Making Do In Any Situation

Life Hacks From People Who Can Find a Way Out in Any Situation
When you suddenly become a mother of four.
Their father is either a genius or just incredibly lazy.
A creative way to eat a watermelon.
Turning a tablet into a TV set.
One shop owner in Mexico found a way to increase sales.
Sedentary work is not always unhealthy.
Every problem has a solution. Even if it’s a stupid one.
Flooding is not a problem for a creative person.
A creative way to solve a problem.
Duct tape can fix any problem.
“My dad is an engineer for a reason.”
If the original spray mechanism is broken.
No money to go to a gym? No problem!
A tank top is also a perfect safety belt.
The sandals zip tied to the plastic tables to make stilts is my favorite.
My favorite is the duct taped tire...LOL
Hal should appreciate the drill and bike chain.
Butt, butt the butt's were pretty good as well.....
A little overpriced though.
My favorite is the family of four but all of the pictures are great.
O-M-G.......these are sooo funny. But, when faced with a dilemma, there is always a solution if one puts their mind to it.
I love the electric bike.. but after having twins.. I would have to go with that quick fix.