SpaceX conducts Static Fire on Falcon Heavy ahead of Arabsat 6A launch

Over a year after its previous flight, SpaceX conducted the Static Fire test on its second Falcon Heavy. This rocket – the first Block 5 Falcon Heavy – will launch Arabsat 6A to a Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) from LC-39A. The static fire took place on Friday, with the test occurring at 12 pm local time, 2 hours into the six-hour test window. The launch date target is now set for April 9.
Unlike that of the first Falcon Heavy , this rocket’s pre-launch schedule has been much smoother despite some small slips to the right on the schedule. While the first rocket had several Wet Dress Rehearsals (WDRs) – involving fueling the tanks and readying the rocket, but not igniting the engines – this rocket has only its since-conducted static fire planned.
Liftoff is set for Tuesday at 6:36 PM Eastern. If you want to watch them try to successfully land all three rockets this time you can stream it live from several sources (which won't be hard to find), or you can probably watch it on NasaTV if you have it (not 100% positive about that yet, though).