
The Fall of American Values on News Talkers


Category:  Other

By:  galen-marvin-ross  •  7 years ago  •  10 comments

The Fall of American Values on News Talkers

I've said before that I was going to leave this site because of certain folks on here that seem to want to protect their party more than this country. I've been called a Liberal hack when I've tried to get folks to see what they were doing and, what was happening to this country but, I have been shut down by those same people who think it's cool to turn my words around and, make them something they aren't. I've received 9 tickets in the past two weeks for calling a Spade a Spade so, this is my resignation from this site.

Perrie I know you will try to contact me in an email, don't bother, I won't answer it. I appreciate that you feel that I'm something of an asset to the site and, maybe, if things change in the political climate I might return one day but, as of now and, in the near future I will be working outside of this site to change the political climate of this country back to what it was before the Tea Party and, Donald Trump. I find certain people on here to be either liars or, so tuned into their party's rhetoric that they can't see straight and, I find it rather sad that some of them are moderators on this site so, since I like my First Amendment rights more than I like this site I will leave to protect those rights.

If you respond to this Op-Ed remember, I won't be answering back so, you will be either showing support for what I've said here or, you will be flapping your gums to no one but, yourself. I find the people on the right on here, agreed not all there are some who are worth my time but, for the most part, the male members who are on the right have no regard for anyone but, themselves and, what this current POS in the White House can do for them and, I think that will come back and, bite them in the ass in the end.

So, to all of those folks that I find reprehensible  on this site I say,


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Professor Principal
1  JohnRussell    7 years ago

On the whole, I think you have made good points. 

I think you should stay and keep up the good fight, if even on a somewhat less intensive basis. 

The way comments are censored on Newstalkers is messed up. "Flagging" should not be the method for determining whether or not a comment needs to be evaluated. Some people get flagged way more than others, simply because they aggravate or attract attention from those with the itchiest flagging fingers. 

You can't comment on the "right" on NT without getting censored or a violation. They want you to do it solely on HD where very few people will ever see it. 

These are considerable issues, given the proliferation of right wing nonsense on this site. I was told by someone in chat today that NT is nothing but a haven for a nutjob right wing viewpoint. That may overstate it a little , but it is on the correct track. 

I would appeal to you to stick around Galen. 

Professor Principal
2  Ender    7 years ago

Mic Drop

Sophomore Quiet
4  lennylynx    7 years ago

Later Galen, check in once in awhile.  It's pointless trying to debate Trumpists anyway.  They know exactly what a horror show Trump is, everyone does.  Even they're not stupid enough to actually think Trump's a good president.  They simply won't debate in good faith at all.  It's against the CoC to laugh at them and call them stupid, or call them lying, scumbag traitors, but how else can you rationally respond to this Trump insanity?

Junior Silent
5  livefreeordie    7 years ago


Professor Principal
5.1  JBB  replied to  livefreeordie @5    7 years ago
removed for context

Really? Is that how you feel? Me? Too much of the time on NT it feels like we are being trolled...

It is pretty plain who is contributing and who is just trying to disrupt the discussions on this site.

There does not seem to be any effort being made to fix it so it seems like it is being condoned...

Maybe it is just the time proximity with the election. It always gets bad right before the election.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
7  Paula Bartholomew    7 years ago

I for one will miss you Galen.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
8  Perrie Halpern R.A.    7 years ago

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