Evangelicals finally find the one Trump obscenity they can't abide.

President Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr. watches during of commencement ceremonies at the school in Lynchburg, Va., in 2017. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)
To the many believers and non-believers alike who can’t figure out why the religious right sticks by a president who so completely embodies each of the Seven Deadly Sins (while inventing a few new ones), we have encouraging news: Some white evangelicals are finally getting fed up with Donald Trump’s behavior.
And which of Trump’s many transgressions against decency is, at last, driving these pious folks to rethink their enthusiasm for this most impious president? Is it his cruelty toward migrant children? His winking embrace of support from white supremacists? His slavish admiration for brutal foreign dictators? His adultery? His prodigious lying? All of the above?
Actually, it’s none of the above. All that stuff is apparently just fine with these self-proclaimed servants of God.
And which of Trump’s many transgressions against decency is, at last, driving these pious folks to rethink their enthusiasm for this most impious president? Is it his cruelty toward migrant children? His winking embrace of support from white supremacists? His slavish admiration for brutal foreign dictators? His adultery? His prodigious lying? All of the above?
Actually, it’s none of the above. All that stuff is apparently just fine with these self-proclaimed servants of God.
As reported by Politico , some of Trump’s evangelical supporters are telling him the flock is restless over the language he uses when he goes off-script at his rallies, which is basically always. Their main concern is with “goddamn” — which Trump, in his ceaseless eloquence, uses as a catch-all adverb when he runs out of “verys.”
Cheating on his wives, ripping people off, lying almost constantly, sexual assault, walking in and out of teen girls dressing rooms, paying off porn stars, etc... But this, "goddamn", is what pushed them over the edge?
Are you fucking goddamn kidding me?
Back in probably 1971 or 1972 Larry Jones, who would later on found Feed The Children, conducted a two week tent revival in my small Oklahoma home town. One of his sermons in that series was on blasphemy which he assured us was a surefire one-way guaranteed ticket to eternal damnation in Hell. According to Larry just one good, "Goddamn" would sure enough land you in The Lake Of Fire forever and ever and evermore. This was real olde time hellfire and damnation stuff we're talking about. Though it was tame compared with Larry's two night stemwinding sermon on The Passion of Christ. You could practically feel the lashes and the thorns and the nails. If Larry could not talk you into coming forward to accept, "The Blood of the Lamb of God", you probably couldn't be saved. Larry Jones eventually was run off from Feed The Children for financial corruption, gross immortality and even filming the ministry's women employees in the lady's room...
Yep, they all fall eventually. I mean, that list is so long I don't even know where to start. Good info though..
As Jimmy Cliff sung "the harder they come, the harder they fall".
As most faux Christians do some of those things themselves, they will remain silent about it.
I have finally found something I have in common with evangelicals.
West Virginia state Sen. Paul Hardesty says he got calls from Trump-supporting evangelical constituents after a Trump rally in North Carolina last month, complaining that the president was “using the Lord’s name in vain” with comments like: “If you don’t support me, you’re going to be so goddamn poor.”
When they get into the voting booth and think about who they want to replace Ginsburg and if they want their taxes increased they will stick with Trump no matter how many times he says Goddamn.
What? Do you mean these devout followers of the teachings of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him, BTW) will be motivated by the lust for mere lucre?
I am shocked-- shocked I tell you!
...have a state that isn't completely flat broke.
Good luck! She has already said many time she will not retire while trump is in office.
She’s 86 now has has recently been treated for both lung and pancreatic cancer.
Yea, I know, every time she has a health issue, fox news runs a story so the trolls can openly pray for her to die...such good Christians.
I've never personally witnessed anyone hoping for her death but I have seen many, many celebrations of liberals online when a conservative passes away. The recent Koch brother passing is a prime example. Even dumbasses like Bill Maher, on national TV, celebrated the death.
Why do I foresee liberal faux outrage when RBG does pass away, and somebody tweets her death as if it is a positive. The butthurt will once again be extreme.
blah, blah, blah,... look! over there!
I don't hear many self righteous hypocrites calling out rwnj death wishing of RBG. David Koch is already dead. false equivalency. I did hear some fake concern for her health on local ass licking trumpster am radio stations that are owned by thumper scum. their collective consensus was RBG live out her last remaining days in retirement, and that serving on the SCOTUS could only add to the deterioration of her poor health. a bible thumping SCOTUS was inevitable.
Next time there is a story about RBG, go to fox news and read the comments. You are in for an eye opener.
Yea, I took a jab at Koch, but he was a disgusting individual too that supported white supremacists. Before you say, "HA!!!!!! I knew it!!!!!!!!!", I was also the one that started the article about the late great Barbara Bush who was an extraordinary woman and fantastic first lady.
That was expected...everything else was just drivel
We know you did...Are you going to show faux outrage when she does pass away and someone makes a comment that hurts your feeeeelings?
Barbara Bush was a wonderful woman and not really a conservative, but more neutral. If she were a conservative like Hillary is a liberal, I'm sure your comments would have been far different.
How come every time a republican gets admiration or praise from 'the other side' they get the 'they aren't really conservative' treatment? Instead of seeing it as a positive it gets turned into a negative. WTF?
It won't slow her down. She is one tuff cookie.
Evangelicals supporting trump... Sure, if you want to make Jesus cry.
Evangelicals literally don't support ANYTHING Jesus preached. It's a meme, sure, but it's damn accurate too.
Faux christians every one of them.
To explain 'christian fundamentalist' adoration for Trump can not be explained because a normal/moral explanation ceases to exist.
Rather it may be prudent to ponder the possibility/probability that 'common Evangelical' vernacular is dead, smitten by the religious upon their own religion. Worldwide, this explanation explains the peculiarity religion is having upon religion.
A true example is the religious strangeness of The Bob Jones University which in its core teachings is abject of anything and everything taught and shown by Jesus.
What they say is that their support for Trump is transactional, he is giving them what they want; they know he's a POS. Unfortunately for them, abortion & LGBT rights are ships that have sailed. Even if Roe v. Wade is repealed, it will only mean that the poor in Republican controlled states will not have access to safe abortions. And, like Ireland, eventually that will give way when people see how it makes the lives of the poor so much more miserable.
While they know they have exposed their extreme hypocrisy, what I don't think they see is that by allying with someone like Trump they have doomed themselves. Trump is the worst example of an American, stupid, boorish, immoral, greedy, vindictive, ..., and evangelicals have become foot soldiers for his corruption. They should be standing up for morality and character, but they are not. The younger generation sees them for the frauds that they are, so they are ultimately doomed.
"Support for Trump is transactional." Your words.
I will accept that------however when speaking of modern day christianity the only transactional transactions are legers of investment and profit.
This was true long before Trump, but Trump has enabled their increase in investments.
They will vote for him because they are confident that he will pick scotus judges based on an anti abortion litmus test. My feeling is that, if reelected, Trump will abandon them as no longer needed in his desire to create an oligarchy here.
I think you may have touched on something here. I understand that trmp is not happy with Chief Justice Roberts
Yeah, the 'abortion litmus test' is a winner for the christian taliban, hence the judicial picks.
However, hidden in those details are a judiciary willing and driven to reorder the American social structure based on wealth and the influence wealth demands. The abortion 'thing' is a feint. Those who need abortion in the upper classes will have them. Make no mistake about that.
Better question. Is Trump happy with Melania?
It is absolutely a feint. If Trump is reelected he will abandon them on election day. He doesn't give two shits about children born or unborn. The litmus test will go out the window and only corporate oligarch judges will be considered regardless of their stance on abortion.