Lindsey Graham accuses Donald Trump of telling a ‘lie’ about defeat of ISIS in Syria

FILE -- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington (Gabriella Demczuk/The New York Times)
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is accusing President Donald Trump of misleading the American people.
The South Carolina Republican wasn’t referring to Trump maintaining his innocence regarding a phone call he had with the Ukrainian president where he suggested the foreign government might investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
Graham was, instead, talking about Trump’s decision late Sunday night to withdraw American troops from northern Syria on the grounds that the war has been won against the radical terrorist group known as ISIS.
“The biggest lie being told by the administration is that ISIS has been defeated,” Graham declared Monday morning in a phone interview aired live on Fox and Friends.
Related :
1. Trump abandoning Kurdish partners in Syria sends a chilling message to every other American ally
2. ISIS Is Regaining Strength In Iraq And Syria
3. Why I Support The Kurds, The Indians Of The Middle East.
The South Carolina Republican wasn’t referring to Trump maintaining his innocence regarding a phone call he had with the Ukrainian president where he suggested the foreign government might investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
Graham was, instead, talking about Trump’s decision late Sunday night to withdraw American troops from northern Syria on the grounds that the war has been won against the radical terrorist group known as ISIS.
Lindsey Graham is seeing the writing on the wall. He now has to show some token resistance to Trump, so as to cover his own ass should the impeachment succeed. Graham has sold his soul to Trump, lock, stock, and barrel and is now seeing that Trump may go down. He is also realizing that if Trump does go, his narcissism will take everybody with him as Rick Perry has now discovered.
Trump is an anchor, and he will drag everyone attached to him to the bottom as well.
I dunno about Graham seeing the writing on the wall. I think he sticks his finger in the wind to determine which side he's going come down on that day
You are correct, and he is seeing the wind starting to change direction. He needs to figure out which side of the ship to abandon from.
“The campaign is over,” Graham said when a Fox News host asked whether the senator should be surprised that Trump would take this action. “I expect the American president to do what’s in our national security interests. It’s never in our national security interests to abandon an ally who has helped us fight ISIS. It is never in our national security interests to create conditions for the reemergence of ISIS.”
“This impulsive decision by the president has undone all the gains we’ve made (and) thrown the region into chaos,” Graham added.
Graham is a moron. Syria is not in chaos now? Syria is the very definition of chaos. A civil war that has expanded into a never ending proxy war. We have the butt munch duo of Bush Jr and Obama to thank for that.
So what is the solution? Continue as is in a never ending proxy war wasting money and lives (even if they are not US lives right now)? Start WWIII and remove Assad? Get real.
How about we look at the rest of the damn world for a change and ask them to step to the plate? Put their money and military on the line for a change. If the Kurds are such a noble cause then the world should be happy to intervene.
As for ISIS/ISIL. You cannot defeat an ideology. As a military force they are finished in Syria and Iraq. They have moved onto greener pastures in Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan, and Africa. Also, Russia, China, and Iran are in Syria- all with vested interests in that country. A resurgent ISIS/ISIL is not in their best interests. Nor is letting Turkey invade the northern part of Syria.
The Kurds are negotiating with Syria already; but the Russians don't seem too interested. Of course they have no desire to see the Kurds form a Kurdistan. Nor does the rest of the middle east. That is about the one thing they can all agree on.
Trump doesn't care about national security. Trump cares about Trump. Lindsey Graham sees the US pulling out prematurely and sacrificing the Kurds who are an important ally. Trump sees an opportunity to lie about winning and say isis is defeated. That's all he needs right now. His base only hears "bla bla bla isis is defeated bla bla bla Mexico will pay bla bla bla.
I think we figured that out already after the first ISIS attack after Trump's BS announcement.
Let us know when Lindsey grows a ball. Half a ball doesn't cut it....
More background information:
Syria is a sovereign country. Turkey is a member of NATO. The Kurds are a separatist group. ISIS in Syria is being used as a smokescreen to justify proxy war with Iran, Russia, China, and God knows who else.
Nation building doesn't work for the United States. Nation building can't be done democratically; nation building requires war against a civilian population. The United States isn't aligned with the government of Syria; the US is aligned with separatists who are proxies engaged in war against a civilian population to overthrow the government of Syria and Turkey. And those proxies have a history of cooperating with Al Qaeda, ISIS, or any other group that aids in their war against a civilian population.
Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey is negotiating to become a member of the EU based on being a member of the European Economic Council that preceded the EU. Turkey has aligned itself with Europe. Why doesn't Europe impose some restraint on Turkey? Why is it necessary for the United States to confront Turkey in Syria by supporting Kurdish separatists as proxies?
Why is it necessary for the United States to fight a proxy war against NATO and Europe by confronting Turkey in Syria?
Senator Lindsey Graham speaking out against removing US troops from Syria provides a forum for Republican debate. Trump is changing the Republican Party. The question that needs to be addressed is whether or not Republicans want to go back to the Cold War strategy of nation building and endless proxy wars. Graham highlights the need for Republicans to choose. Which will it be? Should the United States try to build a nation for the Kurds by fighting the entire world? Or should the United States acknowledge that nation building has been a distraction that has weakened our country?