
Judge Brett Kavanaugh— “It Ain’t Necessarily So!”


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  skrekk  •  7 years ago  •  46 comments

Judge Brett Kavanaugh— “It Ain’t Necessarily So!”
Rape is having sex with a woman while she screams for help. No scream, no rape according to Deuteronomy 22:23-24.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

DISCLAIMER: Note that the seeded article and the linked website are NOT credible news sources.    The linked website is widely considered to be an anti-LGBT hate group. 


Some common sense definitions are necessary regarding this accusation. Rape is having sex with a woman while she screams for help. No scream, no rape according to Deuteronomy 22:23-24. Ford says Kavanaugh held his hand over her mouth so did she scream for help when his hand was elsewhere? After all, it was in a bedroom of a house; surely, one of the other 4 teens could have heard him scream when she bit his hand.

Did she bite his hand? Poke him in the eye? Women know instinctively how to protect their honor: screaming, shouting, slapping, spitting, slugging, and stabbing with a finger, pencil, or hat pin. Since she did not cry out or stab him, I will not believe her without a film of the event.

Moreover, Matthew 18:16 clearly commands that there must be at least two witnesses to validate a charge against a person. This is a repeat of Old Testament law. Ford has no witnesses. The other man who was allegedly there, Mark Judge said, “It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way.” This week, another teen that was supposed to be there Patrick J. Smyth said the incident did not happen. That should settle it; now let’s all go home, pull down the shades, and get some sleep.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
1  seeder  Skrekk    7 years ago

Note that the article's author is Don Boys, a Christian extremist and a former Indiana state rep.    I'm posting this to show what the Christian Taliban and much of the misogynistic far right wing actually think about claims of rape or sexual assault and why they're so quick to dismiss it.

Note however that the website, BarbWire, is generally considered a far right wing Christian hate group particularly in regards to LGBT folks.    It's not a credible news source but it's a good way to see how loony and profoundly misogynistic these Christian extremists truly are.

As far as the claim that it's not rape if you can't hear her scream, the great sky fairy can be forgiven on this point because the Bronze Age didn't have a radio whose volume you could crank up to cover the screams of your rape victim while you covered her mouth with your hand.

Professor Principal
1.1  TᵢG  replied to  Skrekk @1    7 years ago

This guy seriously puts forth OT laws as criteria for rape?    I thought he was being facetious but the expected exposed contradiction never arrived in his column.   Amazing.

Do NT Christians support this?    A woman must scream for a rape to be 'real'?   A rape must be witnessed by two people for it to be 'real'?    

This does not strengthen or weaken the Kavanaugh case since it is not evidence of any kind, but it certainly raises an important question of biblical morality.

Junior Participates
1.1.1  epistte  replied to  TᵢG @1.1    7 years ago
This does not strengthen or weaken the Kavanaugh case since it is not evidence of any kind, but it certainly raises an important question of biblical morality.

It would seem that biblical morality is an oxymoron. Has anyone asked Ted Cruz, Screwy Louie Gohmert, or Rick Santorum for their input?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
1.2  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Skrekk @1    7 years ago

It will be interesting to see if the article will be censored and removed by the moderators as they do with other members for not meeting credible requirements.


Junior Participates
1.2.1  epistte  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2    7 years ago
It will be interesting to see if the article will be censored and removed by the moderators as they do with other members for not meeting credible requirements. If this article is left to stand those other articles that have been recently censored should be restored. 

It is not a parody source. These people are serious and others should know about their religious lunacy that they use to defend their actions.  

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.2  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2    7 years ago

That's why I made the statement I did because it's really about current politics but the seed is from one of the loony and superstitious RW hate groups.

It also explains a lot about the twisted views of the far right wing.    These are the same folks who draw a distinction between "rape" and "legitimate rape".....where pregnancies can't result from the latter "because a woman's body has ways of shutting that whole thing down."

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
1.2.3  Dean Moriarty  replied to  epistte @1.2.1    7 years ago

The mods have been removing other articles that are not parodies. They have been claiming sources of this nature are no longer permitted here. How are the recently censored articles posted by Jefferson any different than this one? 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.2.4  pat wilson  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.3    7 years ago
posted by Jefferson

Would that be "xx jefferson" ?

( aka : heartland america, singled out, corncob for palin, etc., ect.)

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
1.2.5  Dean Moriarty  replied to  pat wilson @1.2.4    7 years ago

Yes he has recently had seeds removed and the reason given was the source was unreputable. Had he been the one to post this seed it would be removed. Either he has been singled out or the unreputable source rule is not uniformly enforced. I advocate for letting this seed stand and restoring his censored seeds. 

Junior Participates
1.2.6  epistte  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.3    7 years ago
The mods have been removing other articles that are not parodies. They have been claiming sources of this nature are no longer permitted here. How are the recently censored articles posted by Jefferson any different than this one? 

These people are obviously part of current events and their claims for the defense of the alleged actions are deserving of being discussed, even if the extreme lunacy makes some religious people embarrassed. Maybe Kavanaugh should crawl back under his rock and people should stop using the Bible to defend a sexual predator. 

XXXXXX Jefferson was evangelizing.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.7  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.5    7 years ago
Either he has been singled out or the unreputable source rule is not uniformly enforced.

No, it just means that they can't be cited as credible news sources.    In this case the citation isn't about news but instead a critique of the source itself as well as of the article's author and the numerous Christian extremists who share those vile misogynistic views.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.8  Split Personality  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.5    7 years ago

Barbwire is not rated that I can see.

Therefore THIS seed stays.

Rated Sources where any part of the yellow ball is in either arrowhead, right or left, are not acceptable as sources for seeds.



Professor Silent
1.2.9  Cerenkov  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.8    7 years ago

Of course... Unrated sites are clearly fine... No bias here...

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.10  lennylynx  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.5    7 years ago

They should remove all his seeds so he can't procreate! jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
1.2.11  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Cerenkov @1.2.9    7 years ago

Even when the seeder openly admits the source is garbage and is widely recognized as a hate group. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.12  Split Personality  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.11    7 years ago

Yes even when XX uses unrated sites, Dean, they have been allowed to stand.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.2.13  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.11    7 years ago


Here is the deal. During the course of the CoC, we went over how we would identify bad media sources. The conservatives wanted nothing to do with the SPLC or Media Matters, saying they were biased, if not hate sites on their own. So we went with MBFC. If something is not listed there, we don't remove it, since that is NOT what the group decided on and I don't invent new rules. 

Junior Participates
1.2.14  epistte  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.2.13    7 years ago
The conservatives wanted nothing to do with the SPLC or Media Matters, saying they were biased, if not hate sites on their own. So we went with we went with MBFC. If something is not listed there, we don't remove it, since that is NOT what the group decided on and I don't invent new rules. 

Is this why XX' has been on a rampage about the supposed tyranny of MBFC recently? 

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.15  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.11    7 years ago
Even when the seeder openly admits the source is garbage and is widely recognized as a hate group. 

That's correct but it's not being cited as a news media source but rather (in part) as the subject of the seed.

Now you can make an argument that it isn't "news" per se and thus belongs in a different category, but if not here then where?   

By the way this part of the discussion is all meta and should be stopped since it's being used to deflect the discussion from the real topic.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.16  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.15    7 years ago

I've updated the article to include a clear disclaimer in addition to the disclaimer at comment # 1.

Professor Quiet
1.2.17  bbl-1  replied to  Dean Moriarty @1.2.5    7 years ago

I hesitantly must agree.  If dubious/not credible/fake news sources are no longer permitted, nothing but a vacuum of silence will be emitted from the right wing and their christian taliban allies.

Junior Participates
1.2.18  epistte  replied to  bbl-1 @1.2.17    7 years ago
I hesitantly must agree.  If dubious/not credible/fake news sources are no longer permitted, nothing but a vacuum of silence will be emitted from the right wing and their christian taliban allies.

They still have Breitbart, CNS, World Net Daily, Drudge and Ken Ham's religious site to choose from, plus Fox.  Many of the "stories" are cross-posted on various sites of the conservative echo chamber so they shouldn't have a problem. 

Professor Quiet
1.2.19  bbl-1  replied to  epistte @1.2.18    7 years ago

True.  They won't have a problem.  And that is the problem.

I still maintain that 'lie speech is not free speech' and deserves no First Amendment protections.

Junior Participates
1.2.20  epistte  replied to  bbl-1 @1.2.19    7 years ago
I still maintain that 'lie speech is not free speech' and deserves no First Amendment protections.

There should be a line between genuine legitimate opinions and blatant lies hiding behind religious beliefs and spin. 

Junior Quiet
1.3  KDMichigan  replied to  Skrekk @1    7 years ago
Deuteronomy 22:23-24 23If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death-the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you.

Is this the old testament?

Not that it matters, I look at Religion as a outdated book of Morals. I think people need morals but I'm waiting for all the Religion haters to come up with a government plan to instill them. Laws don't work unless you have a conscience.

Sophomore Quiet
1.3.1  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  KDMichigan @1.3    7 years ago
Is this the old testament?

I dunno.....you'll have to debate that with the Christian extremist who wrote the article.

Junior Participates
1.3.2  epistte  replied to  KDMichigan @1.3    7 years ago
Not that it matters, I look at Religion as a outdated book of Morals. I think people need morals but I'm waiting for all the Religion haters to come up with a government plan to instill them. Laws don't work unless you have a conscience.

The separation of church and state prohibits religious morality being enforced as secular law because if that was law then the religious rights of other citizens would be trampled because they are forced to live by the religious beliefs of others.  

Don't do it to others unless you want them to do it to you has worked for a very long time as a moral concept. 

Would you like to discuss utilitarianism moral philosophy? 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
2  pat wilson    7 years ago

" the Christian Taliban", ya got that right:

since age 15, I have kept my hands to myself and strictly followed the “Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell rule” never to be alone with an unrelated woman.

Seriously ? You can't trust yourself to be alone with "an unrelated woman" ? ? ? 

Sophomore Quiet
2.1  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  pat wilson @2    7 years ago

I wonder if they're into "honor killings" too?     So if some dude rapes an unmarried woman but she doesn't scream loudly enough should she therefore be stoned to death?    Maybe that's why the Republicans on the Senate judiciary committee are unhappy with Ford and the other victims......because they weren't killed at the time?

Junior Participates
2.1.1  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @2.1    7 years ago
 So if some dude rapes an unmarried woman but she doesn't scream loudly enough

What Db range for her screams is loud enough? Will all confessionals and frat parties now be required to have decibel meters for our protection? 

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.2  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @2.1.1    7 years ago

The absolute Db level which triggers a "legitimate rape" is different depending on whether the rape occurs in a bedroom on the 2nd floor of a brick house or the 2nd floor of a tent in the desert.

But the safest thing is for the rapist to wear hearing protection.   If he can't hear her scream it's not a "legitimate rape" anyway.

Issues like this are why I think minors need concealed carry permits.

Professor Silent
2.1.3  Cerenkov  replied to  Skrekk @2.1    7 years ago

Theophobic bigotry. 

Junior Participates
2.1.4  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @2.1.2    7 years ago
But the safest thing is for the rapist to wear hearing protection.   If he can't hear her scream it's not a "legitimate rape" anyway.

That would save a lot of time and money on those pesky rape kits and the police investigations.

Issues like this are why I think minors need concealed carry permits.

All women need to carry pistols to protect ourselves and our friends from religious conservatives.  I need something unobtrusive that won't clash with my designer shoes and purse and it better not ruin my manicure.  

Junior Participates
2.1.5  epistte  replied to  Cerenkov @2.1.3    7 years ago
Theophobic bigotry. 

Do you support the biblical claims made by the Kavansughs?

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.6  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  Cerenkov @2.1.3    7 years ago
Theophobic bigotry.

No, just bigotry against excuses for rape.    The fact that those excuses are based in Bronze-age superstition is ultimately irrelevant, but what IS relevant is that there's a large number of right wingers and Christian extremists who really do think there are valid excuses for rape......including perhaps some of the Republican members of the senate judiciary committee who voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

lady in black
Professor Silent
3  lady in black    7 years ago

Faux christian bat shit nuttery draconian bull shit twisted sense of reality these backwards asswipes live in.   

lady in black
Professor Silent
4  lady in black    7 years ago

So if these asswipes' mother, sister, wife or daughter gets raped and they don't scream that means they weren't raped at all.  I'm sure they'd be singing a different tune if this happened to the aforementioned women in their lives.  Or would they blame them for having wicked and impure thoughts so they deserved it?  Never can tell with these holier than though ass backwards sanctimonious scumbags.

Sophomore Quiet
4.1  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  lady in black @4    7 years ago

Here's a chicken and egg question....which came first, rape apologists or Bronze-age patriarchal & misogynistic superstition?    Would Don Boys be a pro-rape misogynist if he weren't steeped in the profound misogyny of Baptist fundamentalism?

Or is it just a guy thing?

Junior Participates
4.1.1  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @4.1    7 years ago
Or is it just a guy thing?

Apparently, it's a guy thing in the minds of a few Republicans. I wonder how much she is being paid to sacrifice what remains of her political career? She lost in the primary so she has little left to lose by defending Kavanaugh. 

Among those blaming gender, age and hormones is former Florida Republican congressional candidate Gina Sosa, who said last week in a CNN interview : "We’re talking about a 17-year-old boy in high school with testosterone running high. Tell me what boy hasn’t done this in high school, please. I would like to know." Sosa recently placed last in the Florida GOP primary for the 27th congressional district.

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.2  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @4.1.1    7 years ago
Apparently, it's a guy thing in the minds of a few Republicans.

I guess that answers that part of the question - even women can be rape apologists.    I've never understood that but I guess everyone is exposed to the same adverse cultural influences.    Still very bizarre.

Junior Participates
4.1.3  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @4.1.2    7 years ago
I guess that answers that part of the question - even women can be rape apologists.    I've never understood that but I guess everyone is exposed to the same adverse cultural influences.    Still very bizarre.

Conservative Christian women are taught to be subservient, compliant and not oppose men or their needs.  We're supposed to be baby makers and keep out mouth shut and our legs open. I was told by the nuns that I was rejecting God's love when I said that was crazy.    The Catholic Church and Bill Donahue are blaming the boys for inducing the priests who abuse them.  

We need more than lions now.......

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.4  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @4.1.3    7 years ago

Here's another one who should be lion feed:

The Bible is very clear that no serious allegation should ever be accepted against someone on the basis of one lone allegation.

“A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or or three witnesses shall a charge be established” (Deuteronomy 19:15).

Lest you think this is just an outdated, archaic Old Testament standard, Jesus himself affirmed the same standard in Matthew 18:16: “Every charge (must) be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.” On this rock solid divine basis of justice, Ms. Ford’s case falls to the ground and shatters into little, tiny, inconsequential shards.

As baby Jeebus said, if you rape someone and no one else sees you, it's not a "legitimate rape."

Plus this from the same right wing loon:

“This is major league spiritual warfare. This is Satan and the demons of hell coming against one man because he stands for what is right and stands for what is true. And all the forces of hell are arranged against him and we, ladies and gentlemen, have to stand in the gap for Brett Kavanaugh. There is a prize here, and that’s the placement of Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. That is what Satan does not want to see happen.

“He’s using every trick that he has in his arsenal to fight that, to keep that from happening. That is his holy grail right now, to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being seated on the Supreme Court because Brett Kavanaugh represents such a threat to his agenda: to use the Supreme Court to advance a regressive, backwards, anti-biblical, anti-Christian, anti-American point of view.

“He’s had control of the Supreme Court now in every meaningful way since the 1960s, he’s not going to let go of that without a fight. Evil is pouring through this gap, targeted at Brett Kavanaugh; we’re there to stand in the gap and provide a wall of protection in the spirit for the demonic forces that are coming after him.”

- Bryan Fischer speaking for the AFA hate group.

Junior Participates
4.1.5  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @4.1.4    7 years ago

Fischer is a reliable wackjob for a juicy quote.

Dave Daubenmire is always a reliable wingnut  for a quote

Last week, radical Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire appeared on “The Hagmann Report” to weigh in on the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, where he railed against the supposed “double standard” in society in which women are allowed to commit “sexual abuse” by leading men on. “What would be going on in America today if Judge Kavanaugh went before the cameras and said, ‘Yeah, you know what? That did happen back then, but it didn’t happen the way she said it happened. Let me tell you something, she was in there taking on about any boy that wanted to come in there. And if I remember this right, I wasn’t the only guy in there; there were a bunch of them. And I’m not proud of it, but I’m telling you, she was giving it out like candy’?” Daubenmire said. “Boy, they would scream and holler, you’re disparaging her character and all that kind of stuff. There is such a double standard that is going on in America and it’s happened because, truthfully, most men in particular, we’re scared of women.”

Where is Rick Santorum when you need him?

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.6  seeder  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @4.1.3    7 years ago
Conservative Christian women are taught to be subservient, compliant and not oppose men or their needs.

There's also the fundamental lack of empathy which so many conservatives exhibit (I think it's actually a defining trait).   We've seen it here on NT with certain female members regarding rape and in other contexts like how severe one's pain is during menstruation.   There's an inability to accept that another person's experience and reactions might be different from one's own.

Junior Participates
4.1.7  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @4.1.6    7 years ago
There's also the fundamental lack of empathy which so many conservatives exhibit (I think it's actually a defining trait). 

This is a defining trait of late 20th century conservativism

 We've seen it here on NT with certain female members regarding rape and in other contexts like how severe one's pain is during menstruation.   There's an inability to accept that another person's experience and reactions might be different from one's own.

Another situation of lack of empathy and understanding

Professor Guide
5  Tacos!    7 years ago



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