‘National embarrassment’ Matt Gaetz hit with wave of mockery for unhinged attack on Mueller: ‘The human embodiment of a Hannity monologue’

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) furiously peppered former special counsel Robert Mueller with conspiracy theories gleaned from Fox News — and he was met with a tsunami of mockery.
The Florida Republican shouted out wild claims about former British spy Christopher Steele, whom he accused of making up salacious allegations against President Donald Trump, and an alleged Russian conspiracy to harm the former reality TV star’s election chances
Ok, Gohmert, Gym Jordan & national embarrassment Matt Gaetz have had their turn. Any others left to sit in the front seat of the GOP clown car?? # muellerhearings
Rep Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., accuses Mueller of being uninterested in prosecuting Steele.
Mueller: This issue is under investigation elsewhere in the Justice Department and consequently, its not within his purview. DOJ/FBI should be responsive to questions on this particular issue.
Gaetz knows there are many fine decaffeinated brands on the market, right
Matt Gaetz is the equivalent of all caps tweeting
Does the fact that @ mattgaetz 's twitter bio include a quote from Trump saying Gaetz is handsome crack the top 10 most embarrassing things about him? I'm not sure it does.
“Matt Gaetz is not a legislator. He’s an entertainer.” — Paul Ryan, former Speaker of the House, unsolicited. https://www. amazon.com/American-Carna ge-Front-Republican-President/dp/006289644X …
Matt Gaetz is basically the human embodiment of a Hannity monologue. He's grilling Mueller about Christopher Steele and the dossier.
He really is deranged Especially since he's trying to tell the deranged something
No wonder the once Grand Old Party of Lincoln is now known merely as "the gop"...
It wasn’t known as the Grand old party until years after Lincoln died.
Goetz = Putz
Cuckoo for cocopuffs....another moronic imbecile.