Trump Administration Considers 14,000 More Troops for Mideast!
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 6 years ago • 5 commentsBy: Gordon Lubold and Nancy A. Youssef - Wall Street Journal

The Trump administration is considering a significant expansion of the U.S. military footprint in the Middle East

Photo: AP Photo/Steve Helber
WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is considering a significant expansion of the U.S. military footprint in the Middle East to counter Iran, including dozens more ships, other military hardware and as many as 14,000 additional troops, U.S. officials said.
The deployment could double the deployment of U.S. military personnel who have been sent to the region since May . . . . . .
The Trump administration is considering a significant expansion of the U.S. military footprint in the Middle East to counter Iran, including dozens more ships, other military hardware and as many as 14,000 additional troops, U.S. officials said.
This is in addition to the other recent troops deployments our beloved "Neo-con-in-Chief" has sent to the region.
This is in addition to the other recent troops deployments our beloved "Neo-con-in-Chief" has sent to the region.
Here's what he did way back in October:
Trump’s curious defense for deploying more troops to Saudi Arabia
In the face of widespread condemnations and evidence of horrific failure, Donald Trump has tried to defend his new policy in Syria by stressing a specific principle: the president is desperate to bring U.S. troops home.
“The same people who got us into the Middle East mess are the people who most want to stay there!” the Republican on Twitter this morning.
It was against this backdrop, however, that the Trump administration announced on Friday afternoon that it’s sending 2,800 more American troops to Saudi Arabia.
During a brief Q&A with reporters, the president faced the obvious question:
“Mr. President, why are you sending more troops to Saudi Arabia when you just said it’s a mistake to be in the Middle East?”
MY guess as to his reply.
"Good question, let me give you the answer. But first, does anyone know the area code for Moscow? I have it on speed dial on my other phone."
There are many stories online that state the Pentagon denies this story.
Not sure we should believe this considering the vast amount of false information media outlets have had to retract about this President.
I'm going to repeat that and bold and underline the important part:
In other words, no such decision has been made. We have no idea about who might have suggested it or what options he is weighing - assuming any of this is true.
But sure let's freak out because the president might be considering something. We can add it to his long list of thought-crimes. Something tells me he's considering things all the time and most of them never happen.
Now if it does happen, expect everyone who freaked out about him pulling troops out of Syria to be inflamed that he would send troops somewhere else in the Middle East. Being angry about everything Trump does is our newest "sure thing" right alongside death and taxes.