War alert: US could use nuclear weapons for ‘decisive results' - shock deleted document

THE US military appeared to suggest it would consider using nuclear weapons for “decisive results” and to create “stability” in a document that has since been deleted.

The document, which was called “Nuclear Weapons: Planning and Targeting”, was published last week by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was taken down from the Pentagon’s website soon after, but a copy had been preserved by the federation of American Scientist. One passage said: “Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability.
What could possibly go wrong?!
Anyone suggesting a nuclear response with Iran is incompetent to hold office...
Yeah let's start with the man on top General Dunford.
President Barack Obama nominated Dunford to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on May 5, 2015. Then we can move on to the vice Chairman another Obama appointee General
Paul J. Selva
Obama had us in an agreement with Iran but Trump screwed that deal.
This paper was published by these Obama appointees. Didn't you just say they are incompetent?
I do not give one rat's patoot about what hapoened years ago. Anyone, today, who is suggesting a nuclear response with Iran for shooting down a dumbass drone is a madman. Also, Trump is incompetent...
These are the Chairman and Vice Chairman today. They are still the same ones Obama appointed and they published the paper not Trump.
Trump is as transparent as cellophane. You can see right through him...
Nice find.
Here are more, all I did was Google - trump twitter Obama Iran.
As someone that guarded SACs nukes in the 80s , I can say my thoughts are if a conflict ever got to the point of using them seems normal and prudent, its a conflict we most likely shouldn't have gotten into