Sen. Lindsay Graham: Trump's claim of ISIS defeat is 'Fake News'

Graham said he'd just gotten back from a trip to the Middle East and knew for a fact that it was "inaccurate."

WASHINGTON - In a late-night speech on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham railed against President Donald Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria, calling the decision "disastrous" and a "stain on the honor" of the U.S.
The South Carolina Republican said the president's claim, which Trump included in a video to his Twitter on Wednesday, that the Islamic State had been defeated was "fake news." Graham said he'd just gotten back from a trip to the Middle East and knew for a fact that it was "inaccurate."
Sen. Lindsey Graham railed against President Donald Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria, calling the decision "disastrous" and a "stain on the honor" of the U.S.
Trump's motivation for this sudden decision is obvious-- he need to draw attention away from all the recent current indictments (as well as guilty pleas!) from so many of his cronies . . .
I couldn't agree more with this assessment, 17 investigations into Trump in one fashion or, another, he has more investigations going on his business's and, his deals than anyone in current history in politics, it's more like watching a Mafia Boss being investigated. On top of this, as you said there are more convictions in his inner circle than there has been since Watergate and, the Democratic House hasn't even been sworn in yet.
I think it's more than that, I think Trump sees Mueller's writing on the wall and is not sure how much time he has left. He has to give Putin what he wants, or else Putin will pull the financial rug out from under Trump when he is no longer POTUS.
Pulling out of Syria and dropping sanctions against Russian Oligarchs are just the first steps to his fulfilling his promises to Putin.
I think it's more than that, I think Trump sees Mueller's writing on the wall and is not sure how much time he has left. He has to give Putin what he wants, or else Putin will pull the financial rug out from under Trump when he is no longer POTUS.
I think you're right.
Things are getting worse and worse for Trump-- and the people he's surrounded himself with. (I can't help but wonder-- are Jared and Ivanka next in the crosshairs of the Mueller investigation?)
Not sure about Mueller, but they are standing right in front of the cannon in NYS.
Thought that as well. The heat is on and he is handing things over to putin. Pulling out of Syria is just handing over the area to them.
As far as Graham, I don't put much stock in him. He turns to where ever the breeze blowing up his pant leg is coming from.
2 facts that point directly to what Trump is doing.
Conclusion: Putin holds the future of Trump and Trump Industries in the palm of his hand.
Given all the shady dealings Jared has been involved in (including but not limited to shady dealings with corrupt Russian Oligarchs) I think its inevitable that he may be in big trouble in the future...).
Trump would throw them both under the boss if he thought it would help him.
I'm sure that Putin is delighted and see's a bright future in Syria for Russia. Warm water port and all is perfect for Russia.
Way to go Trump...
And what I also find ironic-- not only is Trump intent on advancing the interests of our enemies-- but he has been steadfastly bashing our allies.
Wonder what Israel thinks about this as I thought Russia and Iran have a major influence there.
The U.S. assured Israel in December of 2017 that we would not pull out of Syria.
I haven't seen any response from Israel with the latest US pullout.
And this is an even bigger betrayal of another reliable U.S. ally as well-- the Kurds.
Actually one of the main goals of the U.S. forces had been to station themselves been the SDF and Erdogan's forces in Syria. (SDF = "Syrian Democratic Forces"-- consisting mainly of pro-democracy Kurds but also some allied Arab & minority Christian forces fighting both the Russian/iranian backed Assad regimes as well as ISIS).).
The Kurds are the most effective of the indigenous Syrian peoples fighting for democracy-- and Erdogan is engaged in a campaign of genocide against them. If/when U.S. forces leave Syria, we can expect large massacres of Kurds by Erdogan.
While probably the main reason Trump has suddenly announced this surprise withdrawal of U.S. troops is to distract from the increasing legal problems starting to face many of his hires..and soon even more members of his current administration, there are indications that contributing to that may have been a phone call to Trump from the despot Erdogan convincing him (Trump) to withdraw so Turkey can massacres Kurdish forces....
Just checked the news-- apparently that was indeed the case
Trump call with Turkish leader led to US pullout from Syria
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw American troops from Syria was made hastily, without consulting his national security team or allies, and over strong objections from virtually everyone involved in the fight against the Islamic State group, according to U.S. and Turkish officials.
Trump stunned his Cabinet, lawmakers and much of the world with the move by rejecting the advice of his top aides and agreeing to a withdrawal in a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week, two U.S. officials and a Turkish official briefed on the matter told The Associated Press.
The Dec. 14 call, described by officials who were not authorized to discuss the decision-making process publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity, provides insight into a consequential Trump decision that prompted the resignation of widely respected Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.
So while Trump won't take the advice from highly respected people such as Mattis-- apparently he's quite willing to take advice from people like Putin, various Russian Oligarchs, tyrants such as Erdogan (On military related matters) -- and of course Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and the like (when it comes to domestic matters such as shutting down the gov't!!!
The Republicans have fucked the Kurds more than once and needlessly cost lives.
I was taken to dinner in Istanbul by a group of Kurdish friends. Kind, generous and quite conservative...not bigoted conservatives like her, but very proper my girlfriend had a calf length skirt on and a very kind woman came and offered a blanket to cover the rest of her legs. That kind of conservative.
Graham is a RINO in...
Lindsey's flip flopped on Donald so many times now it's become apparent that there are two Lindsey Grahams. One Lindsey who soberly stares in the camera and excuses Trumps actions because he's getting what he wants like a conservative justice, but then the other Lindsey comes out after his third or fourth mint julep where he just let's the truth fly. During one of these mint julep moments the 2016 campaign Graham admitted Trump was a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.”. He was right, and Republicans should have listened. Now they get to watch Donzilla destroy the Republican party from within.
I'm glad Lindsay called rump out like that. Besides being correct, he is also fairly entertaining when he gets excited :~) !
Love the fake news jab