
Leaked Emails Show Fox News Reporters Discussing How To Defend Trump


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  don-overton  •  6 years ago  •  19 comments

Leaked Emails Show Fox News Reporters Discussing How To Defend Trump
Fox News Is White House Run TV

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

FTVLive   obtained the emails and reported, “Fox News Reporter Doug McKelway sent an email to his colleagues that basically said that Biden was lying and he quoted Winston Churchill.” McKelway was joined by Fox News reporter Cody Derespina who posted a sympathetic story of one of the Charlottesville white supremacists.

Fox’s Jon Decker emailed them both and told them that white supremacist they were sympathizing with was caught on camera holding a tiki torch and chanting Jews will not replace us. Decker said that the two reporters should apologize to their Fox News colleagues and that they sounded like a white supremacist chat room.

Fox News Is White House Run TV

The leaked emails come on the heels of the   Mueller report detailing how the White House told Fox News what to add and remove from their interviews.   The emails also come at a time when there is an open civil war at Fox between actual journalists who want to do their jobs, and the White House mouthpieces like Sean Hannity.  
Fox News has always maintained that news and opinion were separate entities at the network, but the emails show otherwise. People who were supposed to be news reporters were discussing how to defend Trump from Biden.

That is not what real journalists do.

The facade has been shattered. The charade is over. All the media bias that the right has whined about for decades has been found, not on the left, but at Fox News trying to help Donald Trump. Things are getting ugly at Fox, as the curtain is being pulled to show another enterprise that is meeting its demise thanks to the election of Trump.

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Professor Participates
1  bugsy    6 years ago

So what??? Cuomo stated on a live CNN broadcast that they did everything they could to get Hillary elected. Why did you not post a seed about that?

Oh, wait...never mind...we know why...

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
1.1  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  bugsy @1    6 years ago

Oh wait, prove 

Professor Participates
1.1.1  bugsy  replied to  Don Overton @1.1    6 years ago
Oh wait, prove 

Prove what? That Cuomo and CNN was/is in the bag for Hillary? I know you don't like the truth, but in this case, it is right there in the form of video you can't spin.

Professor Quiet
1.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  bugsy @1.1.1    6 years ago

At least CNN and Cuomo are American.  Not Saudi, Russian or gawd knows what else.

Professor Participates
1.1.3  bugsy  replied to  bbl-1 @1.1.2    6 years ago
At least CNN and Cuomo are American.

That's the best you can do? Neither CNN nor Cuomo cheer for the success of this country and its people. For several years now, they have rooted for the losers and hope this country fails so they can blame conservatives. Unfortunately for them, what they want has come to backfire in their faces.

Over half of CNN viewers have bailed since the Mueller exoneration has been released and most people say "Cuomo who?"

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
1.1.4  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  bugsy @1.1.1    6 years ago
That Cuomo and CNN was/is in the bag for Hillary?

Yep  prove it which we all know you can't

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
1.1.5  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  bugsy @1.1.3    6 years ago

Let's see you prove that one bug.  You make lots of claims that have nothing to them

Professor Participates
1.1.6  bugsy  replied to  Don Overton @1.1.5    6 years ago

Good God Don..don't keep embarrassing yourself.

The VIDO of Cuomo saying CNN did everything they could for Hillary is post 1 of YOUR seed.

You really don'y pay attention, do you?

BTW...who is "Bug"?

Professor Participates
1.1.7  bugsy  replied to  Don Overton @1.1.5    6 years ago

OK, so it is not half,  but damn close...41 percent.

Now please stop embarrassing yourself. I may actually feel sorry for you s/

Junior Participates
1.2  epistte  replied to  bugsy @1    6 years ago
So what??? Cuomo stated on a live CNN broadcast that they did everything they could to get Hillary elected. Why did you not post a seed about that? Oh, wait...never mind...we know why...

Why won't you address the story about Fox News being in the bag for Trump instead of trying to claim that others do it too?   What you did is known as a TuToque logical fallacy.

You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Pronounced too-kwo-kwee. Literally translating as 'you too' this fallacy is also known as the appeal to hypocrisy. It is commonly employed as an effective red herring because it takes the heat off someone having to defend their argument, and instead shifts the focus back on to the person making the criticism.

Professor Participates
1.2.1  bugsy  replied to  epistte @1.2    6 years ago

OK, so what if FOX talking heads support Trump?At least they have not come out live and said "we support Trump and we are doing everything we can for positive coverage". If you think they said that, please show proof.

Also, Where did I "claim" Cuomo and CNN was in the bag for Hillary. He is ON TAPE saying it, no claim needed. CNN and MSDNC have never shown objectivity or balance in any of their broadcasts.

Professor Quiet
2  Ed-NavDoc    6 years ago

And the progressive left says "Oooh oohh, that must be iilegal!". The left sees or heard Fox reporters talking to each other. That's got to be illegal, let's investigate! You got to be kidding me ...jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
2.1  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2    6 years ago


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    6 years ago

That would kinda balance ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, and all the rest of the media, that is trying to destroy him.

But alas, it's not as it seems. What with the likes of Juan Williams, the disgraced Donna Brazile, and loads of far left guests, Fox is getting more liberal every day.

Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
3.1  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  Greg Jones @3    6 years ago


Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
3.1.1  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  Don Overton @3.1    6 years ago


Don Overton
Sophomore Quiet
3.2  seeder  Don Overton  replied to  Greg Jones @3    6 years ago

Yet fox continues their lies and distortions and you love what they say?  Hummmmm

Professor Quiet
4  bbl-1    6 years ago

The Trump will destroy himself.  Nothing can save him.  He has only one destiny.

Professor Participates
4.1  bugsy  replied to  bbl-1 @4    6 years ago
He has only one destiny.

You're right...reelection


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