Men with Nazi Costume & Bloody Border patrol Costume" get kicked out of bar

Bar co-owner timmy lawrence said the group also included one man dressed as a border patrol agent with blood all over his shirt . . .

Timmy lawrence, co-owner, Muny Inn: "the one that stood out the most was a gentleman wearing an all black nazi ss uniform, even with the nazi armband. it just totally shocked.". Lawrence said the group also included one man dressed as a border patrol agent with blood all over his shirt. (Link to video)
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Bar co-owner Lawrence: "we're just a little dive bar on the corner. i wasn't expecting anything like this to happen. especially with what's going on in this country right now, it's not the time or the place..with the issues of violence against jews and our nation's struggle with the immigration issue, lawrence says he would hope people would have a little more common sense.
It just hits you in the gut and it's something that's burned in your memory forever
Pretty damn sad, but not unexpected given the tone right now.
The atmosphere in America today is one where racists and other bigots feel empowered to spew forth their hatreds, usually without any consequences.