
Social Security Scandal bigger than va


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  ghostly-bear  •  7 years ago  •  10 comments

Social Security Scandal bigger than va

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GUEST COMMENTARY: Social Security scandal bigger than VA

    • Feb 27, 2018

So many of our citizens are losing their homes, going hungry or can't get the help they need. Many die waiting on Social Security. It's a scandal in itself when citizens are turned away when they actually qualify. This is what's causing the one- to two-year wait as Social Security ties up the court system.

Many of our disabled are then forced to see a law judge who works for Social Security. Many of these judges don't live in reality as they deny claims even though many of the people who come before them can't hold employment because they will be let go.

If Social Security wants to deny a majority of applicants, then they should be forced to find people gainful employment. If you get migraines and have to lie down, or miss days or take unscheduled breaks, you will be fired. Social Security will lie to you and tell you you're employable. I had a judge tell me if I miss more than one day in a month I would be terminated, then had my claim denied. After being a productive citizen for 15 years, in which the took taxes out of my check on time every week, they make you fight to get back what you paid in.

A majority of these legal briefs are riddled with errors, so when the appeals team gets the appeal they don't know the whole story. You probably know someone whose life was ruined waiting on Social Security. A judge in Maryland came out and stated that the Social Security Administration is pushing for them to deny claims. So when a congressional request is put in, a Social Security judge denies your claim.

Social Security judges are no more than a puppet on a string working for a failed agency. That's like having a fox watching the chicken coop. I don't know why the chickens are disappearing.

Judges can pick and choose who they approve with bias as nothing is done. A majority of these cases taken to the higher courts that aren't attached to Social Security are being overturned or remanded. This should tell you the true story.

Even a majority of our disabled veterans that are 100 percent disabled are being turned away. If the disabled could hold gainful employment, they would rather work than wait on a government that has failed them.



jrDiscussion - desc
ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
1  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

Completely disgraceful people have taken there own lives waiting on a failed agency

Junior Quiet
2  Spikegary    7 years ago

We have many lawyers in the area that work solely on representing people that have been rejected on social secuirty (disability) claims.  When they win, I believe the government has to cover legal fees costing the agency even more money that coems from us......seems like a piss poor way to do business.

Professor Silent
2.1  SteevieGee  replied to  Spikegary @2    7 years ago

There's a firm here locally that specializes in disability and unemployment claims.  They advertise that they are a firm for hard working people.

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
3  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

So many lawyers are loosing there cases because these aren't impartial judges. They try to find any way to denie you. They don't listen to your dr and a majority of the legal briefs are wrong. They will lie to you and tell you  can do jobs that you will  be fired from. They are changing the rules so a dr opinion don't count. They are a bunch of crooks

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
4  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

utube social security will destroy your life

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
5  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

google   “ Deadly Delays.”  Klym   whistle blower that worked for social security. They pt that person threw hell and opened up all typed of witch hunt investigations on him. If you talk bad about the government they will come after you. The IRS targeted tea party

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
7  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

people have to wait years and in most cases loose there home and lively hood who wants to do that. They would rather work but there a lot of employers that wont keep you around. Employers worry more about profitability than employees. If you have severe migraines and lay down you will be fired if you have severe depression that causes you to be late you will be fired so on so on its simple made hard. Many people have a work history of 15-20 years. People pay into a system that will never be there for them. You have combat vets coming home being denied. Its a severe problem the fraud is in the social security system from the intake people to there biased judges. there no uni formal process 1 person can get it for a minor problem while the next person has multiple major problems and denied. The whole process sucks and needs over hauled

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
8  seeder  ghostly bear    7 years ago

Seems like the social security system final getting the hint they need real sworn in judges not someone they just give the title to that plays dr with your life. if you google ways and means oversight committee and watch last week video it will point out issues with a rogue system that steals out of your paycheck every week and wont be there for you when you need them


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