"Their Music Has Been Corrupted"

"omg, I feel so sorry for young people today. Their music has been corrupted. Their generational culture has been corrupted. Their education, their spirit.... they will never know what the world was before bad people gained control. Its good that there's Youtube, and they can rediscover it here. Until the bad guys take it away."
"A time machine would be nice I i would go back and not return"
What appeal to does nostalgia hold for you?
I always think of my days in Miami as a kid when I hear the Frankie Avalon and, Annette Funicello songs.
In 1962 I was a kid, not yet even a teenager, but I remember hearing about the object that the United States had put up in space that was going to allow people on the other side of the world be seen and heard live in America. They even made a song about it, which became a big hit. When the song came on the transistor radio I would look up at the night sky and wonder where the Telstar was.
One day I was watching the Cubs game on tv with my grandfather after school. The Cubs announcer said people in Japan were now going to see and hear a few pitches from the ball game. The camera zeroed in on the left fielder, George Altman. " Because of Telstar, people in Japan can see George Altman of the Cubs playing left field here at Wrigley Field right now" Jack Brickhouse announced excitedly.
TELSTAR - The Tornadoes.
I love that stuff.
I remember there was a phone number to call that would give out the satellite crossing times and sky location. The neighbor kid and I would sit outside on Friday and Saturday night to look for it. Sure as the world, every so many minutes it would shoot right across the night sky.
For some reason, when I was older and read the Martian Chronicles, that memory would always resurface at certain points in the book.
Of course when I got older my tastes changed a little,
Just about every time I look up an old song I see something like this in the You Tube comment section
The desire and intention to remember the past fondly is an ingrained part of how human beings think.
California dreaming
Simon & Garfunkel's "The Sounds Of Silence" was a song way ahead of it's time and just as relevant today as it was in 1966 when it was first recorded.