Biden's Far Left Gambit

Yesterday, Joe (Sleepy Joe) Biden attempted to deliver a knockout punch to many of his hard left opponents in the Democratic Party by announcing that he is in favor of universal health care for non-citizens! That is a very risky proposition for Biden since it may bolster his poll numbers now in the primaries, but is certain to cost him the support of independents in the general election. The question will be how much? Recent polls had shown Biden with a 7 point lead over the President in a general election, but now with that announcement polling will most likely be influenced by such a radical position. Progressives love expanding rights, but giving health care benefits to illegal aliens is a whole new level!
This news comes as Bernie Sanders had just put up his progressive credentials to contrast Biden's more moderate positions. As a mater of fact, Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are about to introduce legislation which would limit credit card interest rates to 15%. An interesting concept, but as usual it's a progressive misconception of a problem with no thought to what the consequences would be. You see, Bernie & stupid, credit card rates are not an inequality of rich & poor, but an inequality of those with a good credit rating and those with a bad or very bad one. People with good credit ratings get great rates & great deals. Those with poor ratings and bad credit history are saddled with extremely high rates, yearly fees and draconian penalties. Forcing Credit Card companies to provide a flat interest rate of 15% to all will cause companies to stop giving credit to those with bad credit ratings. Trust me on that!
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What's Biden's overall view of illegal aliens?
He say's "they are already Americans"

It's sad to see where these people want to take the country.
Sad to see people parroting the president in name calling.
As sad as the names the President is called right here 24/7?
I'm actually fine with that. I think that's a reasonable, human emotion. By all means, let's make sure they have access to the help they need. And - if they're undocumented - when they're feeling better, they can get out of the country and go back home. And if they incur some kind of cost, I expect to them to be as responsible for paying their bill as any citizen.
By the way, we will make a note about the fact that they snuck into the country illegally and that will count against them if they should ever try to enter the country again.
Meanwhile, we should be doing what we can to ensure that as few people as possible enter the country illegally in the first place.
And do you think it might be an incentive for others to come?
Of course it can be, although we already require hospitals to treat anyone who comes in to their emergency rooms. The place where I think Biden and I part ways is that he would take no action against people living here illegally and it sounds like he is talking about ordinary care for those people. I wouldn't allow illegal aliens to stay long enough to be getting regular care.