For MM. There were about 200 Humpback whale here for nearly a week. They were leaving AK with their calves after feeding all summer, on their way to Hawaii for the winter. So close you could hear them breathing. Could not pet them though, Any way if you did, Fish and Game would arrest you for Marine Mammal Harassment!
A little more friendly conversation bm, What is bm??? Bad M????I thought this was a nice video..thanks...
Thanks bm, the only thing I recognize is the fish bowl, that's how I know its BF...
Thanks Six, something pleasant to look at...
Good thing this big boy didn't decide he wanted a ride as well.....
I love this! Aren't they cute?
I didn't know that about sea lion bites . They didn't earn the name sea LION for nothing ...
Cool video CM.
Why are animal videos always great?
Thanks for this one!