Most people still not seeing benefits of tax cuts

Those results are problematic for Trump and Republicans who banked on the tax law gaining popularity after the tax cuts flowed to the public.

Only a quarter of voters say they have seen an increase in their take-home pay thanks to the major tax overhaul signed by President Trump in December, according to a new poll. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Those results are problematic for Trump and Republicans who banked on the tax law gaining popularity after the tax cuts flowed to the public.
It appears that even fewer people are noticing the tax cuts now compared to March .
Most voters are still not seeing the Trump tax cuts show up in their paychecks.
The tax overhaul remains more unpopular than popular, and more than 40 percent of the public disapprove of it.
Those results are problematic for Trump and Republicans who banked on the tax law gaining popularity after the tax cuts flowed to the public.
It's all going to be alright, Trump said so, he said he can make middle class tax cuts next week and worry about the votes in November. Easy Peasy.
Just vote for his candidates, don't bitch about Twitter or his private IPhones, and we'll all have chickens and pot.
because he said so.
Now you know how the rest of us feel about Bernie Sanders.
A chicken in every pot or just pot. Decisions, decisions.
IF ya see FREE POT, Do Not grab the "cheese" likely that trap is on a hair trigger.
So it's like a Denver/Kansas City Question? I thought that Chiefs/Broncos was as far as I was going.
Oops, wrong seed. Sorry.
My "tax cut" amounts to diddle squat.
My job is very secure even without the tax cut.
This is another hoax that his supporters fell for. Those of us who are living in the real world understood from the beginning that this was simply a tax cut for the rich.
I have seen basically no advantage/disadvantage from this tax cut. I'm waiting to get hammered when the republicans have to shift appropriations from one area to another because they're short on funding something critical.
People generally don't respond unless there is a negative impact to them. This will probably work in Trump's favor I'm afraid.
And they never will because the cuts were never meant for 95% of the people out there.