Social Security Sham Continues
Social Security Sham Continues
Well I didn't realize that social security Law judges aren't real judges at all. Social security will hire someone with a law degree and give them title law judge. So when a request is put in on your case all they have to do is say the judge denied your claim. The same judge that doesn't go off the law and can be biased in any case they want to as there is no oversight. It depends more on the judge you get than your illness. One judge denies you while another one may of granted you. That's why social security needs overhauled they are completely dysfunctional. That would explain all the errors in the judicial briefings. When you have a complaint against social security guess who reviews it and makes a decision on it. Social Security ! This is the biggest sham in America because this agency has run amok with no oversight. This agency doesn't work for the people. Senator Donnelly office has done nothing but send me letters saying they are funding social security to get more law judges. He don’t get it till they hire real judges this agency will only line the pockets of the people that work for them. Congresman Visclosky office has never responded as this scandal in his own backyard. Last I knew over 1 million voters were waiting on dishonest answers from social security. We have invaded other countries for killing its own people , but when America does it by pen it seems to be ok.
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You have a first glance before its released in the papers in Indiana. It may give you something to think about
Your problem seems to be with SSI (Government Disability Insurance) and not with Social Security which is earned...
Many worthy recipients will be denied welfare payments due to cutbacks in spending due to the damn gop's tax cuts.
Well they own one another. It just makes me sick all the people that have commited suicide waiting on these clowns. The disabled would rather do gainful employment they make 2-4 times more. most have lost there homes, became homeless and destroyed there credit. The Icing on the cake is that they use there own people they give the title judge to than tell them to delibertly deny people you can google judges fired up over social security, Judges urged to deny claims and Wisconsion social security scandel.
It's a cold, cruel world out there, Mr. Bear. The key to getting your concerns addressed, is to elect leaders who have real empathy for their fellow human beings.
I see the news paper likes to change the article and say things I didnt say. You can google social security law judges a sham and see what I mean they even changed the title