


Category:  Other

By:  kathleen  •  7 years ago  •  41 comments


Good Morning everyone,

My daughter is leaving for college tomorrow, we are excited and of course I will miss her.

She is majoring in Art. She has always been interested in this path for a long time. I told her to go with what makes her happy and pursue it.

I have had some friends and relatives ask what will she do with an Art major? Some were happy and some were leery of the major. So I decided to take a closer look of all the career opportunities that would involve an Art major.

This is a list of careers that you can pursue with that degree.

So if anyone is interested in this field, here are somethings you can do as an Art major.

Please, no politics, religion and be polite. Thank you.

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Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1  Trout Giggles    7 years ago

Congratulations to her and you and good luck on her endeavors

Junior Quiet
9  Spikegary    7 years ago

How does the saying go?  Folow your Heart, Pursue what you love, the dollars will follow?  I don't see art as a bad career choice.  A degree in gender studies or something equally as useless just piles up lifelong debt with very little to show for it.

I hope your daughter has a wonderful college experience.  Please tell her to make sure she is always around other people, especially outdoors at night.  Careful can make the experience so much better of a memory.  My lady's eldest just started her senior year, I helped the family move her in to her on-campus apartment this past weekend.

Sophomore Silent
9.2  Phoenyx13  replied to  Spikegary @9    7 years ago
A degree in gender studies or something equally as useless just piles up lifelong debt with very little to show for it.

i'm not so sure - here's a quick list i found for a degree in gender studies

it really depends, like an Art degree , what you want to do in life with it , more than anything else, and then go from there .

Sparty On
Professor Expert
10  Sparty On    7 years ago

Heady times ..... both going off to college and later sending kids off to college.  

It can bring out the best and the worst of us.   Best advise i can give you is watch her closely for the first few months.   Stay in touch.   It is very easy to go down the wrong path when away from your home network for the first time for an extended time.

Good luck and enjoy the ride!

Sophomore Silent
12  JaneDoe    7 years ago

Looks like she has a lot of different choices. I wish her all the best and you too! The empty nest is hard the first couple weeks.

Professor Principal
13  Kavika     7 years ago

Congratulations, an exciting time for all of you. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
14  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

... going off to college...

A wonderful moment!   Clapping

Sophomore Silent
15  GaJenn78    7 years ago

How exciting for her! I will be in your shoes this time next year with my oldest daughter :-(. She has SATs this Saturday and college visits scheduled in the upcoming weeks. I wish your daughter all the best with her studies! :-)

Masters Quiet
16  Enoch    7 years ago

Dear Friend Kathleen/Butterfie: Please accept the best wishes of Mrs. E. and myself for your daughter, all of yours and you on this wonderful adventure of the mind she will undergo.

We are confident your daughter will do us all proud in her academic pursuits and achievements.

May this enhance her life going forward.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Peace, Abundant Blessings and Great Things Forthcoming. 


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
17  Perrie Halpern R.A.    7 years ago

Congratulations! There are many routes to take with an art degree. My brother in law works designing the art work in packaging and I have two friends, whose daughters have art degrees. One started her own business in invitations, and the other is a curator for the Whitney. I am sure you daughter will find her own path.

charger 383
Professor Silent
18  charger 383    7 years ago

best wishes, if I may suggest pick up a minor in business or project management

Sophomore Silent
19  GaJenn78    7 years ago

Kathleen! I didn't see you online and I couldn't find your post about your vacation, so I'm commenting here. I just ran across an IG post from "@natgeotravel". They posted a pic of a wild horse at the campgrounds  in Eastern Maryland, where you just were. If you are on IG, I thought you might be interested and get a kick out of it. It's a beautiful pic, and I knew you would appreciate it :-)  I hope your baby is settling in well, and that you are doing ok :-) 


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