Rush Limbaugh Is Now Ripping Into Fox News

US radio talk show host and conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh looks on before introducing
US President Donald Trump to deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again rally in Cape Girardeau, MO on
November 5, 2018. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
Rush Limbaugh is following in President Trump’s footsteps in attacking Fox News.
“We’ve even got Never Trumpers now all over Fox News,” Limbaugh said, before mocking unspecified anti-Trump guests who have been featured on the network. “’Well, this phone call is very hard to defend. I wouldn’t want to have to defend this phone call. If I were the Republicans, I wouldn’t want…’ There’s nothing hard to defend about the phone call! You just don’t want to defend it!”
Limbaugh then said that Fox News should change its name to the “Fox Never Trumper Network”.
Trump has been increasingly hostile toward Fox News, musing that the network is “different, there’s no question about it.”
Limbaugh also argued that “Never Trumpers” fail to recognize that “conservatism’s under assault” and that they’d “rather be friends with these nincompoops on the left than have to defend [their] own side.”
Listen to Limbaugh rip into Fox beginning at the 1:00 mark:
“But if Trump is hard to defend, what about conservatism, you Never Trumpers? Can you defend that?” Limbaugh said. “Do you not understand that conservatism’s under assault? You may not be because you’re renouncing conservatism to sidle up with these guys that you don’t want to be criticized by.”
Limbaugh is merely trying out for Trump's new post politics game show. "So You Think You Can Ass Kiss", where they line up 10 GOP Congressmen and each week they compete for the deepest ass kissing. Until, in the finale they crowned "Colon Cleaner Extraordinaire" as the deepest ass kisser and is awarded Trump election support.
Lindsey Graham has already been practicing for the first season for over a year now.
So what's the big deal?
Fox News is fake news . . . everybody knows that!
He needs more oxy and viagra and a trip to the Dominican
The guys a real nutcase and a total sleaze:
Limbaugh. Under everything, over paid and well fed.
The most important criteria for being a Trumper. Except of course for those that make the backdrop of the 'sea of MAGA hats.'
He would have gone down on The Good Ship Nixon, too