'He's losing his s---': Trump's advisers are increasingly worried about his mental state following days of erratic behavior

Trump said he skipped a diplomatic trip to monitor Hurricane Dorian. Then he spent the weekend golfing.

- President Donald Trump's aides and confidants are concerned about his mental state after days of erratic behavior and wild outbursts.
- "His mood changes from one minute to the next based on some headline or tweet, and the next thing you know his entire schedule gets tossed out the window because he's losing his s---," one former White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations about the president, told Insider.
- Trump has spent the past several days fixated on his false claim that Alabama was going to be hit by Hurricane Dorian. He has also taken time to lob attacks at his perceived enemies, like the actress Debra Messing, former FBI Director James Comey, and the "LameStream media."
- "He's deteriorating in plain sight," one Republican strategist who is in frequent contact with the White House told Insider on Friday.
- But one person who was close to Trump's legal team during the Russia investigation told Insider his public statements were "nothing compared to what he's like behind closed doors."
- "He's like a bull seeing red," this person added. "There's just no getting through to him, and you can kiss your plans for the day goodbye because you're basically stuck looking after a 4-year-old now. "
"No one knows what to expect from him anymore," one former White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations about the president, told Insider.
They added: "His mood changes from one minute to the next based on some headline or tweet, and the next thing you know his entire schedule gets tossed out the window because he's losing his s---."
It's OK, his defenders say there's nothing going on, and lefties are just over reacting
I wonder how his defenders will justify him inviting Taliban leaders to Camp David.
on almost the 911 anniversary yet...
Could you imagine the outcry uproar if say a Democratic Clinton or Obama had scheduled as much ???
This is something that is really scary. We're back in the days of worrying about the mood of the king. If the king's in a bad mood, we have to avoid/placate him so as to avoid some disastrous action. This isn't something that I feel is happening, I've been reading stories where this is how people around Trump are behaving.
This latest extravaganza over Dorian in Alabama is incredibly worrisome. We have a mentally ill president.
Left wing news rag reports that anonymous sources say President Trump is losing it...In other news the dumbing down of the left continues.
This narrative has been fed to the left ever since President Trump won. Always with anonymous sources.
We don't have to listen to anybody but Trump to know he is in the throes of dementia. Now that the 'adults' have all left his clusterfuck administration, the wheels are off the bus, and the insanity is all driven by Trump himself. Instead of twisting into pretzels trying to deflect and defend the indefensible, try dealing with the reality we all (the entire WORLD) sees and understand the Trump defense and lies just don't work anymore. Its all unraveling in front of our faces and nobody can stop it, no matter how many 'MO has a dick' seeds show up.
It was obvious from the get-go that Trump was incredibly stupid, in fact, I don’t know anyone personally that is that stupid. Unfortunately, he has degenerated considerably from then. How clear does this reality have to be for his obsequious supporters to get a clue?
Because of Trump, Iran is enriching Uranium again, North Korea can do anything it wants, nothing is being done about Russian interference in our elections, if fact, Trump shills for Putin every chance he gets, the deficit that Obama drove down by 2/3s has almost doubled, many of our allies have been alienated, businesses all across this country are being damaged and destroyed by Trump’s idiotic trade war, and, Trump has spent the last few days trying to justify his sharpie mods to a weather map. Trump is fussing that pointing out his stupidity is fake news. Pointing out Trump’s stupidity isn’t actually news at all.
If you tell Trump he's pretty or give him money, you're in, otherwise you're out; it's that simple.
WTF R U Talking about...?
Trump is dumber than a celery stalk
Crazier than a Rabid Rattler Trippin on ACID !
and NO, i don't know how a snake that slithers, can TRIP !
Time to admit, PEOPLE FCKD UP Already !
yea, and who needs a complex potUS...
we have one with all sorts of complex's !!
Stop fake news? Anything like altering a map with a sharpie to make it look like trump wasn't wrong? Fake news? Trump spreads more than anyone.
Your CDS is showing.
You are the one feeding into a unsubstantiated report.
Anti Trumpers are so used to feeding from the trough full of bullshit lies they couldn't discern the truth if MO whipped it out for them.
Remember when trump said the Stormy Daniels story was all fake news? Crowd sizes? You do realize that almost literally everything trump has claimed was, "fake news" has turned out to be true? 12,000 lies in under three years? And you want to say it's other spreading fake news?
P.T. Barnum was right.
Remember when a bunch of Anti Trumpers fed into a bullshit unsubstantiated story about President Trumps Mental health?
So you have nothing but childish BS and deflection. You have a nice day and seek help for your CDS.
Deflection? Coming from the guy that has to bring up President Trump when talking about the weather? that's Hillaryious.
You have a nice day and enjoy your TDS, there is no help for you.
"Fake news"? Trump "lost it" a long time ago. Now we have to wonder if there are any of his supporters left who haven't "lost it" too.
He got blow jobs from a porn star and told her she reminded him of his daughter.
Take your pick.
So I guess paying off a porn star and lying about it is just fine with you then.
Surprised he didn't try to stiff her...
well he probably tried at least, just couldn't!
Personally I suspect this is a fake story. If they claim the President is acting erratically, my quest would be, "compared to whom?". Trump has never showed any consistency since he often contradicts himself from 1 sentence to the next.
"People are used to the president saying things that aren't true, but this Alabama stuff is another story," the former official said. "This was the president sending out patently false information about a national-emergency situation as it was unfolding."
Trump's latest outbursts on the matter came Friday as he railed against the media for fact-checking him on the claim.
'He's deteriorating in plain sight'
As of Friday evening, Trump had posted 15 tweets and five maps about Alabama and the storm to try to prove his original tweet was correct, despite the fact that he'd been publicly rebuked by the National Weather Service. He also showed reporters an altered map of the storm's path on Wednesday to defend his claims, a move that may be illegal , according to federal law.
Can't lose what you never really had.
Trump's life before becoming 'a public dude' consisted of penthouse to limousine to private airplane to limousine to penthouse. And all of it on other people's money. He is still the same guy. Protected, protected and protected. I wonder why.
In reality, nobody really knows Donald J. Trump. He is in himself, a secret.
Has any other President gone directly from office to a locked dementia ward?
He could of just skipped the 'Office' part, and went straight from deranged citizen to straight jacket.
In a perfect world it would surely be so...
Joking aside... Trump is showing a lot of signs of dementia. That's reality..
Even with Dementia he had enough wits to defeat Hillaryious Hillary with her seizures and pissing down her leg.
You are affirming that fake news about Hillary , such as we saw perpetrated on this very forum in 2016, had an effect on gullible voters and helped Trump win the election.