Ok righties, I guess we have to accept that you will only nominate moronic assholes for president, but can you at least try to give us a moronic asshole who is not a total pussy to boot?
Hillary/Trump 2, 2020, the rematch!
Trump's goin' down this time...
There's a better than even chance he's going down (and out) before that.
Orange conman traitor in chief is "considering" this.....dance puppet, dance.
The firestorm over President Donald Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin has broadened to include the revelation that Trump is open to allowing Russian investigators to grill American citizens, including former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul.
On the flip side it's very interesting that Trump didn't ask Putin to extradite the Russians who have been charged by Trump's DoJ with rigging the 2016 election to help Trump.
Since Putin claims that the "Russian state" wasn't involved, then surely he'll be just as interested as Trump in seeing justice done........
Thankfully the WH just nixed this, but now he may have summit 2.0 with his puppet master.
Bloomberg is now reporting that part of their private meeting involves Putin & Trump conspiring on how to hand over eastern Ukraine to Russia (ie in addition to Crimea).
It does show why Trump forced the GOP to change its platform on the Ukraine issue to make it much more friendly to Russia.
Tacit approval, then look the other way, go all out pushing Russian's agenda and propaganda like he does today, only more. I'm sure there are other ways as well. Are you perplexed at why people are upset that Trump is on Putin's Russia page and not the US? Why don't you have a problem with that?
NOBODY has an anti-American stance as yuuuuggggeee as Trump himself. The asshole dissed the entire country in Helsinki when he let Putin run the show and criticized the USA as he refused to criticize Putin personally, the guy who ordered this breach of our security. Don't try to ignore the traitor in the room while you try to project his anti-American words and deeds to liberals. Trump is the most anti-American president in our history, he is taking orders from and supporting Putin and Russia over the USA. Just stop. I contend Trump and most of the GOP have taken Russia's POV and side here, it is the rest of us who are the patriots trying to advocate for the USA instead of being a pussy and letting Putin lead the world. He's got Trump by his tiny balls.
Trump also said that not he or anyone on his campaign met with any RUssian's..... Lie.
He can't admit it because Trump is up to his eyeballs in it. He is conspiring with the enemy, period. The treasonous piece of shit even wants to hand over the ambassador to Putin! Un-fucking-believable.
Texan1211 has 44 posts on this article.
Lol! Tex is an avid blogger!
Trump insisted that Russia is no longer targeting the U.S. elections.
If they are no longer doing it, then Trump is acknowledging that they did before.
Spot on! While trying to make excuses for Putin/Russia being wrongly accused, they are merely acknowledging their guilt in the first place.
'No longer' does does equal 'never did'.
If Trump thinks there were massive protests before, he hasn't seen anything yet when Putin comes to the WH this fall. Now that Trump has acknowledged that Putin did indeed meddle, imo that makes him an enemy of the people and for Putin to step foot in the WH is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.