
Camp Lejeune A National Problem


Category:  News & Politics

By:  ghostly-bear  •  7 years ago  •  20 comments

Camp Lejeune A National Problem

Camp Lejune is only the start. Bases Like Grissom Air Force base in Indiana have come up positive with contaminated water. Its a problem when firefighters practice and the solvents they use go into the drinking water. Many veterans I served with became ill. The other issue it may take years to even show up. Many of our Marine veterans have been left to die by the va and getting there claims processed. One marine veteran died than his claim was awarded by a judge.


jrDiscussion - desc
ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
1  author  ghostly bear    7 years ago

We are making our defenders of freedom to wait years. If they waited years when they joined the service they all be locked up

Junior Quiet
2  Spikegary    7 years ago

Pollution at military bases started a long, long time ago, when there was no environmental consciiousness.  Thye would dump oil down storm drains (just like some people still do today in their neighborhoods).  Most bases end up being super fund sites, only after they have been 'BRAC'd'.  Would be nice fo rthe EPA to go where people actually are still working/living.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Spikegary @2    7 years ago

Most Air Force bases have some contaminated ground water. I was stationed at Reese AFB when it was embroiled in a law suit over contaminated ground water. Back in the 40's and 50's there was no EPA or regulations so aircraft wash (TCE) was allowed to just soak into the ground. Fifty years later and people's wells are contaminated with TCE.

The judge presiding over the case sided with the government because he said that since there were no environmental regulations during the contamination phase, the government couldn't be held responsible. But the government did pay for filters on people's wells and paid for bottled water while the filters were being installed. We had to go out and collect samples to make sure that the filters were working properly

Junior Quiet
2.1.1  Spikegary  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1    7 years ago

Yeah, they were doing a runway extension here and while digging down at the end of the runway they struck oil....waste oil that was dumped anywhere from 30 to 70 year ago in the drains (Not sure anyone knows for sure)......back before the EPA and rules and such.  Lots of work had to be added before they could continue the original job they started......

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  Spikegary @2.1.1    7 years ago

I bet military bases have some of the worst pollution sites

Junior Quiet
2.1.3  dave-2693993  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    7 years ago

At Ft Detrick there was a a no go zone across the street from the south gate. It looked like pasture. Nothing was allowed there and the city and county of Frederick were pursuing legal action for cleanup.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  dave-2693993 @2.1.3    7 years ago

You know what goes on at Fort Dietrich don't you?

Biological weapons research and development. That field is probably full of anthrax spores...just kidding....a little

Junior Quiet
2.1.5  dave-2693993  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.4    7 years ago


I was in the rectangular building between USAMRIID and  Headquarters. Armory was downstairs and deeper was the nuke shelter.

More importantly the Burger King was right across the street before the main gate.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.6  Trout Giggles  replied to  dave-2693993 @2.1.5    7 years ago

Have a little anthrax with your burger!

I used to work with a guy who was a lab tech at USAMRIID. He then became a chemical engineer.

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.7  Studiusbagus  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.2    7 years ago
I bet military bases have some of the worst pollution sites

I lived near and worked on MacDill AFB. When the threats of closure were swimming around the locals were wringing their hands at what uses they could have for the property, then the sad news broke their little greedy hearts..."This base has been here for a very long time, if you plan anything, plan on cleaning it up first"...Oooops! What did they think those two beautiful golf courses were built over?

Junior Quiet
2.1.8  dave-2693993  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.6    7 years ago
Have a little anthrax with your burger!

Of all coincidences, the guy they suspected of the anthrax scare was "three doors down" from the main gate. In quotes, because it could have been 2 or 4. I can't remember exactly. Three doors down, sounds catchy.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  dave-2693993 @2.1.8    7 years ago
Three doors down

Isn't that the name of a band?

I thought I heard something about the anthrax coming from Ft Dietrich

Junior Quiet
2.1.10  dave-2693993  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.1.9    7 years ago
Isn't that the name of a band?


When I was trying to picture the house I recalled it as the third house from the corner diagonally across fro the gate and thought "Three doors down".

But there have been more pressing things in life since then. You know how those memories go.

ghostly bear
Freshman Silent
3  author  ghostly bear    7 years ago

good call, they say this is a huge problem with oversea goverments

Masters Quiet
4  PJ    7 years ago

By all evidence it looks like we should be strengthening our EPA rather than dismantling and deregulating.  I'm always shocked when I hear veterans cheer when the EPA is being gutted and science ignored.  I find it odd.  

Junior Silent
4.1  livefreeordie  replied to  PJ @4    7 years ago

As a Veteran I have pushed for the end of the EPA ever since Nixon created it.  There is no Constitutional authority for thefederal government to exercise such massive control of our nation

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.1  Studiusbagus  replied to  livefreeordie @4.1    7 years ago
 There is no Constitutional authority for thefederal government to exercise such massive control of our nation

Maybe not, but my feelings are not in agreement. I grew up next to the most polluted lake in America, and it's one of five most polluted lakes in the world, literally.

If it had not been established the dumping of mercury and about 70 other dangerous chemicals would still be happening.

Junior Silent
4.1.2  livefreeordie  replied to  Studiusbagus @4.1.1    7 years ago

So state and local governments could not take action?  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
4.1.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Studiusbagus @4.1.1    7 years ago

Let me guess....Lake Erie?

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.4  Studiusbagus  replied to  Trout Giggles @4.1.3    7 years ago

No maam, Onondaga lake in Syracuse NY.

Seriously, just Google "most polluted lake in America" and it comes right up. 

Same with "most polluted lakes in the world" and it comes up again.


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